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Topics - chrisbot6

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Add-Ons / Bricks Block Rain Mod
« on: December 24, 2015, 06:35:37 AM »
k so I'm building on a rainy map and I go inside and it's loving RAINING IN MY HOUSE WHAT IS THIS

This basically just creates zones inside large bricks (where large bricks is classified as bricks with width or length over 8) that block the rainfall and do nothing else.
Apparently there's a limit to how many zones can be created but I've never hit it. The mod has protection for that though.


Add-Ons / Event_Search v1.1 - Replacement for zones
« on: December 18, 2015, 09:50:43 AM »
Event_Search was originally made by Zeblote and abandoned last year, which is sad because even in its release candidate state, it's pretty good.
I've made some small tweaks - the sphere detection still isn't perfect but most of the time this isn't noticeable, and trust checks have been added for some things. Other than that, everything works as it did on my old time travel adventure server.

The events are:
- startBoxSearch (box offset) (box size) (things the search detects) (whether objects have to be inside or not)
- startRadiusSearch (sphere offset) (sphere size) (things the search detects) (whether objects have to be inside or not)

And you gain the inputs:
- onSearchFindBrick
- onSearchFindPlayer
- onSearchFindBot
- onSearchFindVehicle
- onSearchFindNothing

When you first set the events a box or sphere will appear showing the area of effect. This can be customized (and disabled/enabled) via prefs.
Pretty nifty!


Add-Ons / Support_Prefs v3.1 - now with keybind
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:44:22 AM »
Support_Prefs v3.1

Server_Prefs replaces the default server settings GUI with this extensible one:

In addition to supporting many pref types, this new GUI also supports subcategories; instead of getting their own section, your mods get their own menu.
It also supports RTB prefs registered with RTB_RegisterPref, and icons - with more features to come.

Very similar to RTB. To add a pref, do

- Name names the pref.
- Category chooses what submenu it's in.
- Subcategory chooses what seperator it's under.
- Variable chooses what global represents it.
- Type chooses what the input box looks like with the same syntax as RTB's types, and %perams are the options for the type.
    - "string" "[max]" is a string with a maximum length of [max].
    - "int" "[min] [max]" is an intiger with a maximum of [max] and minimum of [min].
    - "bool" "" is a checkbox.
    - "list" "[option1name] [option1val] [option2name] [option2val] etc.." is a pop up menu with those options.
    - "playerlist" "[min] [max]" is a convenience type that just displays 1 to [size] players in a pop up menu.
    - "button" "" is a button that calls your callback when pressed.
    - "wordlist" "[delimiter] [maxwords]" is a list of words.
    - "BL_IDlist" "[delimiter] [maxids]" is a list of users.
    - "datablocklist" "[delimiter] [maxdatablocks] [type]" is a list of datablocks. (note: not fully functional yet)
    - "float" "[min] [max]" is a slider
    - "num" "[min] [max]" is a decimal OR non decimal number in a box.
    - "datablock" "[type]" is a data type
- Legacy is whether the var is from an old RTB mod. Should always be 0.
- Default is your variable's default value.
- IsHostOnly defines whether this option can be changed by anyone who can access the menu or just the host.
- Callback defines a function that will be called when your value is changed.
- Private defines whether the change can ever be displayed to the server (for passwords and such)

The old RTB_registerPref syntax works fine too but be aware you can't do as much with it.

For setting your category's icon, there's also:
registerPrefGroupIcon(category, icon);
- Category defines your category's name again.
- icon defines what your icon is - select from the folder at Support_Prefs/client/prefmanager/resources/icons/*.

Remember to check that $BLPrefs::Version !$= "" before registering anything.


Note: v2 and v3 are not compatible with each other as v3 uses the glass back end.

Add-Ons / Limited Wrench
« on: December 18, 2015, 08:21:11 AM »
The Limited Wrench from BTS as a standalone mod.
If you haven't seen it, it's basically a blue wrench that can't set items, collision, raycasting or events. Good for building minigames of all kinds.
If someone doesn't have the wrench, they just see a limited default GUI.



Game Modes / Build To Survive Gamemode
« on: December 18, 2015, 07:53:28 AM »
A gamemode where bad things happen.

This is a survival-based mod centred around teamwork and free building.
The goal is to build yourself a base and hide in it from a selection of random disaster scripts that I wrote on the toilet.

You get points for surviving, and lose all of these points either upon dying or upon the server crashing due to a pure virtual function call. Build something sturdy - when a brick is blown up in this mode, it is permanently destroyed (if destruction is on).

