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Topics - Lethal Legoman

Pages: [1]
Drama / Setro Is Still Here
« on: December 30, 2014, 09:28:41 AM »
Wasn't Setro supposed to have left forever? Why is this trash still here? Anybody remember this

Drama / CyanoticAxolotl Immature 12 Year Old
« on: December 12, 2014, 05:27:15 AM »
So, naturally I saw his server and thought "Coding" I said to my self, wow that sounds interesting, maybe he will be an intelligent user doing something interesting. In my assumption I was only half right, after joining I was chopping down trees in this survival esque gamemode. After a few minutes on my own and I realised people I knew were on this server I started to go over to see them. I went over to Xon and chopped some more trees then all of a sudden I get a ban, Sorry, no screeny for this one that said verbatum "Suck computermix' richard" I didnt assume this would be an issue especially since it was a 1 minute ban, so I didnt take a screen shot and out of a pissed rage I closed blockland and watched a video for a minute then fired it up to try and join. The join was obviosly succesful and I sent one message "Wtf man?" after this was sent I recieved no other dialog and was /immediatly" banned for the reason "HUSKY snake" Upon seeing this I waited for a minute then rejoined with an alt to say "Did I do something wrong? why was I banned?"I was then with no explanation once again banned for the reason "because i used to love vacle but then he suck".
~~~My comments~~~
Why would you offer no explanation?

Why does computemix fit into this? My only guess is that he saw me rapid clicking and for those less educated on the subject, A fast autoclicker is a part of BLHack that not many use/know_about. The explanation for this is that it is click based so I set my fire key to the the "K" key and used a rapid key press program to simulate rapid clicking.

Why can you use a condusive ban reason?


Drama / The People Commenting on the QI CRPG Thread
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:30:05 AM »
Ok, now to most of the commenters on this thread what i'm about to say may come as a shock! Aoki is a long time friend in game, and I want you all to realise that you are acting like apes and going on a bandwagon cause a few people made posts to the effect of "This is stuff and it is all Aoki's fault", now this is class "A" stupidity as you can see that Aoki does not host the server, nor is he co-host nor is he (to my knowledge head of "QI" clan). The servers problems are not his fault, he had little to no part in the staff or the map, instead he only made the mod. The server has the stufftiest Host I have seen in a while, and he seems to choose staff as handicapped as he is. The point being it is not Aoki's fault it has everything to do with c[_], and I think he should get on and reply to all of these himself!

Help / Letting a Client Start and Stop Their Server?
« on: July 26, 2014, 02:03:13 PM »
In my new hosting service this is part of sorting it out, but how do I let them create processes?

General Discussion / (Terminated!)New Server Hosting Service!
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:56:30 AM »
The latency to you people in the UK was insane, So I am Shutting down because of this, Shoutout to Outpact for being the lone supporter!

Hey all, I would absolutely love to start a server host for you guys, and see how it goes. At first I will give 2 slots (FREE!) and see how it goes! This is a trial period as I live in Japan, so pings may be very high and it may render servers unplayable. But for now, PM for slots and your FTP accounts, First 2 get servers! Please don't bother messaging if you cannot edit the server prefs on your own without GUI!

Anything you want via FTP
Default mods

Hardware and Network
How many GB of memory?                                              8GB
How much HDD/SSD space do you have?                    ~82GB 7200rpm non-OS HDD
What CPU and what is it clocked at?                  AMD Phenom x6 1100T 3.9GHz max
What speeds are your internet?                                   20mb down 5mb up
How do you plan to make the panel?                             Depends if this works out well
FTP? SSH?                                                                       FTP
Service Cap?                                                                   Yes, 500GB/Month

Server Power

SERVER_2 Working! UP! User:Outpact

Other Notes
This service is only for a trial period of 1 week, and could be terminated prematurely!
If this service succeeds, then more accounts will be added, and users will be charged $2 monthly if they want to continue the service!

Ok, so to start, I was playing on the "Protectorate's Save The Princess!" server. When I joined initially, I saw users screaming and spamming "MAX" in all caps. Shortly after, he won about 2 times more we see

Then after he was banned, I stepped up to be the best person in the server. I won about 5 times in a row and I was considering leaving because it had lost challenge, That thought went bye as people started screaming my name over and over I started wondering if I was in danger of ban, then this

I really don't know what to make of this! I think he is a terrible host of a good server and he needs to find a better way to deal with people who are "making the gamemode unfair"


This was a wile ago but still soon enough to be relevant (about a week ago),

I also do not know what to make of this at present, I am not sure if Pefu was making a joke or not, but it is like screaming "I HAVE A BOMB" in a packed airport, bomb or not action will be taken. Please let me know what you think, i'm at a lose with these two!

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