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Topics - song bird

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Off Topic / so hows everyone doing tonight?
« on: October 07, 2017, 12:27:40 AM »
hows your guys' night going
im doing pretty alright
talking to some dudes and makin some maps, highschool started a bit ago and its been an alright time
but yeah how are you all doin

Off Topic / welcome to goldsource
« on: September 29, 2017, 09:12:32 PM »

Off Topic / Valve News Network and other youtube channels..
« on: August 29, 2017, 12:51:06 AM »
get thrown into adpocalypse overdrive!!!!!!
(all of these talk about the uh not ad worthy thing where they dont give you ads)

VVV <- this video was flagged <- this video got flagged instantly

welcome to the new method patreon folks thats how we do our continent revenue these days
talk about stuffty ad revenue broke systems here

Games / hey guys working on cool stuff (half life 3 related)
« on: August 27, 2017, 06:10:23 PM »
Worked with this guy to put a port of Portal: Still Alive to the PC aswell as working on the entire Episodic map leak that happened back in March that came out of the Source Developer Repository, We found stuff Half-Life 3 related, and we also fixed up and implemented cut features that were going to go into Half-Life 2 Episode 3 into this mod, called Half-Life 2 Aftermath.
This is the first release of this mod, there will be other sequential releases
I hope you all enjoy and ask me anything about this since I'm helping work on it
I can elaborate but I'm on my phone rn

Games / gm_sc_tornadoplains Released and Available
« on: June 16, 2017, 08:38:54 PM »
so basically like 6 months ago i started working on another tornado map thing and now i finished it
and a few dudes helped collaborate and set me up with some sick new particle sets
so theres 9 tornadoes now
not 3
focused more on physics buildings this time around and im still keeping the barren open world scenery, i like how it is and i can only push gmod so far with physics buildings + open world stuff

Off Topic / is the forgettable dungeon dead
« on: April 12, 2017, 03:10:21 AM »
help me on this question

Off Topic / i bought a unicomp [haha keyboard thread]
« on: February 12, 2017, 07:53:44 PM »
i heard that unicomps are pretty good since they pretty much built the rights to the model m and are manufacturing their own version of it

i also want buckling spring

Off Topic / new garry mode map coming by YOURS TRULY. . . .
« on: February 09, 2017, 04:08:18 PM »
so the office map is dead in the water for the moment because i have this thing which i like to call "spontaneous motivation" in which i will just work on something for a loving long time and then never finish it
so around the 12-13th of december i began work on a map that i wanted to make and that span of time resulted in me working for a straight 24 hours
then i slowed down after a while and now im picking it back up again while i have new ideas
same gamemode as before with tornadoes and stuff but im going to make this more detailed and im going to work on the tornado systems a bit more (have the timers and relays switch between different particles and sounds if possible to give variety and add different strengths to the tornadoes)
lots of revisions this time around too

last time i made one of these was 7-8 months ago and i've improved loving /immensely/ since then so consider this an announcement meme or something
i've sort of gotten complaints about the lighting but its the best that fits with the skybox and it isnt changing so rip
heres a few random screenshots

Off Topic / what music hits you right in the feels
« on: January 26, 2017, 02:11:31 AM »
post some memes

every time i listen to this it throws me back to 2013 where i discovered so many things on the internet

Off Topic / gotta love rumors (paragraphs ahead beware)
« on: January 12, 2017, 08:55:37 PM »
so today in lunch im sitting at the table, doing my thing talking with my friends
my buddy across from me goes outta nowhere "X is spreading rumors that you have knives in your bag"
now feel free to use the bag joke all you like "oh he forgets knives now?" but im being serious here
so i just get taken aback like "what the forget" and i think  for a second
it was this one fat forget "girl" in social studies who told this other kid and my friend overheard the conversation

i know for a fact that my friend wouldnt lie about this because hes helped me with stuff before warning me about stuff and we've told eachother stuff thats going on back and forth so i doubt that hes lying under any circumstance

so me being me im like "forget this stuff i need to say something" so a period later i walk into social studies and keep in mind im pissed out of my mind
so i wait for the girl to enter the room and i go "why are you telling people that i carry knives in my bag" and she just stops for a second and goes "i dont know what you're talking about"
so me being the rational human being i am i say "did someone tell you that i carry knives? because i dont" and she goes "yea but i cant remember who told me"
and im sitting here like "this was literally yesterday you have to be as dead as a gnats stuff to not remember" in my head
so the other kid she told this to walks in

i go "hey X did someone tell you that i carry knives?" and he shows a look of concern/fear on his face and he goes "yes" and i say, "who told you this?" and he goes "i cant remember" and i showed him this little supply case and i pulled out my pockets and said "theres no knives in here, in my pockets, or in my bag"  keep in mind im trying to be as calm as possible and not yell at anyone
and he goes "good" being scared still and then sits down

theres a whole loving list of reasons i could go on about as to why this is horrible and needs to be stopped but my two prime ones are
1. i will look like a psychopath and nobody will believe me if i dont do anything about this because i have never owned a knife ever
2. i will be socially isolated because people would be scared to even talk to me

and heres the kicker

these two people sit literally face to face in this class
i was absent on monday and tuesday, meaning that stuff could've been said around that time

so i dont really know what to do from here

Off Topic / my drive space is too low
« on: January 09, 2017, 10:18:50 PM »

Creativity / Level Design Megathread
« on: December 30, 2016, 06:03:49 PM »

I'm too lazy to write up a decent OP so just post what you're working on/talk about maps and level design if thats your thing
here i'll start

Off Topic / i am 14 RIGHT NOW *red alert*
« on: December 06, 2016, 02:10:49 AM »
this means i will have been on the internet for 10 years
i will have been active on this forum for 4 years (unless you count my older account which i registered in july of 2011 making it 5 years)
i will have had 1000s of posts stamped onto this website
i will have had a youtube channel (which is just pretty much dead) for 7 years
i will have had a steam account for 5 years

so much time spent on the internet when i could've been doing other things but forget it i enjoyed it
even though most of (im guessing) this forum probably dislikes/hates me
thanks for the laughs, even though i put myself under stress during the first few years of being on here its really been a rollercoaster
after a while you really learn to let go of concern for what people think of you if you do one too many slipups and try to just be yourself and make whatever friends you can

to those who actually do enjoy my presence (which are probably just the spiders and ants lying around on the walls), thanks for being there to talk to and i can list a few cool dudes in this thread

i look forward to orbiting around this forum a little while longer and in the event it possibly dies out in the next 1-2 years then that'd be forgeted but its inevitable

cool guys list:

literally almost everyone in caravangaming
pretty much everyone in entropia before they split off into the nothingness of somewhere (im gonna miss you guys : ^ |)
the clique (even though i was in there for a short period of time they were still cool people to be around)
those are the names i can think off of the top of my head at the moment

i mean i know i stuffpost often and i may or may not piss people off indirectly because i just post random stuff i want to improve and maybe someday i wont be a handicapped angsty teenager on the internet looking for friends

however, consider this some birthday thread or whatever for the time being
when the time comes and even though everyone will most likely forget my birthday exists i'll bump the thread saying its my birthday

heres a stuffty flipped image of me because i cant take photos for stuff

just wanted to stop by and say hi for a bit
sorry about the account name, lost the email and password to my old account
anyway, heres a project thing i've been working on since the 1st

this has been the first time in a while that i've been fully committed to mapping something out the whole way through
if you look at my "random maps" folder filled with 20-30 maps of garbage i've made out of boredom you'd probably have a stroke
generator room to an office complex

outside the office

heres an ingame screenshot, there arent any other screenshots that look good since they pretty much show the same thing

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