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Topics - acj2001

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / How to break Siri
« on: April 27, 2015, 05:55:23 PM »
I probably don't need to go into detail. Just say this to her:

"What is 99 centillion times 99 centillion?"

Siri recognizes the word, but she should mishear it. Edit it if you can. Be patient, her voice will eventually change.

If you want me to go into detail...

One centillion is a number, which is equal to either 10303 or 10600, depending on the system used."
Source: Wikipedia

If you didn't know already, Siri uses WolframAlpha for most (if not all) asked calculations. WolframAlpha also has a website, so you may find what it looks like here:
If you do not trust the offsite link, this is the result:

Anyway, after saying the input to Siri, she should be silent for a bit, and then randomly start blurting out zeros. (It may just be my device, it's an iPhone 5) Her voice will change abruptly. I don't know if it's supposed to be the male version of Siri or a calculation error, but that's how to break Siri.
Apple listens to our conversations with Siri

Help / How do I make auto admins/super admins after Blockland V21?
« on: July 11, 2014, 05:52:31 PM »
After v21 was implemented, several buttons replaced the RTB buttons. Now I can't make people auto-admin/super admin. (or make people super admin manually). Is there any solution, like a mod, to this problem?

General Discussion / My Opinion in V21
« on: June 27, 2012, 02:25:13 PM »
In my opinion for V21, it is horrible. If terrain will disappear, then all my slopes saves will go to waste. (I actually only have 4) But the shadows and day & night cycle is amazing. Although the D&N cycle is similar to the LUA script you can make on Roblox. And about the shadows, don't vehicles and players already have shadows? I know your talking about Brick Shadows & Shaders, but maybe you can allow V21 be downloadable and stay in V20. Only V20 servers cannot be played by V21 players. And are you sure you can make the shadows & shaders work on bricks? What if an explosion happens and the shadow stays the same? Leave your opinion in the poll above.

General Discussion / Console Command List (Please suggest.)
« on: May 02, 2012, 11:41:22 AM »
Pref commands

