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Topics - Eryk

Pages: [1]
Drama / Let me clear things up.....
« on: February 10, 2014, 01:10:54 AM »
Jesus Christ, let me explain my whole life story.

Before I start, let me tell you this: This game has caused me so much game in the past I can't even describe it amazingly.

It all started, when I was 1. My dad died of cancer in 2004. I was left alone with my grandparents for 5 months because my mom suffered of a mental disease. There, at my grandparents house, I was treated REALLY poorly and I was barely provided with enough stuff to cover myself. When I was two, I was living with my mom who had just recovered from that same disease. She treated me very poorly, I was abused frequently. When I was three, I was introduced to the world of computers. I played around with DOS operating systems, and as well Windows XP. When I was 4, I went to preschool and had a good time there. I had troubles with my motor skills, and I picked on kids often though. When I was five, my brother introduced me to a game called "Blockland", I fell in love with it, and played for a while. I was frequently called names like "friend", and "Dumbstuff", but I didn't know what that meant. When I was 6, I took Blockland a little more seriously, and asked my mom for my own key. She said no, but I later got one. When I was 7, I was diagnosed with 8 mental disorders, Bi-Polar, ADD, ADHD, Apserger's Syndrome, ODD, OCD, and some more I can't remember. When I was 8, I finally got a Blockland key, and here's where the torture begins, I was frequently tormented, people tracked my mom's phone number and credit card, and trolled me commonly. I then took a long break from the game, and that didn't loving stop it. People called my home phone, and tracked my e-mail and signed me up for research and stuff like that. When I was 9, I matured a little, and got used to people calling me bad names. Well, not all the way. I had 3 Self Delete attempts that year, and I was sent to a mental hospital after my 3rd one. And since I am ten now, you all know me as Keith, or HedRokkA, I have been tormented numerous times due me having autism and what-not. I do realize that I can't change, and I might never, but I tell you, as I am writing this, I am in a group home right now.

I want to say thank-you to Johnny Blockhead and others for actually being my friend, and not loving making me want to kill myself more.

It's been a long journey, my life has. And you friends made it worse.

Goodbye, all. I will remember this place as my worst nightmare.

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Off Topic / 3mucheuphoria5me
« on: February 09, 2014, 04:25:15 PM »

pls halp meh em begoming uferic pls halp

Off Topic / Eryk's Hosting Minecraft
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:53:18 PM »

yeah, i'm using a namechange plugin because my full name is Eryktehwulrup, but I changed it to Eryk, so people could easily do /tp Eryk.

I also hired this guy named johhnny1ace (I know about his forum account and his alts), he seems good enough to do the job.

Off Topic / What is jah first thought when listening to this?
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:33:15 PM »

Listen through.

Please don't insult my country. :)

General Discussion / moved
« on: February 06, 2014, 11:29:33 PM »
wrong place, i hope this saved a mod from having to move this.


Off Topic / I need an exterminator.
« on: February 05, 2014, 04:57:10 PM »
I Have A Scary gHost problem.


Off Topic / for-profit colleges......
« on: February 03, 2014, 12:04:51 AM »
Welp, I was going to the grocery store with my brother today. We were sitting in the car, talking about games and such, and then he brings up this "ITT Tech" stuff. I know EVERYTHING about ITT Tech. I know the scams involved with it, I know about the legal action taken towards it, and I know it doesn't get you anywhere in life (it can, but, it's unlikely). My brother was talking about enrolling in it, and immediately while he was talking about it, I said "ITT is a scam, DON'T GO FOR IT," he says, "How do you know, you're not even close to college?" I then pull out my phone, and look up "ITT Tech scam", and I am brought up with millions of discussion boards and what-not about the fraud. My brother looked, and said "You can't always trust the internet, I bet these guys are being payed to say that stuff."

I'm loving scared for my bro, I don't want him to end up flipping burgers in Mc. Donald's.

Post any experiences similar and whatnot.

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