Off Topic / I love Blockland and the forums (a small note)
« on: July 02, 2015, 03:16:29 AM »
You guys were the first internet community that turned me from dumb 13 year old to starfish 14 year old to now (pretty okay) 18 year old. You guys have always been my haven. I have found some other groups, mainly music groups, that have accepted me, but something about this forum just makes it irreplaceable. I love all you guys. I remember tidbits of so much, and honestly I probably don't know a great deal of you guys now, but it makes me happy seeing new creative faces, and new starfishs, of whom I know will become good people. I hope this forum never dies, because when it does, a part of me will honestly die. It's late, and things are starting to sound mushy, but seriously thank you all for making me what I am today. Thank you guys :) 
Note: Not a leaving post

Note: Not a leaving post