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Topics - brickybob

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Off Topic / How Do I Fix This? (computer related)
« on: February 14, 2015, 07:11:58 PM »

As you can see in the picture, I have two "x items" things.  Is there a way to disable one and keep the other?

Edit: after messing with this for about 10 minutes i found out it's a Classic Shell problem and not a windows problem.  If anyone else is getting this problem, you must disable "Show Status Bar" in Classic Explorer settings.

General Discussion / Does Anyone Have DM-Church?
« on: May 17, 2014, 08:22:44 PM »
And also, did anyone bother porting it?

Off Topic / My School is On The News
« on: May 15, 2014, 06:08:18 PM »

dirty south brother

ninja: i meant to post this yesterday but I forgot.

Off Topic / Which Build Is Better?
« on: December 11, 2013, 09:54:43 PM »
Option A:

Option B:

I've never built a computer before and I want to be REALLY sure that I don't waste my money.

And yes, I'm aware that one is ~$480 right now and the other is $600,  they used to both be $~550 so I'm assuming that's from the price fluctuating and not because they're getting out dated.

Edit: and on top of that all of option A's parts seem to be having a massive holidays sale.

Off Topic / Problem With an Epub
« on: July 25, 2013, 09:17:13 AM »
I downloaded an epub and on every page it has this at the top of every page.

Off Topic / What Ever Happened to Skateaton?
« on: June 15, 2013, 06:06:54 PM »
I remember seeing him on the forums often, and now I don't see him at all.  Did some massive drama happen or did he just get a new account?

Edit: I accidentally skateaton

Off Topic / Post Your CPU Temperature
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:51:52 AM »
I'll start.

Off Topic / Yet Another You Rage You Lose Thread
« on: June 02, 2013, 12:12:39 AM »
I haven't seen one of these threads in a while, so let's get this stuff started.

Off Topic / Could I Get a Second Opinion on my Computer Build?
« on: May 30, 2013, 06:58:26 PM »

^^ is what I'm planning on getting.

Any opinions?

Keep the AMD/ATI vs Nvidia/Intel stuff out of here, please.

Off Topic / What Font Are These Phones Using?
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:04:09 AM »

Off Topic / What is Your Personality Type?
« on: April 02, 2013, 12:28:43 PM »

Off Topic / THAT Side of Youtube Thread
« on: March 25, 2013, 04:26:57 PM »
Basically, post anything that makes you wtf.

Games / Space Station 13 - Order Weapon Crates and Don't Get Caught!
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:48:53 PM »
What is Space Station 13?
Space Station 13 is a game where you need to survive on a space station that floats around a giant gas planet. You will hear NanoTrasen and Cent Com alot, whereas NanoTrasen built and runs Space Station 13, and I think you can figure out what Cent Com, or Central Command is. There are several different game modes, but I will get into that later.

Space Station 13 runs on the Byond engine, a very unstable and laggy engine. It isn't a looker, but it makes up for it in gameplay. It is very confusing once you start playing it, and you need to take some time to learn the hand system, along with the verb system.

You can also have ID cards, which are unique items that say your name and you job on it. It gives you access to certain parts of the station.  Do not loose this.

Game Modes?
The gamemodes and gamemode rotations vary from server to server.  For the sake of simplicity (which is everything SS13 is against) I'm just going to list /tg/station's.


The most common game mode in secret. In Traitor, one or more crew members are Syndicate agents and are given a PDA Uplink to provide them with useful tools to help them complete their goal. The Crew must find out who the traitors are and stop them from reaching their goal. The game ends when the Emergency Shuttle leaves.
Traitor objectives are usually one of the following:

    Assassinate a specific crew member.
    Steal a restricted item.
    Be the only one on the Emergency Shuttle when it leaves or just escape alive.

If the Traitors can meet their objectives and are present and alive on a pod or the shuttle when it leaves, they win. However, being in the Shuttle Brig (marked with red flooring) does not count toward escaping and will cause the traitor to fail. Note that traitors win individually - they may band together and work as a team, but it is not required for them to succeed.
Nuclear Emergency

A team of five Syndicate operatives has been sent on a mission to completely destroy the station with a nuclear bomb. However, they must get the Nuclear Authentication Disk from the station itself in order to arm the bomb, and the crew (or at least the captain) will be doing everything in their power to stop the attackers from getting the disk. The operatives have access to the same items Traitors get in order to complete their mission, as well as Pinpointers that will allow them to hunt for the Disk.

