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Topics - Cucumber!

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Off Topic / I love Blockland and the forums (a small note)
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:16:29 AM »
You guys were the first internet community that turned me from dumb 13 year old to starfish 14 year old to now (pretty okay) 18 year old. You guys have always been my haven. I have found some other groups, mainly music groups, that have accepted me, but something about this forum just makes it irreplaceable. I love all you guys. I remember tidbits of so much, and honestly I probably don't know a great deal of you  guys now, but it makes me happy seeing new creative faces, and new starfishs, of whom I know will become good people. I hope this forum never dies, because when it does, a part of me will honestly die. It's late, and things are starting to sound mushy, but seriously thank you all for making me what I am today. Thank you guys :)  :iceCream:

Note: Not a leaving post


Creativity / Architecture Thread
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:45:08 PM »
So as the years pass, my days till going to college are growing nearer...aaaand I'm still not quite sure what I want to do in life. My three main decisions I've chosen are neuroscience, film, or architecture. I'm really starting to like architecture, and I was just wondering who here has a similar passion.

I'll add more onto the thread maybe, but would you guys care to talk about anything architecture-wise you've created? Or simply architects whose styles you really like? Let me know, I'm curious. For myself, when it comes to architecture, I really like modern, and futuristic-type structures. Frank Lloyd Wright is a pretty big inspiration, I'd say. I love his Japanese-influenced style :o

Anyone else care to join in a discussion of architecture?

Oh, also if you have perspective drawings (Of rooms or landscapes or whatever) you'd like to post, please do :D

Here's a 3 Point Perspective Drawing (I don't know why I drew the watermelon come to think of it):

And here's a 2 Point Perspective Drawing I worked on earlier today:

Off Topic / Best Antivirus software?
« on: June 09, 2013, 10:52:13 PM »
Hi, guys. I just need a quick opinion on what the best anitivrus software is (prefer it is free). I don't want to look at countless Yahoo Answers answers and then take the majority vote. Most of you are smart with this stuff; I have no idea really about antivirus software so..

Opinions on a good, gets-the-job-done (preferably free) antivirus software? My computer has been crashing lately and it's getting annoying/worrying. I have a Dell XP5 Windows..7 I think laptop (if that helps narrow it down for my case)


Off Topic / How's life, forums?
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:14:33 AM »
You guys have been with me for the longest time and I am honestly starting to drift away ;(

I've been rather dormant and not as active for a while so I'm going to fill you in on my life. Just a little heads up. Gymnastics for me just ended a couple weeks ago. My brother is done with his first year of college. My friend whom I knew not too well but well enough to care died; it has affected a lot of my friends. I have a girlfriend now, aaaand I'm very addicted to TF2 for some reason.

That's my life as of now! Pretty good! How are you forums? I've missed you.
sorry if I'm copying rockslide's thread :/

Off Topic / Iced In!
« on: February 07, 2013, 08:13:22 AM »
Yup, I cant go to school because the roads are literally that icy! However I'm not sure what to do now. I just finished season one of American Horror Story, I've seen all the Doctor Who's (new ones) on Netflix...what should I do guys?

Off Topic / 5 Reasons why Chainsaw Bear is secretly sad
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:29:08 AM »
When you're having a bad day, and things seem pretty gloomy, just think how chainsaw bear feels. Remember you have opposable thumbs, hands even! Just remember you can hug your family and friends, while Chainsaw Bear will be a designated lumber jack for the rest of his life it seems.

Get those feels out now.

Off Topic / Britanick
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:46:16 PM »
Okay, so I've probably made this thread before, but seriously these two guys are hilarious.

The Dinner Party <<NEW

Boys Night In

The Coach

The Kiss

-more on their channel-
They also appear on Next Time on Lonny:

Lonny's Next Step

Lonny Throws a Bachelor Party

Discuss these hilarious mentlegen.

That's right, ol' Cucumber did it (for the second oe third time). I completed Operation Tinkle right under my parents noses. Well, not literally that'd be gross but you know what I mean. After a massive Doctor Who marathon I needed to tinkle BADLY. Problem was my parents could never know I was up or they'd kill me. So the only logical thing to do, besides hoolding it and waiting (AKA BORING WAY) I slyly plucked the window poistion to unlocked, and slid juuus enough of the window up. Third time was a charm, though, I wimped out the first n second time; too anxious. But the third time I felt the cool breeze along my wing wang as I expelled my urine ever so calmy. It was metaphorical, almost, how free I felt. And it didn't seem wrong either, it was the greatest piss ever pissed. However, I'm afraid it may have hit the window below...not sure...we'll see what happens tommorow!

Soooo yeah what was your guys night/day like?

Off Topic / Misery Christmas
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:49:29 PM »
Just something to brighten up the holidays!

I don't feel Christmas cheer...

