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Topics - Klarck

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / BL markup
« on: October 18, 2017, 02:57:16 AM »

this is included in some larger chatmod i'm working on
is there any way to change the font without changing the font size? that would help me make this adapt more easily to every client's chat size.

Suggestions & Requests / that abandoned "ramps unleashed" addon
« on: August 01, 2017, 08:08:39 PM »
should have posted here probably

so for whoever wants to invest the time in this, here it is.

General Discussion / abandoned ramp addon? "ramps unleashed"
« on: August 01, 2017, 03:30:29 PM »
i came across this image

together with this .blend file

while searching for more ramp addons, but i could not seem to find an actual addon.
any idea who owns this or if the addon exists? or if possible, could someone make this into an addon?

General Discussion / Upcoming mute mod?
« on: July 24, 2017, 11:15:47 AM »

General Discussion / getutc() is broken for steam blockland
« on: July 15, 2017, 06:49:16 PM »
getutc() returns simtime in seconds instead of actual UTC for steam blockland, confirmed for 3 clients.

Add-Ons / Autojet Plus
« on: July 14, 2017, 12:54:31 PM »
not going to make this topic fancy;
its an autojet that has an enhanced algorithm that causes it to be much more stable.
IN ADDITION it would keep you stationary HORIZONTALLY so that you never glide after activating autojet.
i added in a keybind that toggles whether your horizontal position is locked.

a fun thing you can try is teleporting to someone far away while autojetting and watch as you are automatically brought back precisely to where you originally were.

UPDATE 31/7/17
*cleaned the code which had unnecessary parts which were remnants from the (flawed) original autojet
*added jumping while under the target height into the algorithm

UPDATE 17/7/17
*bugfixs including autojet spamming console errors and not working if glass is offline (which i think is glass' fault and not mine)

*added a keybind where you'd automatically get autojetted to the a position above where you are looking at
*added a console command setAutojetTarget(%x, %y, %z) OR setAutojetTarget(%vector)

*changed the lower/raise keys to space and shift instead of a custom keybind

Drama / what's up with germestar
« on: July 09, 2017, 06:45:21 PM »
ive seen him with a new id (219175) as Germskimo Callspam. is he goingto be revoked again?
he also pretended to be several other people (he is incredibly gullible and would believe even the worst acting, as you might assume from the last name in the following list of names i have seen him with)

Code: [Select]
06/28/17 02:53:09 Germskimo Callspam
06/28/17 03:37:37 Abitur 2017
07/04/17 02:18:36 Germskimo Callspam
07/04/17 02:40:21 #revenge
07/07/17 23:05:05 Germskimo Callspam
07/07/17 23:16:24 Volkswirtschaftsmaster
07/08/17 04:18:17 Germskimo Callspam
07/08/17 04:35:00 Oh stuff he
07/09/17 23:54:11 Germskimo Callspam
07/10/17 00:56:31 JamJar

is anything going to be done about him this time? he told me his previous key was revoked.

Creativity / visualizer thing
« on: September 12, 2016, 12:34:45 PM »
video of it in use (click the image):

this is some music visualizer thing i started writing a few years ago and occasionally added random stuff to it.
i thought it would be a good idea to share this with people since its no good if i keep it to myself.
ive always planned on making a better one once i make a GUI system to work with but that's unrelated.

you have to drag a wav over the executable to open it.
if you open the executable by itself it would search for song.wav in the same directory and try opening that.
there are some commandline arguments which i forgot so i would let you guys figure this out by yourself.

w - toggle fullscreen
a/f - toggle logarithmic/linear amplitude/frequency scales for the spectrogram
x/c - increase/decrease the width of the visualizer rectangle thing
z s d b - hide/unhide the various visualizer components
v - toggle the waveforms between left/right and average/difference

click the square on the top right to toggle between visualizer and histogram modes


another image:

i might post the source if i get enough requests for it. be warned; it is very messy and i dont remember how well it is commented.

Off Topic / Interest in higher topics of math/computer sciences
« on: June 11, 2016, 10:44:54 PM »
recently i have been wondering, who in the BLF has interest in higher level fields of math/computer science?
by higher i mean above-highschool levels (linear algebra is an example). computer sciences could be things like cryptography.

Off Topic / which instrument is this
« on: June 03, 2016, 05:37:11 AM »
In the following audio sample (warning, loud)
is the lead instrument a saxophone or an electric guitar?
consider that the same artist made drums sound like a cello.

vote here:

Off Topic / Hard puzzle
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:10:07 PM »
My barber told me this one a long time ago and I never really spent too much time thinking about it. You can find it on my steam profile.

Two magicians are preforming a magic trick.
One of them stays inside the room while the other goes outside.
While the second magician is outside of the room, the first magician lets a participant pick 5 cards out of a deck of 52 cards.
Then, the magician looks at the cards, chooses one card and puts it in the participant's pocket.
Then, he reorders the remaining 4 cards, and lets the participant hold them.
After that, he calls the second magician to come back into the room.
What happens next is, he tells the participant to read out the 4 cards he was given in the order he was given them.
Using only that information , the second magician manages to "predict" which card is in the participant's pocket.
How did the two magicians manage to preform this magic trick?

General Discussion / possible new arg?
« on: April 23, 2016, 08:06:05 PM »
While staying on kohoutek's server, a guy named blockhead49362 joined and started acting weird. He started sending binary messages and soon enough he started doing other weird things.
I will include chat logs and all the footage i got of him.
It's worth noting that his BL_ID (49362) was not found on any of the major ID databases.

whole chat log:

some notes i have taken while he was sending those messages:
(those all appear in the chat log)
Code: [Select]



video footage: pm me for it since it's about 290 MB in size. I might upload in another time when i have time for that.
EDIT: he came back to redo's server being less cryptic. He used minigame names as his means of communication and asked us where viso is.

even more later on:

I'll include the new chatlogs tomorrow.

Gallery / [video] plate
« on: March 25, 2016, 05:29:00 PM »

Gallery / Real wave simulation
« on: March 11, 2016, 03:44:24 PM »
Port and I made this on his server today.
This is a simulation of the double slit experiment.

Gallery / [video] Rube Goldberg Machine
« on: March 05, 2016, 04:30:26 PM »
I made this in the past 3 days and I've just finished it, so I've asked vita to film it for me due to his quality editing.
I do not approve of the music used in the video.

EDIT: Here's the save file, for those who want to try it out for themselves. Make sure you have your physics settings on best and that you're not missing any bricks.

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