General Discussion / GameMode Inspiration: Roll the Dice!
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:33:21 PM »
After peaking at the Roll the Dice! Add-On I had an idea for a gamemode pop into my head. It's fairly simple so I'll jump right into the simple details for now.
The build will have the appearance of a grid. This grid will have obstacles blocking players from walking from cell to cell. Each cell will act as a checkpoint and have an obstacle on all four sides. The size of the grid, the type of obstacles and random layout of the grid are important options that should be adjustable.
The game will have players start in the middle of the grid and make their way to the edge to win. Each round the player is given a randomly selected perk (for themselves) or trap (for opponents). Rounds last an adjustable amount of time. Players should use that time to either pass through to the next cell or deal with the opponents. When the round ends the perk/trap is lost. Players that die will be sent back an adjustable amount of cells.
Traps should be used to slow down or completely stop other players. Powers should be used to continue through to the next cell or combat opponents armed with traps. Support for additional powers/traps is necessary.
Please suggest ideas for powers/traps or discuss the above gamemode idea. Balancing, creativity and practicality are all things that should be considered. I'll keep a running list of ideas and try to respond to them in chunks.
Thank you!
The build will have the appearance of a grid. This grid will have obstacles blocking players from walking from cell to cell. Each cell will act as a checkpoint and have an obstacle on all four sides. The size of the grid, the type of obstacles and random layout of the grid are important options that should be adjustable.
The game will have players start in the middle of the grid and make their way to the edge to win. Each round the player is given a randomly selected perk (for themselves) or trap (for opponents). Rounds last an adjustable amount of time. Players should use that time to either pass through to the next cell or deal with the opponents. When the round ends the perk/trap is lost. Players that die will be sent back an adjustable amount of cells.
Traps should be used to slow down or completely stop other players. Powers should be used to continue through to the next cell or combat opponents armed with traps. Support for additional powers/traps is necessary.
Please suggest ideas for powers/traps or discuss the above gamemode idea. Balancing, creativity and practicality are all things that should be considered. I'll keep a running list of ideas and try to respond to them in chunks.
Thank you!