Some GUI

Limited wrench GUI for people with the mod

Say /admin to open this.

Screenshots of people's terrible bases

There's a cool system for adding your own disasters.
Code: [Select]
function rocketDisaster() {
    // spawn rocket in relation to a player 100 TUs above them with random offset
    %clientCount = ClientGroup.getCount();
    if(%clientCount > 0) {
        %client = ClientGroup.getObject(getRandom(0, %clientCount-1));
        %player = %client.player;
        if(isObject(%player)) {
            %playerPos = %player.getPosition();
            %rocketBaseSpawnPos = vectorAdd(%playerPos, getRandom(-100, 100) SPC getRandom(-100, 100) SPC getRandom(50, 140));
            %proj = new projectile() {
                datablock = CannonBallProjectile;
                initialposition = %rocketBaseSpawnPos;
                initialvelocity = getRandom(-10, 10) SPC getRandom(-10, 10) SPC -40;
                client = %client;
            %scaleFac = getRandomF(0, 3.5);
            %proj.setScale(%scaleFac SPC %scaleFac SPC %scaleFac);
    $Disasters::CurrentDisasterLoop = schedule(1000, 0, rocketDisaster);

registerDisaster("A Barage Of Meteorites", 40, "rocketDisaster");

The function syntax is registerDisaster(%name, %startFunction, %stopFunction, %isMajorDisaster).
$Disasters::CurrentDisasterLoop is a utility variable and meant to hold the currently running disaster.
Please note that unlimiting the wrench in the admin gui is not supported and I'm not responsible for what happens.

Disasters Pack

Add-Ons / Fixed Trains and Rollercoasters
« on: December 18, 2015, 07:14:56 AM »
By Chrisbot6 and Zeblote, with contributions from Demian and JakeBlade

The trains mod is about trains - special types of vehicles that follow rail guides. Many of these vehicles are ridable, and have engines - but some are not. They can be used in a ridiculous amount of ways, from roller coasters to monorails. Aside from loops, banks and corkscrews, anything is possible.

I originally released this mod some time from 2013-2014. The aiConnection removal update broke it, and it's stayed that way for about a year because of me being busy with exams and such. Now it's fixed. It took me about 20 minutes.

Videos (Old) (Old) (Old)

In-Game Usage
The mod itself is a core - it doesn't add any trains to the game. Trains are downloaded seperately as Trains_ mods, and need Support_Trains to run. Once you've installed that stuff, however, you can set up a train by:
1. Placing a straight track guide (Don't start on a corner)
2. Placing a vehicle spawn on top and spawning any train.

If you hear a clank, your train has snapped to the rail and is now ready! If the train ever comes off the track afterwards you can respawn the vehicle and it will relocate itself. If a train is wonky on a track for some reason, or has veered far to the side, you can type /centertrain.

If you don't mind your train making impossible 90 degree turns in a phemtosecond, feel free to use sharp turns. Otherwise, other rotation bricks are provided. Stardard turns turn the train 45 degrees, which looks good with fast trains, and alternatively wide turns turn the train 22.5 degrees. Very wide turns turn the train 11.25 degrees. If you do the maths, you can work out how many you need to turn a train.

Filler rails can be used if you don't have space for a straight piece, and in corners. A train will simply run forward over them in whatever direction it's facing. Intersections are meant for use where two straight tracks cross, though in code they are basically just large filler rails.

To Control Trains
Set your shiny new "Train Control" key binds to whatever you wish. Players who do not have the mod can use the /trainmode command.

You can also use the "TrainMode" event to do this. (If you do not want your train to be controllable by the ways above, use the "setTrainLocked" event)

How do I build a good track?
step 1: no ugly unrealistic stuffty instant 90/45 degree teleportation turns

example of how NOT to do corners:

step 2: instead, build wide curves and use the wide turn guides

there's got to be an example image somewhere but I can't find it

step 3: for hills, you should really get the small ramps pack on rtb
step 4: give the rails depth
step 5: ease in hills and stuff, never do instant bumps in the track


step 6: build modular tracks. it's extremely easy to assemble a track if you first build modules of the same size. for example, every module is 8x8 bricks large and the curves 16x16. that way you can just put them next to each other without much work. for example, the sort of hilly metal track you see in the background of the first picture uses only 6 different modules.

step 7: get creative. or use a reference picture when building track modules or assembling tracks.

