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Topics - -Cca-

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / The Blockoland Family Tree Game
« on: August 13, 2014, 08:17:18 PM »

I thought it would be interesting to form a tree and see which starting point gets the farthest in the tree.
Based on the rules the family tree will eventually die out and I will have to restart it.

1. Your ID must be higher than the person you're branching off of.
(Rotondo cannot branch off Ephi because his ID is lower than Ephi's)

2. A single user may only have a max of 5 branches.

3. You cannot be on the tree twice.

4. You can roll the dice to attempt to kill someone.
(You only get 3 murder attempts)
That will be calculated here on this website:
You need to get snake eyes to kill them. If you get two sixes then you will be executed.

Off Topic / Nelson loveton's interview
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:24:05 AM »

Off Topic / Manly man man
« on: July 25, 2014, 11:33:07 AM »
"A man is not a man until the gutters are cleaned out with his manly man man handling man hands"

and they replied back with
"How can manly man man hands man to do such manly work without a man?"

and the answer was very clear

and then the world knew...
That man with the manless manly man man hands who cleaned out the man gutter with his man handling man hands was not a man, but a lemon with manly man man hands
and to this day

He's still a Lemon


Wat/What: 8
Thanks: 1
Confusion: 3
Agreed: 7
Emotional: 5
Alarmed: 4
Kalphiters: 1
Additional Input: 2
cca pls: 1 2
Other: 2

Off Topic / Women are so paranoid!
« on: July 11, 2014, 02:55:28 PM »


Pages: [1]