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Topics - WolvFire

Pages: [1]
Add-Ons / Weapon_HandR and Weapon_HandL [NEWW!1 Weapon_HandBoth]
« on: February 20, 2017, 03:09:26 AM »

A version of what my friend Table Salt did but you also have a left hand version and both hand

Feature List:
 - raises your right hand
 - or your left
 - maybe u have a hook too, idk if that works (it does)
 - i had permission to do this since he was too lazy to do it himself
 - now includes a both hand version for nonan!


here's the other topic

Drama / Trent Mays (BLID: 16255) Crashing my Server
« on: August 25, 2016, 07:48:39 PM »
So I was hosting Simon Says today, having a great time, server full of players, when suddenly somebody by the username of "Trent Mays" connects, says "good night everybody" and starts disconnecting and reconnecting repeatedly. He forced me to close my server.

This person ended up ultimately just crashing my game, because even after shutting it down I was lagging to hell and back.

Same person as shown in this thread:
"Amanda Todd (ID 16255) - DDoS attempts"

Person needs to be revoked, ruined mine and many other's fun.

(Apologies if page stretch, I don't exactly remember the image resize codes)

Suggestions & Requests / Counter-Strike Helmet
« on: March 27, 2016, 06:52:21 PM »
What I want is a helmet that can be equipped then gets removed from the inventory, that blocks against a single headshot to the player, then breaks. Kind of like when you purchase Kevlar + Helmet in Counter-Strike.

Suggestions & Requests / Turn-Based Strategy Styled Mod
« on: August 17, 2015, 01:44:09 AM »
Selector: Can be aimed at a unit to select them
Checker: Can be aimed at a tile to check if the selected unit can be moved to that location
Action: Can be aimed at a tile to move the selected unit to that tile, or can be aimed at another unit to fire

It could use a simple bot that does nothing until told to.

It should have its own brick that is 4x4 and flat, that does nothing unless used with the Selector, Checker, or Action items.
-When this brick is selected with a unit on it, it turns visible and green until deselected.
-When this brick is used with the checker, it will turn visible and green if the selected can move to that tile
-When this brick is used with the checker, it will turn visible and red if the selected unit is too far to move to that tile

After selecting a unit, using the Action item on another unit after selecting one of your own, will cause that unit to open fire on the other unit.

Custom unit types as different player-types could be used and I would like that.
It doesn't have to be overly complicated, just the things above or something similar.
If more bricks could be made to act as objectives that'd be wonderful, for example:
-A brick that causes one team to win when moved onto
-A brick that requires a certain amount of turns being stood on by a team to win for that team
 (those might be contradicting me saying it doesn't need to be over-complicated)

Units bodies staying upon death'd be nice aswell, just not being able to be physically collided with by other units so its easy to walk over.

Nothing has to be the same, it can be completely different from everything I mentioned, it can be very simple.
I don't care really, I just want something like this since I love turn-based strategy and I really want to be able to use it with the amount of freedom Blockland gives to do what you want.
More ideas on what could be done in this'd be nice.

Gallery / Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria (Screenstretch? Screenstretch.)
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:49:18 AM »
I spent a small amount of time working on this, then stopped working on it for a month or so, then finished it. (not completely though) I would like constructive criticism, a rating would also be nice.
On with the pictures!
 /\   /\
(/ ・ 3・)/    HUZZAH!
 |      |

The office, with the left light on and the right door closed.

Left hallway.

Le party room!

View of le party room from the stage.

Pirate Cove
Sign can be activated on each letter saying "Out" "Of" "Order".

Parts room.
(EDIT: My good friend Skippy helped me with the heads, I'll update the images in a while, if I don't get around to it yell at me with a post.)

The stage.

The bathroom hallway.

The bathrooms. (Same in boys and girls)

The stall. (Same in both, again)

A top view of the map, kind of pointless :/
 /\   /\
(/ > 3\)   Off to bed!
 |       |
(I swear if anybody quotes the entire topic...)

EDIT: Added Poll

Gallery / The Blockhead Worm
« on: November 29, 2014, 02:56:21 AM »
The Blockhead Worm Sorry for screen stretch

While screwing around and doing this with my friends I started laughing so much it hurt and my eyes were watering so much I couldn't see to type anything.

Rate on the WTF factor if you want to.

Help / Unabled to use any form of events.
« on: July 31, 2014, 05:54:04 AM »
When ever I try to edit or create events after hosting, the events either don't function, or don't exist (they delete themselves randomly).

If I use bricks that come with events already added to them (Doors, etc.) the events work fine, but the moment I open the GUI and click "Send" they events become broken, then the next time I check the events menu, the events are gone. And the usual thing that would open the next slot for eventing, it doesn't automatically do it, (To better explain, if I chose "onActivate" the next slot would usually automatically select so I could just scroll in it and choose the event, then the next [_____] would open)

I have attached the console file.
Highlights from the console:
base/client/scripts/allClientScripts.cs (21514): Unknown command getSelected.
  Object (32727) GuiTextEditCtrl -> GuiTextCtrl -> GuiControl -> GuiControl -> SimGroup -> SimSet -> SimObject ->
ERROR: serverCmdAddEvent() - invalid target class.  %inputEventIdx:0 %targetIdx:4
BackTrace: ->[BotHolePackage]serverCmdAddEvent->[Slayer_Dependencies_Brick]serverCmdAddEvent->[Support_MultiSourceEvents]serverCmdAddEvent->[Server_RestrictedEvents]serverCmdAddEvent->[AdminEvents]serverCmdAddEvent->serverCmdAddEvent

The second ERROR would appear sometimes when I clicked Send in the events GUI. I have no idea what broke this, I'm really flippin' confused.

