so a buddy of mine posts this picture on fb:
now, naturally, i don't agree with either of things that happened. it's forgeted up that we nuked japan, and 9/11's forgeted up. i'm not tryna defend any one of these standpoints, but i'm probably going to come off like i am
so this is how i reply.
ME: to be fair, 9/11 was unprovoked. we were at war with japan, and we only nuked them a second time because they didn't learn their lesson after the first
HIM: It's not that they didn't learn their lesson, it's that they did not surrender
(^ this seemed fairly irrelevant)
ME: which is essentially the same thing, because if they learned their lesson, they'd have surrendered
HIM: The second nuke was uncalled for. Did you know that they had a third nuke really to bomb Tokyo? If they did not comply the second time. Yes I understand they caused pearl harbor, but that is not equivalent to a nuke in 2 different locations. America was scared of Japan because of how ruthless and determined they were.
ME: I know they had a 3rd ready. but, if you consider that if they didn't nuke them, World War 2 would just continue. more people would be killed, all that good stuff. I'm not tryna defend us nuking them, I'm just providing counterargument for the picture. i agree that nuking them was BRUTAL but there's a point for the other side
HIM: Now, how was 9'11 unprovoked? It might have been unprovoked to us, but some people in the middle east hated us for how much we had, we provoked them unintentionally but still provoked them. they were intimidated by us. And they have the same mind set and Japan back I the day "We'd rather die than surrender" they do it for "Allah"
ME: in that sense, you can say it was unprovoked. but we hadn't attacked them before, we just had a different set of beliefs which is mainly why they hate us. that just makes them dumb. we didn't nuke japan for different beliefs but because it'd end the war. we even warned em
HIM: Do you know we are at war right now? With the middle east. We are fighting them, losing american journalists, soldiers. but why aren't we nuking them??
ME: because we can't pinpoint their location, like i just said lol
HIM: Middle east is middle east
Japan is japan
Different cities
Still there are innocent people that died in japan way more than 9/11
ME: you know civil war is going in the middle east too? if we nuke them and they lose 'friendlies' what do they care? i agree that nuking japan caused way more damage but there's still definitely not a 'more ok thing to do'
so yeah, who do you guys think is right? picking a side is weird for this but really, i wanna see what you guys have to say