Add-Ons / [Weapon] Twin Grakatas
« on: January 15, 2016, 03:57:49 PM »
"Equipped with a huge magazine and impressive rate of fire, the GRAKATA is the preferred weapon of Grineer Lancers. ... When one Grakata isn't enough, bring another for extra firepower"
- Warframe wiki, from in-game description
A Blockland-styled version of one of the most iconic weapons from Digital Extremes' Warframe: the Twin Grakatas. Used heavily by the Grineer army, these orange-and-grey SMGs tend to be extremely effective at filling a room with bullets before anything in it can react, and are also extremely effective at eating your entire ammo supply in the blink of an eye. Only the Tenno seem to be insane enough to use two of them at once.
This weapon has high fire rate, high magazine capacity, low damage per bullet, and a notable amount of spread. Only the Twin version is available for now. This mod provides its own ammo system, and binds the Light command to reload by default; the Light command functions as normal if the player's magazine is full or if they are not using the Twin Grakatas.
Download Weapon_Grakata.zip
Dropbox (68kb)

A side view and front-perspective view of the weapon model.

The reload animation; a Grakata as it appears in Warframe.
Known Issues
- SUPER-SILLY firing animation (should this be left as-is?)
- Uses default sound effects and kill icon
- Reload animation has several small issues
- Excessive use may cause Ghosting for some clients
- v1 [01/15/2016]
Initial version.
- Warframe wiki, from in-game description
A Blockland-styled version of one of the most iconic weapons from Digital Extremes' Warframe: the Twin Grakatas. Used heavily by the Grineer army, these orange-and-grey SMGs tend to be extremely effective at filling a room with bullets before anything in it can react, and are also extremely effective at eating your entire ammo supply in the blink of an eye. Only the Tenno seem to be insane enough to use two of them at once.
This weapon has high fire rate, high magazine capacity, low damage per bullet, and a notable amount of spread. Only the Twin version is available for now. This mod provides its own ammo system, and binds the Light command to reload by default; the Light command functions as normal if the player's magazine is full or if they are not using the Twin Grakatas.
Download Weapon_Grakata.zip
Dropbox (68kb)

A side view and front-perspective view of the weapon model.

The reload animation; a Grakata as it appears in Warframe.
Known Issues
- SUPER-SILLY firing animation (should this be left as-is?)
- Uses default sound effects and kill icon
- Reload animation has several small issues
- Excessive use may cause Ghosting for some clients
- v1 [01/15/2016]
Initial version.