Custom Trains must be bot vehicles. To add one to the mod, add these vars to your datablock:
Trainmod_isTrain - Must be true
Trainmod_engine - Set to true to allow the engine to be started and stopped
Trainmod_enginePower - Engine's power. Set according to your datablock.
Trainmod_engineMax - Your train's max engine speed. Set according to your datablock.
Trainmod_drag - Your train's engine drag. Set according to your datablock.
Trainmod_brakes - Whether your train has brakes or not.
Trainmod_startData - Your train's start sound datablock (in quotes)
Trainmod_runData - Your train's constant rev sound datablock (in quotes)
Trainmod_idleData - Your train's constant idle sound datablock (in quotes)
Trainmod_hornData - Your train's horn sound datablock (in quotes)
Trainmod_stopData - Your train's stop sound datablock (in quotes)
Trainmod_maxSpeed - The highest allowed speed of your train

That's it. If you can't figure out how to make a bot vehicle yourself, you will never be able to do it. (Hint: Look at the horse's code)

For animations, add the following .DSQs to your model:
Go Forward - run
Go Backward - back
Train Tilting - look
Static - root

The Mod
This mod is pretty well optimized, and as bugless as I can get it. Trains still derail sometimes, and sound issues pop up every now and then, but it's much better than what you had before with the beta and that's what matters.

Trains Pack 1
Contains Minecart, Coaster Car Single and Coaster Car Multi

Trains Pack 2
Contains Box Train.

Old Trains Pack
All of the old trains from the alpha. For nostalgia purposes only - don't use these in any proper builds, they're really stuff as train bots

General Discussion / Build To Survive - GUI on display
« on: December 09, 2015, 03:56:43 PM »
The temporary client

This is a survival-based mod centred around teamwork and free building.
The goal is to build yourself a base and hide in it from a selection of random disaster scripts that I wrote on the toilet.

You get points for surviving, and lose all of these points either upon dying or upon the server crashing due to a pure virtual function call. Build something sturdy - when a brick is blown up in this mode, it is permanently destroyed.

Some GUI

Screenshots of people's terrible bases

There's a cool system for adding your own disasters.
Code: [Select]
function rocketDisaster() {
    // spawn rocket in relation to a player 100 TUs above them with random offset
    %clientCount = ClientGroup.getCount();
    if(%clientCount > 0) {
        %client = ClientGroup.getObject(getRandom(0, %clientCount-1));
        %player = %client.player;
        if(isObject(%player)) {
            %playerPos = %player.getPosition();
            %rocketBaseSpawnPos = vectorAdd(%playerPos, getRandom(-100, 100) SPC getRandom(-100, 100) SPC getRandom(50, 140));
            %proj = new projectile() {
                datablock = CannonBallProjectile;
                initialposition = %rocketBaseSpawnPos;
                initialvelocity = getRandom(-10, 10) SPC getRandom(-10, 10) SPC -40;
                client = %client;
            %scaleFac = getRandomF(0, 3.5);
            %proj.setScale(%scaleFac SPC %scaleFac SPC %scaleFac);
    $Disasters::CurrentDisasterLoop = schedule(1000, 0, rocketDisaster);

registerDisaster("A Barage Of Meteorites", 40, "rocketDisaster");

Modification Help / Fixing trains
« on: September 29, 2015, 05:51:40 PM »
I've managed to mod the engine so I suppose there must be a way to do this.

Bots now have default movement functions, so there's that.
Post any suggestions.

General Discussion / I fixed vehicle physics - no, seriously
« on: September 27, 2015, 04:08:19 PM »
This is a DLL mod that changes engine classes by hooking functions - the same process normally used to hack games like cs: go.

- collision is now very solid with only the occasional low orbit achieved.
- the only bricks it is still possible to drive through are cubes and large 5x walls. Everything else is impenetrable. Hopefully this will be fixed when I modify the convex class.
- upon crashing, vehicles can now knock one another about (as real ones would)

- final fixes mentioned above
- vehicles float in water
- secret things (:

Modification Help / Turbo - More control over your server with ease!
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:22:46 PM »

Logo credit - Ipquarx

Since RTB was shut down, we've had no way to do many of the following without using a stripped down version of the RTB client:
- Have "Auto-Admins"
- Change certain default prefs without restarting
- Change/Register custom prefs for mods
- And basically everything else that Server Control added. We really took that thing for granted, didn't we?

To be honest, I've never liked the look of the default admin menu. The default minigame menu gives you more control. So, I've come up with a solution - a complete remake of Blockland's Administration Menus and systems, with a focus on ease of use, compatibility with those using the default system, and lots and lots of new functionality.

