video of it in use (click the image):
this is some music visualizer thing i started writing a few years ago and occasionally added random stuff to it.
i thought it would be a good idea to share this with people since its no good if i keep it to myself.
ive always planned on making a better one once i make a GUI system to work with but that's unrelated.
you have to drag a wav over the executable to open it.
if you open the executable by itself it would search for song.wav in the same directory and try opening that.
there are some commandline arguments which i forgot so i would let you guys figure this out by yourself.
w - toggle fullscreen
a/f - toggle logarithmic/linear amplitude/frequency scales for the spectrogram
x/c - increase/decrease the width of the visualizer rectangle thing
z s d b - hide/unhide the various visualizer components
v - toggle the waveforms between left/right and average/difference
click the square on the top right to toggle between visualizer and histogram modes
download: image:
i might post the source if i get enough requests for it. be warned; it is very messy and i dont remember how well it is commented.