Off Topic / The Power of Introverts (Ep. 1)
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:33:05 PM »
Yesterday, it was very late at night and I was browsing Youtube's most viewed only to find the same prank videos over and over again, until I saw a video titled "The Power of Introverts". It looked like one of those sort of upbeat vsauce/minutephysics/asapscience videos, but it turned out to be completely different (maybe due to the narrator). I think of myself as a 50/50 between introvert and extrovert, and this video really got me thinking.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Possibly a 50/50? Post your thoughts on this video, it really got me thinking.

This is a topic for crazy what-if situations. I probably won't make this a weekly deal, but I'd just like your opinions on what you think/what you would do if the crazy situations discussed were to happen.

This topic of discussion is: What if Jerusalem was suddenly destroyed?

And by destroyed, I mean pretty damn obliterated. Nothing is left, all rubble. Dome of the Rock, gone. Weeping Wall, gone. But what would happen? Israel, Hamas, and many other surrounding countries (not to mention other religions) have been trying to claim Jerusalem for so long. None were able to maintain it for a while, it seems (except right now Israel controls it mainly). But what would happen if it was suddenly...gone? In my opinion, I'd think people would go absolutely into religious fanatic chaos, trying to find a scapegoat to exert their anger towards. Yet nobody is to blame, say it was just destroyed by an unmarked missile. Would some find it as a sign?

Post your thoughts on what you think would happen. I'm curious. Sorry if I got some facts wrong, I'm no political expert that's supposed to know every detail on what is going on in the Middle East right now. Feel free to correct me.

Off Topic / Dreams [Megathread? I know you guys have interesting ones.]
« on: November 16, 2012, 10:21:01 PM »
Alright, I love dreams. The whole concept of them are so damn flabbergasting, and when you throw in the factor of trying to interpret them it just gets more interesting. I'd like to hear some of your guys's dreams...try to interpret them maybe?

My dream:

I'm in my high school, yet everything is changed structure-wise. There's a giant ramp, nice and wide so all students can walk their directions without getting stopped by slow walking people. And then in the
middle there's this completely crushed and destroyed center of building, with a tiny platform that goes from one end to the other. Here I am trying to cross that platform, yet I'm lying down for some reason. All of a sudden, these snakes just start coming towards me. I'm paralyzed in fear, trying to slowly move away as they just get closer and closer to me. The rolling is too slow, and one catches up to me and bites my pants completely, luckily not reaching my skin. The school bell then rings.


It's about 6th hour, and I'm trying to find my class. That whole aspect of what my sixth hour class was and where it was just left my mind. I was so confused trying to find it the entire time, I saw my friend who always wears this hat and tells me I have writing-strategies or something related to that matter. I get to the class, and it's my boring asshat of a math teacher teaching the class while I just walk in there 30 minutes late. He doesn't care, and is teaching the class in the back of the room. I then autonomously get up from the seat I just sat down in and went to the front of the classroom and began texting. TEXTING for no loving reason! To whom I have no idea, and I couldn't even stop. I ask to use the bathroom, still confused out of my damn mind.


I'm in my Mom's car riding shotgun, while my friend Sam is driving. He has never driven before, and I keep telling him to turn to another street, but we reach a highway instead. The highway is 86 miles per hour, and this guy is turning right for the first time on a freaking HIGHWAY. I'm pretty freaked out seeing this happen, he someone manages to turn and while we're driving the key in the ignition BREAKS. We pull over, and he calls up his dad while I try and fix the key, with failed attempts.


I'm in a familiar part of my neighborhood, maybe a ten minute walk from my house. A lot of my friends are there for some damn reason, even though they live much farther away. And I'm running around the whole place ASKING them what the HELL is going on! Was I drugged? Why is nothing making sense and why are you people not responding?!
This asking keeps going on as I wake up, drenched in sweat and heart pounding. That dream felt so real, yet so damn surreal at the same time that I was convinced I was living that dream like it was my life.

Maybe the candy I ate before I slept had something to do with the forgeted up nature of it, I'm not sure. But what still bugs me is WHY do I remember so many details of THAT dream but no others?

So yeah that's my dream, feel free to post your own. I just needed to get this off my chest because holy forget I'm kinda scared right now.

Off Topic / Cashback [The Movie]
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:52:20 PM »
     So I just watched this very interesting, sorta cliche', but nonetheless interesting movie on netflix known as Cashback. It involves a guy enrolled in an arts university who recently had a huge break up with his girlfriend. After that, he becomes an insomniac, and can't sleep for weeks. So to utilize that time he cannot sleep away, he signs up for a night shift job at a local supermarket. There he meets a bunch of zany and overall quirky workers to help pass the time. However, the big thing about this movie is that fascinating is as time begins to "fade" as he works and works, he learns that he can stop time. Being an artist and all, he draws portraits of people ( well as other things) while time is stopped.

[Note]: It's a tad raunchy at some parts, and I couldn't really level a perfect audio experience, so I put subtitles on and kept the volume at a minimum. Nonetheless, great movie. You guys should check it out sometime!

Damn I feel like I'm writing for a movie review site or something..

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