Is it any better than the default admin menu and RTB's server control?
It's much simpler;
- The clear bricks menu and the player functions menu are now combined, so the Turbo menu will always show players who have left as well as players who are present.
- Turbo lets you save your preferences and reload them, without having to manually change everything.

Screenshots so far...
Early prototype:

Q: How will Turbo maintain compatibility with the default admin menu?
A: Very simple. If you have Turbo, and join a server using the Turbo administration system, your Admin menu will be the Turbo menu. Otherwise it will always be the default menu. Since there's nothing the default menu can do that Turbo can't, those on a Turbo server without the Turbo client will be able to use their own menu as normal.

Q: Will Turbo prefs be compatible with RTB ones?
A: Yes. RTB_registerPref will add preference entries to Turbo's menus, though use of Turbo_registerPref is recommended instead.

Q: What about the default blockland menus? Change Gamemode, etc?
A: Turbo will just link you to those when required.

Q: Are there different levels of access?
A: Turbo still uses the normal admin categories - Host, Admin and Super Admin. Future updates may change this.

Q: And what does Turbo add, exactly? Are there any new things I can do?
A: Turbo doesn't give admins any more power over players than they need. I'm considering adding Mute functionality, though, if anyone's up for it.

Q: What about mods that modify the default admin menu? Won't Turbo break those?
A: Turbo is a mod that replaces the default admin menu entirely. It is impossible for compatibility to be ensured.

Games / Murder Manor - Web Browser Rougelike/Strategy/Sadist game
« on: June 19, 2015, 05:02:28 PM »
rotondo did it so i can do it

I've been making a little browser game based off of Super Murder Mystery and other Murder gamemode's I've seen throughout the years on gmod and tf2; gamemodes I used to host a lot in the past. If you know how SMM works, good for you. If you don't, here's the idea; the game stars YOU as a random dude caught in the wrong place at the wrong crime while some mental stuff is going down. By default, there is one murderer who must eliminate as many players as possible without being caught, but alternate gamemodes include a "bounty" mode (where everyone is given a target to kill and those who have killed the most when time runs out win) and a classic "mafia" mode (Where there are multiple murderers on the loose! Huzzah!)

  • Both client and server are written in Javascript. Sorry if that's an issue for you.
  • Client uses Phaser HTML5 engine for rendering, to keep the source simple and maintainable.
  • All net communication is done through

Planned Features:
I started with these ideas:
  • "Clues" system. Find things that help you catch the killer! You can find notes telling you important information throughout the house, or get info from other players (though players can lie!)
  • Classes. There will always be Murderers and Civilians. But what if someone's a doctor? They can examine bodies and identify what weapon they were killed with. If someone's a detective? They can tell when you're lying to them or withholding information. The murderer has a class too. Beware of detective murderers!
  • Gore! Blood everywhere! Blood as evidence! Fake blood! Real blood! Somewhere inbetween blood! (
  • Many, many items and objects to find and use! Numerous head bashing aids! Mops to clean up blood! Furnaces and cupboards to dispose of or hide corpses! Keys to lock/unlock doors! Crowbars and axes to break open said doors! Lockable breifcases to secure items! Time bombs! Secret passageways and areas! Fake evidence!
  • Several maps for each gamemode!
  • Randomized events and item locations!
  • Turn based OR real time action!
  • Play in your web browser WHENEVER!
  • No real chat system, on purpose. The only way to talk to another player is go up to them and start a linear conversation, to which they can choose how to respond. New dialog options are unlocked by new descoveries.
  • ...And much more!

Which evolved into these designs and ideas:

Ceremonial Sword
Time Bomb
Mr. Mean (spray bottle)
Iron Bar
Concieled Knife
Concieled Pistol
Pain Pills
Body Bag
Fake Gun
Fake Knife
Fake Blood
Metal Detector
Rubber Mallet
Chicken Leg
Floor Polish
Automatic Turret
Monkey Wrench


doctor - if this player is a doctor (can examine bodies in detail and heal people midway without medical tools)

detective - if this player is a detective (can detect lies and withheld info in conversations, starts with revolver)

theif - if this player is a theif (can pick locks, starts with random keys)

psycho - if this player is a psycho (double damage, starts with cupcake, screams on death)

hoarder - if this player is a hoarder (double inventory size, starts with junk, screams on death)

addict - if this player is an addict (can survive all poison, starts with syringe, screams on death)

spy - if this player is a spy (starts with unique disguise kit that other players can take)

hustler - if this player is a hustler (can convince players to give up items against their will)

Screenshots and GIFs

Original Mockup:

Current appearence and mechanics of game (subject to change):

Testing movement...