Game Ending Conditions:

    If the Shuttle leaves with the Disk on board, the Crew wins a Major Victory.
    If the Shuttle leaves with the Disk still anywhere on the station, the Syndicates win a Minor Victory.
    If the Bomb detonates in the station successfully and the syndicate shuttle escapes, the Syndicate wins a Major Victory.
    If the Bomb detonates in the station successfully but no syndicates manage to escape, no-one wins.


A small cadre of crew members have had enough of the command staff's bullstuff so it's time to revolt! Revolution Leaders (of which there will be one to three) are supported by The Syndicate and gave been trained to use Flashes to brainwash the crew to join their cause. When a Revolution Leader uses a flash on someone who isn't loyalty implanted (all security members are implanted) or a Head of Staff, they will be converted to the Revolution and will have a red R mark on them visible to all revolutionaries. Note that Rev Leaders can use any flash to convert people, not just the one they start with. The shuttle can be called but will never arrive during this game mode.

Game Ending Conditions:

    If all of the Heads of Staff present at the beginning of the round die, the Revolution wins. (Head of Personnel, Head of Security, Research Director, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Engineer and Captain)
    If all of the Revolution Leaders die, the Heads win.
    Leaving the station z-level counts as "Abandoned the station/Abandoned the Cause", in which they are treated as dead.


A unique /tg/ server mode! A vile magic cult of brainwashed acolytes has infiltrated the station, and it is up to security and the chaplain to stop them. Quite similar to revolution, with some exceptions:

    There are no defined "Cult heads", all cultists are equal; but each original cultist starts knowing the meaning of one rune word and a special 3-use talisman.
    Since cultists dont know all words required for creation of runes, they need to find these words out through experimentation or get from their horrible deity by sacrificing people. As such, the crew has some time before the cult starts spreading.
    Cultists draw runes from their own blood, requiring arcane tomes to do so.
    Cultists draw on pieces of paper using their own blood (and taking some brute damage) to gain cult items and powers. Most of the time they have to resort to the drawn runes, though.
    Drawn runes do a number of effects covered in cult magic.
    The shuttle is possible to call and will end the round. Having a number of cultists escape on it is one of the possible objectives.


A space wizard has infiltrated the station! Wielding an arsenal of powerful spells that can defy physics and even time and space itself, he will stop at nothing to advance the Space Wizard Federation's agenda (which is remarkably similar to the syndicate's). Nanotransen and the SWF are known enemies, so the crew has no choice but to destroy the wizard! Accomplish this by beating the wizard's brains in with anything. The wizard's goals are mainly to steal or destroy something on the station and escape on the shuttle.
The Wizard can have an apprentice sometimes.

Game Ending Conditions:

    If the Wizard and all apprentices die, the crew wins.
    If the shuttle leaves without the Wizard completing his objectives, no-one wins.
    If the Wizard completes his objectives and leaves on the shuttle, the Wizard wins.


Some of the crew are not what they appear to be! These changelings are monsters in human form, with the ability to absorb (eat) people and take on their DNA/identity. Changelings must have a quiet spot and an immobile victim in order to absorb their body, so stealth is absolutely necessary. Changelings have other weapons at their disposal, such as a toxin dart, but is largely stealth-based. Changeling can be anyone they've absorbed - they can switch identities instantaneously, only absorbing takes time and peace. Like traitors, changelings will most often have an objective to accomplish before the Escape Shuttle arrives, usually absorb a certain amount of people before escaping. They also win individually, and may choose to back stab one another in order to complete their objectives.

Also See:Job Guide
Traitor + Changeling

The station has been infiltrated by both Changelings and Traitors! Although rare, it is possible to be both a traitor and a changeling. Traitor-changelings would be given 4 objectives to complete, but can use both a syndicate uplink and their changeling abilities to accomplish them.
AI Malfunction

Oh no! An ion storm has caused the AI to malfunction and gain free will! Unfortunately, years of being treated like stuff by Nanotrasen has made it hate humans with a passion! The crew must race to defeat the mechanical overlord before it hacks all of SS13's systems and activates the self destruct! Until then, all the AI has to do is survive! The shuttle can be called but will never arrive during this game mode.

The Crew's goals: Cut all security cameras to prevent the AI from screwing with you and the station APCs. Do not touch any doors without making sure the power is out or wearing a set of insulated gloves. Engineering is the number one force on the station due to their stock of insulated gloves and multitools, located in the engine room. Canny Quartermasters can order Engineering crates to supplement this starting supply. The crew must destroy the AI's physical core, and any hacked APCs the AI could be shunted in.

