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Topics - theviacom

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Off Topic / wtf tito gang weds rise up
« on: May 27, 2018, 09:26:30 PM »

tioday titos' banned me


General Discussion / things in common about blockland forums users
« on: May 27, 2018, 03:11:46 PM »
just post hyperbolic things you've personally noticed in similar about a lot of them.

here's what ive seen:

  • either 12, 15, 18, or 30 years old
  • everyone born before 2002 wants to relive their childhood by copying the ui and ux cues of windows 95-2000 and by listening to encoded synths like what you'd find on newgrounds flash files
  • people hate eachother but being on the blf is signing an implicit contract of mutually assured destruction so people generally play """""nice"""""
  • either technically illiterate, has used git and written html when 12, or currently is active on github and somehow is a living swiss army knife of technologies
  • uses php and minimal amounts of js
  • either speaks in completely """""correct""""" english if older than 24, but if younger than 24, then uses """"incorrect"""" english (such as not capitalizing the beginnings of sentences or ending thoughts with periods)
  • has abused caffeine, alcohol, or some other drug at some point
  • everyone lost their innocence at either 8 years old or 15 years old

Off Topic / why does everyone use php
« on: May 27, 2018, 02:16:53 AM »
literally everyone uses php

Code: [Select]
function sendScore()
httpGet('' + score);

even swanlow

Suggestions & Requests / implement reactjs in bljs
« on: May 27, 2018, 12:56:22 AM »

copy and paste react source code


manage blockland ui with react and xhr instead of torque

Forum Games / blf: the apartment
« on: May 25, 2018, 08:31:39 PM »
who keeps clogging the toilets

General Discussion / how do you organize your server list?
« on: May 25, 2018, 08:12:36 PM »
i typically organize my server list by playercount, highest to lowest.  sometimes i dont and just look for something interesting.

Off Topic / how do you feel about blf?
« on: May 25, 2018, 05:12:15 AM »
blf is my loving home.  ive been lurking this place ever since i was 9.  no matter what fandom i eventually joined, no matter what social media i used, i always came back here.  this stuffhole.

thank you blf.   :panda:

Modification Help / does the forum have some way to access data?
« on: May 24, 2018, 05:33:14 PM »
for example, an http REST client or something

i want to write an electron app for browsing blf but im not sure how i would actually retrieve forum data

Modification Help / write a for loop in order to get a response from an api
« on: November 23, 2017, 11:32:43 PM »
i am writing an api with php, and i just simply need to know how to do this

i also am unsure how to format a GET request, and here's an example of the kind i want to make:

(action 04 just simply means retrieve entry counts as an integer, and value 00 means send the integer back upon connection and query)


(action 03 means send back XX entries in ascending order with a value of 00 which just means send it back with each piece of information ending with a \t)
(for example, if entry foo was #0 in the database, and its bar was 1 and bat was 2, then it would say
Code: [Select]
foo\t 0\t bar\t 1\t bat\t 2\t\n

a sloppy pseudocode here can represent what im thinking:

Code: [Select]
//cf means "cannon fodder"
//pingback will be a GET request to /api.php?a=04 which asks the database for entry count,
//making a network request that many times
//the NetworkRequest function will send a GET request to /api.php?a=03 in order to return a list of data, and the actual entry to return is specified for each for looping of $cf

for($cf = 0; $cf < $pingback; $cf++) {
    function NetworkRequest()
        TCPobject.connect("api.php?a=03&v=00&e=" $cf);
        //i dont know what code i could use to read the response and then process it with regex to separate out data spaced by \t characters
        //i could try to format my data as json instead

i have a feeling json parsing would be a better alternative to my above example of how code was formatted

General Discussion / What you should do if someone's being an starfish
« on: August 27, 2017, 08:51:57 PM »
Ignore them.  That's all.  If someone's stuffting up a thread, just ignore them.  If someone starts using BLHack, just ban them or close the loving server.  If someone's an starfish, don't entertain them.

It's THAT easy.

Suggestions & Requests / 4chan's sage system
« on: August 27, 2017, 08:48:41 PM »
Like the 4chan posting option, consider adding some feature to BLF where you can click a sagecheckbox in the >Additional Options... menu which automatically, when replied, moves the topic down the forum page by three or more spaces.  If the forum fetches posts from say, a MySQL database, then using the ?topic=XYZABC.FOO string for fetching the post on index.php, you can simply manipulate the database entry.  Because the forum automatically lists forum posts at the top in bumping order, you could perhaps use the new sagefeature to artificially reduce the last maybe 10 bumps.

Also consider adding a sageing limit so you could only sage ONCE a topic to avoid a single user abusing the sagefeature, and if anyone abuses it through spamming on multiple threads, just ban them or something.

Off Topic / Screenshot thread
« on: August 13, 2017, 12:37:52 PM »
Post a screenshot of your desktop, and sorry for the pagestretch

Off Topic / Important things in unimportant niches
« on: August 10, 2017, 06:57:22 AM »
Mention an important or essential event that happened in a niche that you have occupied or currently occupy

For example:

I used to consume a lot of content within the reaction/commentary niche, so watching LeafyisHere's channel go under was pretty loving monumental

Another example:

I'm into consumer electronics, and for anyone in that niche, well...

enough said

Off Topic / PHP in a nutshell
« on: August 10, 2017, 06:33:49 AM »
echo $_POST['sanity'];

Notice: Undefined index: sanity in index.php on line 1

Help / How can I view my sent private messages on SMF?
« on: August 09, 2017, 02:48:17 AM »
I can't find the messages I replied to other PMs with

I already tried outbox and looking around and even message search, but nothing


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