Testing examining of and hit-based interaction with doors and players...

ROOM DESIGNS (Alpha Manor):

Cellar, finito

Furnace room

Coridoor, left wing

Lobby (too big to fit in a picture without blurring and loss of detail)

A bathroom


Server window, doing server things.

  • Have actual walking animations on the client side
  • Make it so you can put an armed time bomb in a briefcase, lock the briefcase, and give it to someone and the bomb still goes off and kills that person.
  • Make it so you can put an armed time bomb in a strongbox, and the strongbox will suppress the explosion and potentially save your life.
  • Make it so that you can lock someone in a freezer and they freeze to death.
  • Make it so you can give fake weapons to people you distrust, but remove the label and they will see them as real until trying to hurt someone with them.
  • Make it so your client tracks where people are in the house by approximation (as shown in the mockup), but if you use certain items (i.e. Walkie Talkie, Baby Monitor, Motion Sensor, Hidden Camera) you can keep track of people.
  • End up with a game item list twice as long as the one I posted above.
  • Get some kind of 24/7 test server going late into the alpha.
  • Reproduce Entropy Manor, in its entirety, in topdown pixel art form, in the Murder Manor engine, and play a game in it with people.
  • Reproduce Mini-Ville, in its entirety, in topdown pixel art form, in the Murder Manor engine, and play a game in it with people.
  • Make it so the turn based system can be turned off for crazy, blockland style games.

Will it be free?

It's a stupidly extensive browser game I'm making for fun based off the basic ideas of Port and Bushido when they made (and stopped making) SMM, as well as the ideas those were based off of and the ideas THOSE are based off of. I might stick some ads in there to grease me through the summer sales if it gets popular, but you guys can block those if you want.

Can I do anything to help?
I am good as the sole coder. Things like map design, art, and the general user experience side of things, though, are things I do struggle with and would be happy for help in. This would be voluntary; the sole reward would be seeing your content in the game and being credited for it.

I do not accept donations.

Creativity / Mess - Genre Blending Browser Game
« on: May 03, 2015, 02:50:54 PM »
I posted this on TigSource a while back and I got some good feedback, but seeing how, as a coder, my beginnings were here (and you guys have valid opinions too, sometimes) I'll let you in on this.

Mess is a (sort of) rpg/platformer/explorer with a (sort of) simple story and some (sort of) cool mechanics. It's about a maintenance worker who wakes up in a weird fairy tale world that is somehow strangely familiar to him.
I've been working on it with two good friends for a little while and have resolved, in order to develop the game while more dynamically allowing for testing, to host the latest update for people to play. Of course, half the time I forget to increment the version number. We've been on 0.8 for a while.

It runs in the Phaser HTML5 game engine, which is pretty good for small scale projects but hasn't exactly been satisfactory for this one (slowness, rendering issues etc).

For the tiles I started with this tileset someone called pgil posted on TS a while ago:

And expanded ridiculously to fit the style I was going for. I think I posted something in the game design megathread about it.

Anyway, I'm looking for any opinions on both how the current version feels and where to go from here. Your posts will (probably) directly influence what I add to the game. With some luck, it will constantly evolve.

Images (few so far)

guess where I ripped the face from:

- There is a tutorial (introduction) section to do. (skippable)
- There is an initial quest to do.
- There is a battle system and an area with random encounters to play with it.
- There are items to find, one so far with functionality.
- There is (so far) a small game world to explore.

The game currently ends at Yarnberg, as Jeff is absent from his platform in the town hall where you will later find him and therefore the game's second quest does not have any ending.

The game is VERY early in development and might still have problems. Among the ones I know are:
- There is no way to save your game yet.
- Occasionally the game will crash to a black screen when changing area.
- In certain browsers (or on certain computers), the game will lag dramatically when the camera is moving and you might see rendering issues. I can't fix this. It's a Phaser issue. The game seems to be at its best in Chrome, so try that if you get problems.

Play at:
WEB VERSION: [replace "index" with "debug" for cheats]
STANDALONE: [Win64 only atm]

(soundtrack - most of it - is on my soundcloud account at

General Discussion / Chrisbot6's Winter Block Festival
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:21:01 AM »
[no logo because meh]

Essentially, this is a winter terrain build. Sort of like Badspot's; build on the backs of the poor and all that. There are no specific rules, though do note that common offenses like spam and harassment have penalties. Special points for Christmas decorations, hidden treasure and cool challenges. I'll be making my own one of those near the spawn.

