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Topics - Cruxeis

Pages: [1] 2 3
Add-Ons / Reconnect Button [v1.0]
« on: May 13, 2020, 09:58:25 PM »
Reconnect Button

Easily reconnect to the server that you're on, or restart a server you are hosting with a click or two.
Works with password-protected servers as well.

Planned updates for v2:
  • Dynamically space buttons just in case there's other buttons added to escape menu
  • Add support for reconnecting / restarting after password has been changed
  • Add compatiblity for use with Nexus' Escape Overlay

Add-Ons / Centered Octagonal Bricks
« on: August 20, 2016, 10:55:20 PM »
Centered Octagonal Bricks
Centered with the brick grid and they have correct UVs/textures!

v1 (8.75 KB)

Add-Ons / Melee Shotgun
« on: August 08, 2016, 10:21:20 AM »
Melee Shotgun
Normal shotgun, right click for melee attack

  • 10 bullets per shot, 15 damage per bullet
  • Melee attack does 10 damage per hit from 10 units or closer
  • Custom CI and damage types for both the bullets and the melee attack (Top is bullets, bottom is melee)

v1 (128.21 KB)

Add-Ons / Player Trigger Events
« on: July 30, 2016, 01:50:33 PM »
Player Trigger Events
Input events for jump, crouch, and jet

  • onPlayerJump
  • onPlayerCrouch
  • onPlayerJet
  • onPlayerStopJump
  • onPlayerStopCrouch
  • onPlayerStopJet

$Pref::PlayerTriggerEvents::SensitvitySize of radius for searching for bricks when player does the action5

v1.0.1 (858 bytes)

Gallery / Futuristic Orb TDM
« on: July 24, 2016, 11:36:06 AM »
I'm going to be hosting a classic TDM where you throw orbs and shoot orbs at each other, there's going to be an orb cannon also
there's gonna be special rounds and stuff
i also made a gun that literally takes out the sun, ill use that for something idk
anyways, pics

This is a spawn:

Also, special thanks to Space1255 for pointing out that all of my circles were missing a 1x1f

What do you guys think? What needs to be added / changed?
Also rate x/10 please

Add-Ons / Jakk Hammer v1
« on: July 21, 2016, 06:21:31 PM »
Jakk Hammer
tink tink tink, bye bricks

Fake kills bricks one by one until you reach the bottom

Please use it on smaller builds, such as this. If you use it on a larger build, things go crazy. Left click at the top of the structure you want to hammer while holding the jakk hammer to start, /cJakk to cancel.

$Pref::jakkHammer::launchForceForce to launch bricks with"5 5 5"
$Pref::jakkHammer::respawnTimeTime for bricks to respawn (seconds)8
$Pref::jakkHammer::continueTimeTime between fakekills (MS)500
$Pref::jakkHammer::trustLevelTrust level required1

Click image to download
v1 (244.4 KB)

Modification Help / Projectile Velocity (Math) Issue
« on: July 19, 2016, 10:40:00 PM »
This is what I have, I'm trying to get ::onTrigger to fire a different projectile upon trigger 4, but the projectile only goes to the right place when %obj has velocity for some reason: (it's in a package already)

function Armor::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %slot, %val)
   parent::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %slot, %val);
   if((%tool = %obj.tool[%obj.currTool]) == nameToID(jakkHammerItem) && %slot == 4 && %val)
      if(getSimTime() < (%obj.client.lastJakkHammerTime + %tool.image.minShotTime))
      %obj.client.lastJakkHammerTime = getSimTime();
      %proj = nameToID(jakkHammerRangedProjectile);
      %vec = %obj.getMuzzleVector(%obj.currTool);
      %mastervel = VectorScale(%vec, %proj.muzzleVelocity);
      %a = new Projectile()
         client = %obj.client;
         datablock = %proj;
         initialPosition = %obj.getMuzzlePoint(%obj.currTool);
         initialVelocity = %mastervel;
         sourceObject = %obj;
         sourceSlot = %obj.currTool;

I think it's a velocity problem

Add-Ons / [Script] Third Person Orb v1
« on: July 16, 2016, 12:58:52 PM »
Third Person Orb
Easily view your orb in third person!

