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Topics - Aoki²

Pages: [1]
Drama / Nal ~ Sarcasm, Invective, Viper Memes
« on: February 03, 2015, 01:47:03 AM »


In the recent drama on blueeyes, Nal posted this:
got banned for joining, cant screencap because blockland crashed
funny, the only guy who praised him is sa on the server
These are some of the things Nal posted in blueeyes forum topic.
piece of stuff
you're loving pathetic
Calling someone a friend and a piece of stuff isn't nothing. It's rude, inappropriate and certainly something I would ban someone for; here are a few of his recent posts in the Mac vs PC thread:
apple is next to useless and is hipster garbage
it still doesn't stop the fact that apple releases a locked down piece of stuff
Because Apple is one product that is never discounted, people will always feel they are getting the best of what they're buying regardless of their knowledge of technology. stuffting on people for using a different type of phone or computer than yourself is handicapped.

If you look through Nal's recent posts here, you can see that he hasn't really done anything that important, or even meaningful; he just sort of posts around stuffting on people and making comments.


Off Topic / Implicit Association Test
« on: December 05, 2014, 03:35:25 AM »
tests to check automatic preference toward a particular class or group of people
select 'continue as a guest', accept the warning, and then select the test from the list of available tests.
if you've got the extra ten minutes, post your results

my results on the black vs white test

my results on the young vs old test

Suggestions & Requests / Way to overlap water bricks and ModTer bricks
« on: November 28, 2014, 11:56:22 PM »

Off Topic / the real blf
« on: November 21, 2014, 11:20:18 PM »

...where Frugal meets with Flashlight!

Off Topic / The forums have an auto-banner for spam links
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:08:50 PM »

it's supposed to be autismshutsthe****; 10$ spelling error

Add-Ons / Aoki's Colorset [v3.1]
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:30:12 PM »
I remade the greys and browns on my colorset; before and after pics below. top is before.

here's the new link

Gallery / i made a cabin
« on: November 15, 2014, 08:16:37 PM »
i built a 16x cabin in my freebuild today
here's some screenshots

Add-Ons / script_petMod [v2]
« on: August 21, 2014, 04:39:22 PM »
Ever wanted your own pet in Blockland?

Description: A mod that lets you use server commands to obtain an AI pet that follows you around.

Aoki - new code stuffs
halcynthis - the original pet mod
Fooly Cooly - models
Jookia - Timeout code from CityRP

Attached is a picture that shows the pets and the help command.


>added flooding
>added player check
>added a fix for pet killing messing up the id system
>added a check for numbers in pet names, pet names shouldn't have numbers
>fixed resizing

This is supposed to change the ownership of the lot and all bricks on it, but atm it's doing nothing with the bricks on the lot; can someone tell me what I did wrong here?
Code: [Select]
function fxDTSBrick::transferLot(%brick, %targetBG)
%ownerBG = getBrickGroupFromObject(%brick);


%boxSize = (getWord(%brick.trigger.scale, 0) / 2.5) * 10 SPC (getWord(%brick.trigger.scale, 1) / 2.5) * 10 SPC (getWord(%brick.trigger.scale, 2) / 2.5) * 10;
initContainerBoxSearch(%brick.trigger.getWorldBoxCenter(), %boxSize, $typeMasks::fxBrickObjectType);

while(isObject(%nBrick = containerSearchNext()))
if(!isObject(%nBrick) || !%nBrick.isPlanted)

%ownerBG = getBrickGroupFromObject(%nBrick);



Clan Discussion / Team[Qi] | hello world
« on: August 02, 2014, 10:39:05 PM »

   [Qi] is a gaming clan based on creating a interdependent and open-minded group of gamers. Our goal is to have a good time, and to try to learn something while doing it. We currently have boards for Blockland and Minecraft, but we will make boards for any game once enough members play it.

    The member application is tied into the registration at the [Qi] Forums. This is an open clan; the only reason there is an application is to prevent people from making fake accounts. You do not need to become a member to join the forums; just leave the "Why do you want to join [Qi]?" field blank. If you want to become a member of the Blockland portion of the clan, make sure to make a post in the Blockland Memberlist thread. The [Qi] clan tag is not at all mandatory, but showing support for our group is a really rad thing to do.

Official Servers:
    Official servers are run under the username [Qi]. These servers are a community effort; we favor functionality over build quality so every member can be a part of development. These servers are moderated by our official [Qi] admin staff. These admins will only keep order; it's up to you to have a good time. We are currently planning one official server.

Standalone Servers:
    Standalone servers are run by members who want to use their server to promote the clan, or members who want to host an official [Qi] server, but don't want to follow all of the official server rules. These servers are not normally moderated by the clan, so don't set your expectations too low or too high. For more info on [Qi] servers, read our server info post.

Steam Group:

Add-Ons / Client_BLIDChatLogger [v1]
« on: July 26, 2014, 01:26:34 PM »
A client-sided add-on that logs player's names in BL_ID.txt files; it also logs chat.

Log Directory: config/client/BCL/chatLogs/
Log Format: [5:43 PM][7395] Aoki: message

BL_ID Directory: config/client/BCL/data/
The purpose of the BL_ID logger is to keep track of when people change names. To view someone's previous names in-game, type "^recallID BLID," or if the player is on the same server as you "^recallName NAME."

**because of the way the mod is written, you must spawn in order to log the chat said in the loading screen;
**this is because for some reason the host's name doesn't load as a variable until you spawn

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