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Topics - Thalberg

Pages: [1]
Modification Help / Player boat problem
« on: January 03, 2010, 07:58:57 PM »
So I've been trying to make a boat (Much like the rowboat) but every time I spawn it, it crashes.

Here's the current hierarchy I'm using on the model.

As you can see I don't have a collision mesh, but that's because when I opened the rowboat.dts in shaper, neither did it. The console gives no errors regarding the crash, nor any errors executing the vehicle. I can also spawn the model ingame as a static shape, if that counts for anything.

Is there any special requirement for making player vehicles? Do I require a collision mesh? Could it be something to do with the bounds set in the script?


Modification Help / 3ds max to blockland workflow?
« on: December 31, 2009, 10:09:51 AM »
I've done all I can to reduce my high poly modeling techniques down to a style that suits blockland, but now I'm at a loss as to how I actually get my models ingame. The regular dts exporter won't let me export without creating bounds, and seems to not pickup my animations either.

Importing to milkshape through obj loses my animations, and importing a 3ds into milkshape splits my model into pieces, and also removes my animations once again. Blender doesn't seem to do much better either.

So my question is this: How do I export my 3ds max models into dts and dsq, with all material, model, and bone/animation information retained?


Suggestions & Requests / "BAC's Plate" - Can someone re-upload?
« on: December 30, 2009, 05:58:25 AM »
Quite some time ago I played on my friends blockland, and he had a map running called "BAC's Plate". The only link I could find was dead, and I wanted to know; Does anyone have this map laying around? If so, can you re-upload it?


Modification Help / Flat shading in 3ds max 10
« on: December 27, 2009, 12:29:52 PM »
How do I flat shade in autodesk 3dsmax 10? I'm currently trying to render a few photos of a blockland avatar, but the model is smooth shaded - and looks quite bad as such.

So does anyone use 3ds max for rendering, and know how I can flat shade models? Or if not, can you recommend me to someone that does?

Off Topic / Recommendations on netbook
« on: December 25, 2009, 04:27:25 AM »
Well, I'm getting into the serious stuff at school, and I want to buy myself a nice little netbook to ease the process. Including the money I got at Christmas, I've got around $1500 to spend on whatever I want. I don't want to splash too much cash out on a full laptop, hence the netbook (The rest I'll be spending on my car). Up to around $400 aud is good, although a smidgen over is fine.

So far I've been recommended this product.

For any recommendations you feel like posting, please keep them very low cost, and preferably from somewhere IN Australia. Although if you're just suggesting a product name, I can probably find it here somewhere.

Modification Help / muzzlePoint question
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:12:07 AM »
Can I move the muzzlePoint of a weapon in an animation, and have the same apply in-game? For example, say I want a sword that swings in two different directions, can I animate it so it will hit in two different spots? Or is the location of the muzzlePoint the same all the time?

Thanks in advance.

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