  • Go into camera mode (Drop Camera At Player)
  • Push space to toggle third person view
  • Push and hold right click to rotate view angle


v1 (843 bytes)

Add-Ons / [Events] Mount Player to Brick v2
« on: July 11, 2016, 08:20:17 PM »
Mount Player to Brick Events

The first checkbox in all the events is to do the teleport on the player(s).
Total list of events:
1.    output (Player)    mountToBrick    Mounts a player to specified brick by name.
2.    output (fxDTSbrick)  mountPlayerToBrick    Mounts a player to the brick.
3.    input (fxDTSbrick, Player, Client, Minigame)    onPlayerMounted    Triggered when a player is mounted onto the brick.
4.    input (fxDTSbrick, Player, Client, Minigame)    onPlayerUnmounted    Triggered when a player is unmounted from the brick.
5.    output (fxDTSbrick)    unmountAllPlayers    Unmounts all players from the brick, releasing them in their current spot.
6.    output (Player)    returnPlayer    Returns players to the positions that they were at before they were mounted.
7.    output (fxDTSbrick)    returnAllPlayers    Returns all players currently mounted on the brick to the positions that they were at before they were mounted.
v2 (1.36 kb)

As requested by -Fate- here.
I actually made this a few years ago and totally forgot about it lol

Suggestions & Requests / Taking requests
« on: July 07, 2016, 07:14:54 PM »
I have to go to a summer camp in 2 ish weeks, and I need stuff to make. Suggest, and I'll see what I can do. I'll release everything in a larger topic once finished.

Current Project:
Knife with animations

Already finished:
  • Fixed bot teleportation events
  • Blockhead trophy weapon
  • Event to make players do animations

Add-Ons / Better Shadow Control v1.6
« on: July 06, 2016, 06:35:02 PM »
Better Shadow Control
Change shadows and shaders with more precision!


  • Use default or custom, which includes different shader qualities, levels, dynamics, and splits.
  • Change the settings for screenshots, so your screenshots can look better without having to manually change your shaders!(The General settings are reapplied after the screenshot is taken - this goes for DOFs too!)
  • Screw something up? There's an Emergency Reset button that's red, next to the done button. It resets everything, and turns your shaders off.
  • Also has a custom keybind!

List of options and what they do:
Quality        The size of the shadow map. Default max is 4096, but this mod allows you to go up to 10009. (Warning - setting this to 0 will turn your shaders off!)
Level        The name of the shader, ie Soft, Ultra. renderCsm is the default shader. You must have shader_vert.glsl and shader_frag.glsl in your shaders folder.
Dynamics        Rendering of dynamic objects (players, vehicles, bots, etc). Setting this to 0 will not render them at all, and setting it to 4 will allow you to see shadows for far away dynamic objects.
Splits        Number of splits - scene is rendered again for each split

v1.6 (4.08 KB)

Download on Glass!

Add-Ons / Torch Lights
« on: June 23, 2016, 10:21:13 PM »
Torch Lights
Replace the default light with a torch!


You can shoot it! Projectiles have a light, emitters, and do 10 damage per hit.
Hold it and use other items at the same time (doesn't take up inventory space, unless it's given to you as an item)
4/5 the range of the default light
CI and item icons
Also has three sounds - one when you pull the torch out, one when the projectile hits, and a crackling fire sound that loops when you are holding it.

  • Press your light key or do /light to use. (Note: this is a server - sided addon!)
  • Super Admins can do /toggleTorches to turn them on/off. If torches are off, players use the default light.
v1 (Blockland Glass)
Mediafire Mirror
As requested by SWAT One, and special thanks to Agent Red for giving me ideas on the model.

(Bugs: Using the torch as an item and then equipping the torch using /light leads to problems. This will be fixed later.)

Modification Help / updateArm but with left arm
« on: June 20, 2016, 12:38:45 AM »
Is there any way to properly do what Player::updateArm does but with the player's left arm instead of right arm, and make a weapon shoot from the left arm?

Modification Help / Torque is weird with maths again
« on: June 14, 2016, 10:17:12 PM »
So I attempted writing a function that would return the largest value in a string (and for some reason I feel like it's bad practice to do so, someone said something like that once maybe), and I got it to work, but it only works with positive floats and integers, but not negatives.

function returnLargestValue(%string)
      return false;
   %string = trim(%string);
   %count = getWordCount(%string);
   for(%i = 0; %i < %count; %i++)
      %number = getWord(%string, %i);
      %value[%i] = %number;
      if(%value[%i] > %highestNumber)
         %highestNumber = %value[%i];
   return %highestNumber;

What's going on here, and how do I fix it? I've tried bitwise or with the function, but that just screws it up entirely. I don't know what else to do.

Add-Ons / [Event] Set Emitter Scale v1
« on: June 13, 2016, 10:42:37 AM »
Emitter Scales
Easily set the scale of your emitter on your bricks!



(431 bytes)

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