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Topics - Shappeh

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / GameMode Inspiration: Roll the Dice!
« on: May 26, 2015, 04:33:21 PM »
After peaking at the Roll the Dice! Add-On I had an idea for a gamemode pop into my head. It's fairly simple so I'll jump right into the simple details for now.

The build will have the appearance of a grid. This grid will have obstacles blocking players from walking from cell to cell. Each cell will act as a checkpoint and have an obstacle on all four sides. The size of the grid, the type of obstacles and random layout of the grid are important options that should be adjustable.

The game will have players start in the middle of the grid and make their way to the edge to win. Each round the player is given a randomly selected perk (for themselves) or trap (for opponents). Rounds last an adjustable amount of time. Players should use that time to either pass through to the next cell or deal with the opponents. When the round ends the perk/trap is lost. Players that die will be sent back an adjustable amount of cells.

Traps should be used to slow down or completely stop other players. Powers should be used to continue through to the next cell or combat opponents armed with traps. Support for additional powers/traps is necessary.


Please suggest ideas for powers/traps or discuss the above gamemode idea. Balancing, creativity and practicality are all things that should be considered. I'll keep a running list of ideas and try to respond to them in chunks.

  • Powers
  • Invincible
  • Invisible
  • Super Jump
  • Super Speed
  • Tiny
  • Water Walking
  • Traps
  • Death Grip: Hugging other players will pick them up so they can be thrown if they're not Tiny.
  • Mushroom: Can stomp on other players to kill them if they're not Invincible.
  • Golden Gun: One shot that instantly kills any targeted player even if they're Invincible.
  • The Plug: All liquids disappear for a round.
  • Freeze Ray: Freezes any player or liquid that it comes into contact with. Can escape freeze status using Super Jump.
  • Brake Pedal: Permanently mounts the player to a Jeep with no brakes and a high velocity. Collision with any bricks destroys the Jeep and player. Other players hit by the Jeep are immediately killed unless they are Invincible.

Thank you!

Modification Help / initContainerBoxSearch Size Issue
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:56:35 AM »
I cannot get initContainerBoxSearch to correctly search within the boundaries of a single brick for a(n) item / player / vehicle. It will return with an object but the boundaries it searches seem to be stuck at a size larger than intended regardless of how large or small I set %boxSize to.

Code: [Select]
initContainerBoxSearch(%pos, %boxSize, %mask);

Code: [Select]
function fxDTSBrick::testBoxSearch(%brick)
%box = %brick.getWorldBox();

%x = getWord(%box, 3) - getWord(%box, 0);
%y = getWord(%box, 4) - getWord(%box, 1);
%z = getWord(%box, 5) - getWord(%box, 2);

%pos = %brick.getPosition();
%boxSize = %x SPC %y SPC %z;
%mask = $TypeMasks::ItemObjectType | $TypeMasks::PlayerObjectType | $TypeMasks::VehicleObjectType;

initContainerBoxSearch(%pos, %boxSize, %mask);

return containerSearchNext();

There are numerous topics on these forums discussing this same function (the most similar of which is found here). Does anyone else have an issue using this function?

Drama / About Jasa
« on: March 27, 2012, 11:09:51 PM »
This is an old account that coincidentally shares the same IP address as Jasa. Now I could play any card from here, but I'm not here to defend myself as Jasa's brother--that's your decision. I'm only here to shed some light on Jasa and hopefully teach him a lesson.

I cannot stand internet douchebaggery. Jasa has made the trip down that road though, regardless of my warnings I've sent him through PMs and just walking down the hall. It's not like he's ever taken my advice to begin with and he'll likely just get pissed off at this little stunt too.

So, I'll give everyone some information and see what I can do.

Alternative keys:
1. Jasa currently controls TWO keys (ID: 12265 and ID: 28535). One is his own and the other is a friend's that he will not allow to use.

2. Jasa cannot purchase a new key without the help of our father. I can put an end to this and at this rate, I will. So that means his second key is his last resort.

1. Jasa is a younger child. It is my understanding that he wants to accomplish something so he'll have more confidence and authority. However, more confidence/authority means douchebag behavior. Your hint is CRP.

2. Jasa is an angry hate-filled individual. In real life and through the internet he holds grudges. He has a high tolerance level, but his temper easily shows itself.

3. Jasa cannot be trusted with a position of power from most of you. If you've known Jasa long before any of these CityRP incidents, I'm sure there won't be a problem, but otherwise refer to points one and two.

I blame the changes he's undergone on this community, but I can't hold it responsible. His actions reflect some of your own. As a result, I made this topic in an effort to turn him in a new direction and watch his actions. Nobody else has access to the kind of information about him as I do and it's a powerful weapon.

Hopefully you'll learn your lesson, kid. I've tried to defend you, I've tried to warn you and now I'll try to stop you. This bullstuff has to end.