Drama / User MrSmellyB is incredibly dumb.
« on: July 23, 2014, 07:59:57 PM »
I had a friend named "MrSmellyB" and he was cool, he made pixel art and stuff on my server, he has his own pixel art server, and he didn't have RTB, so I helped him to get it, here is the chat log through Steam me and him had:

5:36 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Do you know the addon where you change server stuff and can make people admin?
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Return
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: to
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Blockland
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: ---
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: -_-
5:36 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: But thats dead
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: THE loving SERVER CONTROL STILL WORKS
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: COMPARE OUR GODDAM BL_ID'S
5:36 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: calm down stuff tard
5:36 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: HOW DO I loving KNOW THIS AND YOU DONT
5:37 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Becuz I haven't played for 3 years you loving twat
5:37 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: -_-
5:37 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: -.-
5:37 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: ಠ_ಠ
5:37 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Send me the fking download link then , i can't even go to rtb site
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: You called me a twat and a stuff tard
5:38 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: you loving caps all day
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: ITS CALLED RAEG
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I went to the loving doctah's today
5:38 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: ...
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: DOCTAH!
5:38 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: download link
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Ask nicely c:
5:38 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: please? c;
5:38 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: come to mah server
5:38 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: You typed those both creepily fast
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: lol
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: "Please? c;" *1 millisecond later* "come to mah server"
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: ONE MMILLISECOND
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: What can I say
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Creepy
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: I'm a fast typer
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Actually
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Faster
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: then
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: everyone
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: in
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: my
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: class
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Faster than anyone in my class
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I type really fast
5:39 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Download link pls c;
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: A bunch of my friends used to say I type ridiculously fast
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Ok 1 second
5:39 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: WUN SECUNT
5:40 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: nu
5:40 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Dude
5:40 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: If you flip that
5:40 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: It still says "nu"
5:40 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: im so desperate pls ssss
5:41 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Im running a server and its hard af without
5:41 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: like go into your blocklands addons folder and pull that shiz out
5:41 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I loving am
5:41 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Goooooooard
5:41 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: balls
5:41 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: "HOLY BALLS!"
5:41 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Markiplier, I don't loving know the date
5:42 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: lol
5:42 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson:
5:42 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Merry birthday
5:43 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Soo
5:44 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: What do I do
5:44 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Just drag in addons then restart blockland? ;o
5:44 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Step 1/3, Put it in your add-ons folder,
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Step 2/3, Launch the game and enable it (not in the area where all add-ons show up, there should be a "Use RTB" thing in one of the tabs before you launch)
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Step 3/3, Profit
5:45 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: tabs ?!
5:45 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: under wut tab
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Dude
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: -_-
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: There be multiple
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Things
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: In...
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Custom before you start
5:45 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Sorry im not pro and haven't used rtb in a long time ffs
5:45 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: The tabs on the left there should be something in one of them
5:45 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: calm your damn richard
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Im done helping you
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Im loving trying
5:46 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: XD
5:46 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: You have anger issues
5:46 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: I could tell
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Np
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I dont
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: "Calm your damn richard"
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: No
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I do not have anger issues
5:46 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: I'm saying that becuz you wont calm the forget down
5:46 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Listen to yourself
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: IM
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: TRYING
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: TO
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: HELP
5:46 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Toutch
5:47 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: LET ME TOUTCH YAH
5:47 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: asdkpajid
5:47 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Just find "Use RTB" somewhere before you start
5:47 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: done
5:47 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Profit
5:47 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake?
5:47 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: PROFIT
5:48 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: hdfksjgksdfjklvnxmnbm,nmnrw,gsgdf homina
5:48 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:48 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Stop saying snake
5:48 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Its annoying
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: so are you snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Ok
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: If you're seriously going to be that person
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Im removing you
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: snake
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Goodbye never liked you anyway xD
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: -_-
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: Dude you have issues
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Anger issue queer
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: Listen to youself
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I dont have anger issues
5:49 PM - [AOTΔ]MrSmellyB *Budger*: You have issues kd.
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: You're frustrating me
5:49 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: You're just plain and simple, frustrating
5:50 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: You call me a queer and you keep typing "snake"
5:50 PM - Derpy Scout Johnson: I get mad for you spamming and you say I have anger issues?

Seriously, calling me a "queer" while he spams the word "snake" and saying I have anger issues for getting mad about someone spamming and insulting me? How loving dumb are you, smelly, how, loving dumb are you?

I hosted a while ago and played with my friends with a stuff ton of add-ons and only recently have my friends been unable to connect when I host, I have no idea why it suddenly stops allowing them to join. I am really confused and can't enjoy playing with my friends and building because of this. I can't provide any information of things because this makes absolutely no sense WHY this is happening.

I just tried playing Blockland on my mom's Windows 8 computer today for the first time and when I loaded into a game none of the shaders were working. The console said something about disabling extensions in OpenGL and I have no idea what anything means with this. This game isn't very fun without shaders... dark areas in maps suck. Help, me, please.

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