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Topics - RobbinsonBlock

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / [Support Script] Hole-Bot Hooks
« on: April 27, 2022, 08:09:17 PM »
Hole-Bot Hooks

This is an overhaul of Bot_Holes's AIPlayer::hLoop that aims to make holebots much more extensible while retaining compatibility with current holebot mods.
It does this by breaking up the components of hLoop (player searching, brick "pathing", etc.) into many functions, which check the bot's datablock and armor for hook variables that specify if the function is to be overridden, or disabled. If a hook variable is set to 0 or doesn't exist, the default behavior will be used.

Code: [Select]
// Hooking a bot so it sends a chat message instead of pathing its way to a brick.

function botTalk(%obj)
     talk("Hello, World!");

// Datablock method:
datablock PlayerData(HoleBot : PlayerStandardArmor)
     hooks_ifPathBrick = "botTalk";

// Armor method:
%obj.hooks_ifPathBrick = "botTalk";

// Disabling a bot from pathing its way to bricks.

// Datablock method:
datablock PlayerData(HoleBot : PlayerStandardArmor)
     hooks_ifPathBrick = -1;

// Armor method:
%obj.hooks_ifPathBrick = -1;

If a bot has both a datablock and armor variable for the same hook, the armor variable will be prioritized.
Also important is that each hook will pass the bot's player object as an argument, with the hooks tooFarFromSpawn and guardAtSpawn also passing in a %chaseDist variable.

To use this script, simply include it in your Add-On and execute it before the rest of your code.

Add-Ons / [Server] Hit Direction Indicator
« on: November 04, 2021, 03:02:59 PM »
Hit Direction Indicator

A mod that displays arrows in the Centerprint of players taking damage to show them where the damage is coming from. It's pretty simple, but I hope it will serve some utility in finding the weirdo taking potshots at you from across the map.
A line above the arrows means damage is coming from above, and vice versa.

Important Notes
  • Connecting players who do not have this mod must have "Download Textures" enabled to see the arrows.
  • This may conflict with other mods that rely on Centerprint.

Download From Glass

Add-Ons / Gangster & Cop Bots
« on: June 12, 2021, 11:46:23 PM »
A few bots made with a friend and I's city RPG in mind.


This pack contains blue, red, green, and yellow themed gangsters. They are named after bottled goods: the Water Bottles, Ketchup Bottles, Relish Bottles and Mustard Bottles.


  • Mood Swings - Gangsters mostly behave semi-neutrally (they will attack you if you bump into them or hurt them,) but will at times suddenly become aggressive and attack any bots or players that are not in their gang. You can tell whether or not a gangster is having a mood swing by how he is holding his weapon; if his weapon is raised, he will attack you if he sees you. If his weapon is lowered, he will not attack you unless provoked.
  • Forced Friendships - Essentially, the opposite of infighting. If a gangster spots a cop or zombie, he will alert any other gangsters around him, regardless of gang, to help him.
  • Randomized Face - Gangsters will spawn with a random selection between three default faces:
  • Randomized Skin Color - Gangsters might spawn white, tan, orange or black.


Only one variant. These are simple bots designed to combat gangsters.


  • Protects the Law - Cops are neutral (won't attack you if you bump them) to all players and bots except gangsters, who they attack on sight.
  • More Randomized Faces - Cops spawn with a random selection between four default faces:
  • Randomized Skin Color - Functions the same as with gangsters.


With Glass
  • Mood Swing Chance (Percentage) - Chance that gangsters will have a mood swing each tick (three seconds.) If set to 100, mood swings will be disabled and gangsters will behave as normal bots would.
  • Forced Friendships - Whether opposing gangsters will team up against zombies, cops, both, or neither.

Without Glass

You can also change the preferences listed above by entering the following commands into the console:

  • $GB::moodSwingPercent = ##;
  • $GB::forcedFriendships = #;
(0 to disable forced-friendships, 1 for zombies only, 2 for cops only, and 3 for both.)

Download From Glass

Modification Help / Making a Hole Bot only target specific teams
« on: June 01, 2021, 07:38:06 PM »
I'm trying to make a Cop bot that will attack people on a specific criminal team when he sees them, but is otherwise neutral. I've dug through the Bot_Hole code but still can't figure out how to do this. Does anyone know how?

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