Modification Help / How to Check if a player is ghosting?
« on: October 26, 2009, 10:55:38 PM »
How would you check if a player is ghosting and how would you check if they are done ghosting?

if(%client.isGhosting) ... ? if(%client.finishedGhosting) ... ?

Any help appreciated.

Add-Ons / Report Command
« on: October 25, 2009, 05:31:35 PM »
Description: A command that can be used to report abusing admins and players breaking the rules. It records the report to the host's Blockland folder under 'Reports.txt' and displays the report in-game to all online Super Admins.
  • /Report name reason
  • Report abusing Admins & Super Admins alike.
  • Report regular players for breaking.

Log: [10/25/09  16:22:22]: Shappeh (12211) reported BrockCrock123 (9679) for being here to test this.
In-game: REPORT: Shappeh (12211) reported BrockCrock123 (9679) for being here to test this.

If your target you are reporting is an admin, it only reports to Super Admins.
If your target you are reporting is Super Admin (sometimes they DO abuse), it only saves the file; doesn't report it to anyone.
If your target you are reporting is a regular player, it reports it to Admins and Super Admins alike.

Thank-you Flying Ace for giving me this idea.

Edit: UPDATED with the above. Marks the Super Admin or Admin in the reports as [SUPER ADMIN] and [ADMIN].

Click here to download!

Suggestions & Requests / Join Minigame Event
« on: October 18, 2009, 07:12:32 PM »
Can someone make an event that when a brick is activated with the said event, the player then joins the minigame that is listed.

Should look like:
OnActivate >> Client >> JoinMinigame >> [Shappeh's Minigame]

Ever hated getting killed while you're ghosting because a default minigame was set? I do. My intentions with this event would be to build a 'spawn box' that players spawn into when they initially join the server. When they are done ghosting, they have the option to activate the 'red button' that uses this event to get them into the minigame.

I'm thinking that it could be abused in multiple ways, so:
  • Only works with OnActivate and OnPlayerTouch.
  • Cannot be used in relays (der).
  • Maybe could be admin-only.

Add-Ons / Resurrect Command
« on: October 14, 2009, 10:11:38 PM »
An admin-only command to bring a player back to life. Now prevents the admin from resurrecting his/her self AND prevents the admin from resurrecting the same player twice in a row (Super Admins do not apply). If you are in a TDM minigame and lives are enabled, this script will now give a player a life when resurrected.

  • /resurrect namehere
  • Useful in TDMs or DMs with limited lives set.
  • Useful in zombie DMs that the player cannot respawn in.

Click here to download! (1.01 KB)

First add-on I have released. If you find a bug, please report it here.

Suggestions & Requests / No-Collision PlayerType
« on: September 03, 2009, 11:59:44 PM »
Simply a player that has their collision turned off, allowing them to walk through walls, terrain, walk up into the air, etc. Why? I find that maneuvering with jet to build tall towers or events can be difficult. I have no clue as to how you would do this, sorry to be of little help.

EDIT: This almost looks like the recent post on suggestions, "Gravity Playertype". Whoops.

Gallery / Statue of Liberty
« on: June 26, 2009, 12:49:53 AM »
Took 2 days to build the body and arms and an extra day to build the head because it was very frustrating.

Overall, I thought it turned out well, but the face could use some work.

I guess if you wanna rate, go right ahead.

Creativity / Statue of Liberty
« on: June 26, 2009, 12:41:38 AM »
Took 2 days to build the body and arms and an extra day to build the head because it was very frustrating.

Overall, I thought it turned out well, but the face could use some work.

I guess if you wanna rate, go right ahead.

Modification Help / Muting a Player
« on: June 25, 2009, 03:19:05 PM »
Trying to work on a command that mutes the indicated player, but I am not the best coder in the world.

My question is: How would I remove a player's ability to talk?

Help / Duplicator Bug?
« on: June 06, 2009, 03:38:14 PM »
I was in a Single-Player server with me and myself...only me. I tried to duplicate something and it hates me:

Could just be because of the new update or something. :panda:

Any ideas of how to fix or am I just gonna have to live with it?

Suggestions & Requests / Global Music Script
« on: May 28, 2009, 10:58:20 PM »
Whenever you spawn in a new server, this script will play music globally around the server. Set by the host and can be changed by the host only.

I think it'd be smart to disable all other music as well because of the "Too Loud" thing...

Suggestions & Requests / Restricted Saving
« on: May 24, 2009, 04:09:48 AM »
Note: If this idea has already been made, please give me a link to it if possible.

Could someone perhaps develope a server-side script that restricts saving of bricks on an internet server to only the host? This would prevent people from entering a server and saving a build that maybe the owner doesn't want to share to any other server.

I suppose this could prevent anyone from 'stealing' builds and using them as their own (not that I've seen this yet).

Feedback will be appreciated. :cookieMonster:

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