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Topics - ThinkInvisible

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Add-Ons / [Weapon] Twin Grakatas
« on: January 15, 2016, 03:57:49 PM »
"Equipped with a huge magazine and impressive rate of fire, the GRAKATA is the preferred weapon of Grineer Lancers. ... When one Grakata isn't enough, bring another for extra firepower"
 - Warframe wiki, from in-game description

    A Blockland-styled version of one of the most iconic weapons from Digital Extremes' Warframe: the Twin Grakatas. Used heavily by the Grineer army, these orange-and-grey SMGs tend to be extremely effective at filling a room with bullets before anything in it can react, and are also extremely effective at eating your entire ammo supply in the blink of an eye. Only the Tenno seem to be insane enough to use two of them at once.
    This weapon has high fire rate, high magazine capacity, low damage per bullet, and a notable amount of spread. Only the Twin version is available for now. This mod provides its own ammo system, and binds the Light command to reload by default; the Light command functions as normal if the player's magazine is full or if they are not using the Twin Grakatas.

    Dropbox (68kb)


    A side view and front-perspective view of the weapon model.

    The reload animation; a Grakata as it appears in Warframe.

Known Issues
 - SUPER-SILLY firing animation (should this be left as-is?)
 - Uses default sound effects and kill icon
 - Reload animation has several small issues
 - Excessive use may cause Ghosting for some clients

 - v1 [01/15/2016]
    Initial version.


Modification Help / Animating separate parts of a weapon [Solved]
« on: December 07, 2015, 09:05:25 AM »
I'm trying to make a DM gamemode based on the game Receiver. Is it possible to create a pistol-type weapon, using only the state system and properties of the model, that has multiple parts that animate separately (e.g. slide, hammer, safety, mag, chambered round)? If not, is there another accepted approach to things like this?

Modification Help / Read/write Google Docs with TorqueScript
« on: June 23, 2014, 02:33:13 PM »
I want to set up a system for reading/writing to Google Docs (specifically Spreadsheets) from Blockland. This could be useful for visitor logs, quick rule changes, data storage for an RPG, or pretty much anything that needs a database. I should only need two functions: getGDocCell(docID, col, row) and setGDocCell(docID, col, row, val); where docID is that random letters part of the doc link, col/row are the column/row of a cell (what else?), and val is the value to set the cell to. I could add doc creation/deletion, login, styling, etc. functions later, but this is what I'm focusing on right now.

The problem is I can't find any sort of web API for this. What I can find is some .NET/Java thing, which I'm assuming is useless for TorqueScript. So - does anyone know of some sort of Google Docs web API or another way to do this that I haven't considered?

Modification Help / Deleting all variables after a ::
« on: February 09, 2014, 02:20:24 PM »
Let's say I have a few variables like so...
Code: [Select]
$someGlobal::someSub::someOtherSub[0, 0] = 1;
$someGlobal::someSub::someOtherSub[1, 0] = 2;
$someGlobal::someSub::someOtherSub[2, 4] = 453;
... and let's say I have a TON of them after that that follow the same general format.

Is there any way to, essentially, delete the contents of 'someSub' to get rid of all of these? Since it's a pseudo-array with two dimensions, i'd have to make an EXTREMELY lengthy for loop otherwise.

Modification Help / Creating an image manually
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:45:39 PM »
I want to take some numbers and save them as an image by converting them to colors, then display this image in a GUI.
Google searches aren't any help because they do not explain how any type of image encoding works - all the help sites just say 'use your language's default export function.' Blockland does not appear to have an image exporter.

Modification Help / Obj2blb - inefficiency with decimals?
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:17:54 PM »
A friend has brought it to my attention that when you create a brick with the Obj2blb exporter, instead of the expected

you get something like

Is there any sort of modeling problem that causes this or is the program just bad?

Modification Help / How do .dts collision boxes work?
« on: June 23, 2013, 09:30:03 PM »
I'm trying to make a brick with Blender and the obj-blb converter. It has a slanted face that I need a collision box on, like the Ramp bricks. I tried putting a simple cube on the face and rotating it, both in edit and object mode, but it reduces it to a bounding box anyways (making the collision box the model's bounds box). How do I fix this?

Discovered .dts collision boxes, but I can't get them to work right. What's the format for a .dts collision box? Right now I'm just sticking a mesh named 'COLLISION1' in Blender 2.49 and exporting it with the standard weapon-export settings.

Modification Help / Multiple emitters on a projectile
« on: June 23, 2013, 11:32:59 AM »
Is there any way to put three emitters on one projectile in a triangular pattern? I'm doing this to save on datablocks.

For that matter, is there any way to recolor an emitter on a projectile too? I know it's possible on bricks.

Modification Help / Spinning projectile animation
« on: June 22, 2013, 12:11:56 PM »
Is there any way to make a projectile spin while in motion?
Sorta like tf2 pipe bombs, but more predictable.

Would I have to make an animation in Blender for it or is there a script?

Modification Help / Assorted Blender questions
« on: June 21, 2013, 01:11:45 PM »
I'm starting to make some weapons and bricks for Blockland, and there's some issues I'm not seeing any topics for.

Is there any way to create a bone on a model and have Blockland put an emitter on it, or do I have to find the location in the weapon's script?

How do I create multicolored bricks with the .obj/obj2blb system? (The answer for this one should have been posted a billion times by now, but I can't find it.)

Creativity / Messin' with MIDI
« on: June 05, 2013, 08:19:11 PM »
I'm trying to use less 8-bit instruments so I started using MIDI.
The only thing here that ISN'T MIDI is the Freeverb plugin (which isn't much better than the reverb on a keyboard)

a little warmup - loops
an attempt at recreating the LoZ lost woods feeling - sorta loops
Bright Patterns - a song! does not loop.

Creativity / BitCrit - a chiptune album
« on: May 13, 2013, 07:51:39 AM »
Some chiptune songs I made because I haven't made one in a while. Just some practice to get used to it again.

In order of creation:
 Voxel Blues
 Mutually Assured
 Evasive Action
 Clockwork Hummingbird
 Amorphous Cloak

Forum Games / Mindblow Contest
« on: April 20, 2013, 08:28:18 AM »
The idea is simple: post some amazing concept that you believe nobody else has thought of yet.

Can god make another god?

Modification Help / [Silverlight/C#] Connect Blockland to a website
« on: January 24, 2013, 12:02:57 PM »
I'm trying to convert the terrain generator I made to a Silverlight-XNA application on a website to avoid installers. Do I need to do anything differently from a C# console program to connect it to a client's Blockland?

This will involve a site hosted on Dropbox (incapable of storing data) and a client add-on.

EDIT: It appears Silverlight doesn't even have the tcpClient/tcpListener class. Does anyone know what I should use instead?

Target program flow:
SL>Prompt user for parameters
SL>Generate terrain
SL>Preview terrain
SL>Connect to Blockland; await connection
BL>Accept connection from SL
SL>Transmit chunk n to BL as raw data; wait
BL>Find data from SL and use servercmds to plant brick
BL>Send confirmation and brick status to SL

I have an RGB (decimal 0 -> 1) color that I want to find the closest match for on the server colorset.
How do?

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