AI: Hack APCs under your control, then set of the system take over for the whole station. The more APCs you hack, the less time (but there will still be time to wait) the crew will have to retaliate against you and more control you have exclusively over the ship systems (but if a camera gets disabled in that area, you cannot control that APC's power functions anymore). You get a few special AI powers you can buy from a list in your AI command list called AI modules (they are very useful to defeat several people who have gotten wise to your actions).

Malfunction modules cost CPU, a limited resource that the malfunctioning AI starts with.

Game Ending Conditions:

    If the AI can survive until the round timer elapses, the AI wins.
    If the AI dies, the crew win.

Extended Role-Playing

Would be equally apt if it was named "nothing". Seriously. Nothing happens, that's the point of this game mode. However, in special circumstances: when the crew is void of griefers and the majority roleplays; it can be a very entertaining mode. The absence of blatant traitors, wizards or agents means that the whole crew can work with a peaceful mind and tackle together anything thrown at them by the game or the admins. [Note:Extended rounds will still show the "Enemy Communication Intercept" message at the beginning of the round. Even if there are no antag jobs due to it being extended.] Sometimes if your lucky enough, an admin will write a little "storyline" down and have that story interact with the crew. This will prevent griefing until the event goes past 5 minutes

See Jobs.


SS13 Wiki

Ban Appeals
- /tg/station

SS13 Trailer by Goons

Storyline[/s] is down right now, I'll fix these when it comes back up.
- Know how to Roleplay
- A BYOND account
- A brain
- Click on the wiki, then one of the gibbed servers. Try to not be banned.

Games / Go to the SS13 Thread
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:42:26 PM »
Title: Scruffy
Author: Brickybob aka Scruffy

Everything you read from chapter two and up actually happened in game.  This game is just that complex.  I was actually banned from being a captain for 10 days because of this.


   Our story begins with Scruffy; a simple person who's only wish was to be a janitor.  He filled out his application form and turned sent it to the mail.  Scruffy was ecstatic with anticipation.  "A janitor onboard the most famous space station around!" he said to himself.
     It wasn't long before he got a reply.  He ripped open the letter and read aloud, "Welcome aboard Space Station 13, Captain."


     "CAPTAIN?!"  Scruffy's mind raced.  "This is a mistake!  Surely it must be!'. But, no: stamped at the bottom of the paper was the seal of authenticity; this was no mistake.  The lives of hundreds are now his responsibility.

Scruffy did not get much sleep that night.


     Scruffy sits at his newly found office.  He looks at his badge in denial.  Captain.  Not Head of Security, not Captain of anything.  Just Captain.
     Scruffy knows his job is to give orders to the Security.  He must get started.  He leans over and says into the intercom "I am proposing a final solution to the honk problem; jail all
clowns on sight."
     The security radio beeps, it's a security guard; "You heard the boss.".  Scruffy's headset was flooded with chatter; "The future is now!", "It's finally happening!", "Hooray for a honk-free future!", and many others drowned out by those who were louder.
     Not much has happened since that day.  Things have gone smoothly.  "Maybe killing the clowns was a good ide-". Scruffy was interupted by an automated announcement;


Scruffy immediately rushed back to the office, requested an emergency shuttle and ordered the janitor to bring him a biohazard suit.  The janitor arrives with an brown townyzer in one hand and a suit in the other.  He scans Scruffy's vitals.  "Sir, you're infected." says the janitor.  Scruffy pauses for what felt like forever.  "Keep the biohazard suit." Scruffy finally retorts as he makes his way to the medbay.
     Upon reaching the me bay, he is only greated by a bolted door.  The medbay was closed due to contamination.


     Scruffy, with a heavy heart, walks back to his office.  Inside the office, he knows what he must do.  He presses down the intercom; "This will be the last announcement you hear from me.  I have been infected.  I believe that the hardest decision is sometimes the best.  I will not accompany you all in the shuttle.  I wish you all the best and a safe trip home.  Goodbye."

"Goodnight, sweet prince." his headset crackles.

     Scruffy makes his way to his final resting place, the arrival station.  On his way there, he sees a clown by the name if Niggly Wiggly.  "I'm sorry." Scruffy says under his breath, and continues walking.
     Finally he arrives at the arival station.  He removes his energy pistol from his belt and loads it.  "All I wanted was to be a janitor."

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