Hopefully by the end of January we'll have some cool stuff to show off from everyone.

24/7. We're using the same CBMHost server Cowboy6 graciously provided for GoG.

We're running a moderate (but not extreme) number of mods that add new bricks, as well as an autosaver (so no need to worry about your build being lost) and several building aids (i.e. fill can, duplicator).

Not much to see yet, spawn has just been built. I'll put stuff here as the server gets more popular and the build grows. I have high hopes!

General Discussion / Good Old Gamemodes - MORE gamemodes!
« on: November 08, 2014, 01:44:55 PM »

GOG is a server, hosted by me, which hosts a selection of long lost, obscure, salvaged, repaired or "private" gamemodes. Some of them are mine. Some of them were originally made by other people. Some of them work like a charm. Others needed changes.

All of them changed blockland.

Super Creeper
Survive endless waves of expanding biomass!

This upgraded version of Mr Wallet's original creeper mod was a huge hit when it came out in late 2013, surpassing most other gamemodes. The rtb hosting (rest in peace) server it first ran on is remembered for the 50 player personal record it set hosting the gamemode while I developed it. Its main feature; a cancerous, colorful biomass that spreads across the map, killing everything it touches.

Created by Mr Wallet in 2011. Broken by v20 update and remained broken until late 2013 when I added many, many new features and fixes and packaged it as a slayer based gamemode.
King Of Ghosts
Non-main adventure mode. See how far you can get!

This started as a special project of Port's and Bushido's. It's remembered for its unique and beautiful generation as well as the hilariously insane ghost enemies themselves. Sadly, they dropped the project some time ago and upon getting hold of the files I picked up where they left off.

Originally created by Port and Bushido, with heavy modifications and fixes by me.
There's one killer. Find him!

This gamemode should have gotten more attention. The effort and attention to detail that went into this means it can be seen to almost rival the likes of Trouble in Block Boulevard and SMM. Then again, I'm not sure if it was ever formally released. I get these things from dodgy places, you know.

Created by Jack Noir and Port.
Prop Brick Hunt
In this gamemode, things are not what they seem.

This was originally worked on entirely by Zapk, with me jumping in once when he ran out of steam and somehow convincing him to work on it again. Despite Zapk's abhorrent shunning of it once it gained popularity, it's a very good gamemode and still works very well. It's also very hard. Have fun.

Created by Zapk.
Super Murder Mafia Mystery
The Mafia are here! RUN!

Port and Bushido are responsible for this one, proving once and for all that not all good gamemodes should actually have an icon. SMM's only downside is that it doesn't. That's it. Everything else in SMM is addictive, compelling and hilarious to discover and play with.

Created by Port and Bushido.
Borg; challenging, interesting, and insanely addictive.

There's really not much to say about this one. It was made by port a long time ago and hosted many times. And it's definitely addictive.

Created by Port.
...and many more!

Q: Cnai be doge?
A: RPing is allowed, and some gamemodes, such as Murder, encourage it. But don't annoy other people. Wierdo.

Q: Will you release any/some/all of these?
A: If I get permission, maybe. Most of these are not mine. Some are private. Most, yes.

Q: You're using my mod and I don't like it!
A: Oh, stuff. Sorry. Didn't see you there. Send me a PM and I'll stop right away.

Q: Can I do anything with the GoG script? Are there any commands?
A: There's loads of stuff for admins, but you just get /gogtime, which tells you the next gamemode and the time until it is loaded.

Admin apping is closed.

Creativity / Delvinator Prototype: Old dungeon button-mash game I made
« on: August 29, 2014, 03:30:58 PM »
So I finished that game I was posting about a while ago in the Game Design Mega-thread and this board in general. I'm working on a new version but it's so different that this is basically it's own thing, so I figured I might as well share.

I sort of killed the old topic because I couldn't be bothered keeping it up to date. However, since this scrapped version of the game resembles something finished (and is both challenging and playable), I figured I might as well get your opinions on it. If you want to know what it is, it's basically a randomly generated game where you have to find your way through 4 floors of a chosen castle, dungeon or citadel (they all look the same anyway) while being attacked by randomized enemies. There's sort of a story, except not really.


Additional Info
If you kill the friendly green guys you are mean. ):

Download the game here!

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