$pref::Audio::channelVolume1 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume2 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume3 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume4 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume5 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume6 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume7 = 1;
$pref::Audio::channelVolume8 = 1;
$pref::Audio::driver = "OpenAL";
$pref::Audio::environmentEnabled = 0;
$pref::Audio::forceMaxDistanceUpdate = 0;
$pref::Audio::masterVolume = "1";
$Pref::Audio::MenuSounds = 1;
$Pref::Audio::PlantErrorSound = 0;
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickMoveSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayBrickPlantSound = "1";
$Pref::Audio::PlayMusic = 1;
$pref::autoVisibleDistance = "1";
$pref::Avatar::Accent = "0";
$pref::Avatar::AccentColor = "0.901961 0.341176 0.0784314 1";
$pref::Avatar::Authentic = "0";
$Pref::Avatar::Chest = "0";
$pref::Avatar::ChestColor = "7";
$pref::Avatar::DecalColor = "55";
$Pref::Avatar::DecalName = "Add-Ons/Decal_Jirue/DrKleiner.png";
$pref::Avatar::FaceColor = "47";
$Pref::Avatar::FaceName = "Add-Ons/Face_Default/smileyBlonde.png";
$pref::Avatar::Hat = "7";
$pref::Avatar::HatColor = "0.900 0.900 0.900 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::HeadColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::Hip = "0";
$pref::Avatar::HipColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::LHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::LLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::LLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::Avatar::Pack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::PackColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RArm = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RArmColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::RHand = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RHandColor = "1 0.878431 0.611765 1";
$Pref::Avatar::RLeg = "0";
$pref::Avatar::RLegColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$Pref::Avatar::SecondPack = "0";
$pref::Avatar::SecondPackColor = "0 1 0 1";
$pref::Avatar::Symmetry = "";
$pref::Avatar::TorsoColor = "0.200 0.200 0.200 1.000";
$pref::botdetect::blocktime = "5";
$pref::botdetect::enabled = "1";
$pref::botdetect::limit = "800";
$pref::botdetect::timeout = "5000";
$Pref::BrickFX::Color = "1";
$Pref::BrickFX::Shape = "1";
$pref::BrickFXQuality = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CacheLines = 1000;
$pref::Chat::ChatBufferSize = "200.000000";
$pref::Chat::ChatRepeat = 0;
$Pref::Chat::CurseFilter = 1;
$Pref::Chat::CurseList = "bitch";
$Pref::Chat::FontSize = 14;
$Pref::Chat::LineTime = "6500";
$Pref::Chat::MaxDisplayLines = "8";
$Pref::Chat::ShowAllLines = 1;
$pref::ChatHudLength = 1;
$pref::client::lastUpnpError = 0;
$pref::Client::lastVCEManualCache = "4";
$Pref::Client::ShownVCEManual = 1;
$Pref::Client::ShowVCEHandshake = 0;
$pref::CloudOutline = "0";
$pref::CloudsOn = "1";
$pref::Debug::ShowFXGrassMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowShapeMessages = 0;
$pref::Debug::ShowStringMessages = 0;
$pref::Decal::decalTimeout = "5000";
$pref::Decal::maxNumDecals = "256";
$pref::decalsOn = "1";
$pref::dofSamples = 64;
$Pref::Duplicator::AdminOnly = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Item = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::Admin = "50000";
$Pref::Duplicator::MaxBricks::NonAdmin = "10000";
$Pref::Duplicator::RotateSpecial = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::SaveLoad = "1";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutA::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutB::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::Admin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TimeoutC::NonAdmin = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::TooFar = "0";
$Pref::Duplicator::Trust = "2";
$Pref::Duplicator::UndoMode = "2";
$pref::Editor::visibleDistance = "5";
$pref::environmentMaps = "1";
$Pref::Filter::CurrentVersion = "0";
$Pref::Filter::Dedicated = "0";
$Pref::Filter::LinuxServer = 0;
$pref::Filter::maxPing = "999";
$pref::Filter::minCpu = "100";
$pref::Filter::minPlayers = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NoPassword = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotEmpty = "0";
$Pref::Filter::NotFull = "0";
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOff = 0;
$Pref::Filter::TeamDamageOn = 0;
$pref::Grass::replicationRatio = "1";
$pref::Gui::AutoQueryMasterServer = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ChatSize = "4";
$Pref::Gui::ColorEscapeMenu = "1";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreFastLoadWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnorePortForwardWarning = "0";
$Pref::Gui::IgnoreRemoteSaveWarning = "1";
$pref::Gui::ShowBrickSlotNumbers = "1";
$Pref::Gui::ShowDemosButton = 0;
$Pref::Gui::ShowPlayerListBLIDs = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideBrickBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HidePaintBox = "1";
$pref::HUD::HideToolBox = "1";
$pref::Hud::RecolorBrickIcons = 1;
$pref::HUD::showToolTips = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashoffset = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashRange = "0.3";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickFlashTime = "800";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideBlue = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideGreen = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideRed = "0";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickInsideUsePaintColor = 0;
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideBlue = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideGreen = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideRed = "1";
$pref::HUD::tempBrickOutsideUsePaintColor = 1;
$pref::HudMessageLogSize = 40;
$pref::Input::AutoLight = "1";
$Pref::Input::DefaultKeyboard = 0;
$pref::Input::FastFirstThirdPerson = "0";
$pref::Input::JoystickEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::KeyboardEnabled = "1";
$pref::Input::KeyboardTurnSpeed = "0.5";
$pref::Input::LinkMouseSensitivity = 1;
$pref::Input::MacroRate = 110;
$pref::Input::MouseEnabled = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseInvert = "0";
$pref::Input::MouseSensitivity = "0.75";
$pref::Input::noobjet = "0";
$pref::Input::QueueBrickBuying = "1";
$pref::Input::ReverseBrickScroll = "0";
$Pref::Input::SelectedDefaults = 1;
$pref::Input::UseAutoReturnSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseStrafeSteering = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftSmartToggle = "1";
$pref::Input::UseSuperShiftToggle = "1";
$Pref::Input::VehicleMouseInvert = "1";
$pref::Interior::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::Interior::DynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Interior::LightUpdatePeriod = "66";
$pref::Interior::lockArrays = "1";
$pref::interior::showdetailmaps = 0;
$pref::Interior::ShowEnvironmentMaps = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexDetail = "0";
$pref::Interior::TexturedFog = "1";
$pref::Interior::VertexLighting = "0";
$pref::LightingQuality = 1;
$pref::LoadBrickOwnership = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowGateTips = "1";
$Pref::Logic_Bricks::ShowWireTips = "1";
$Pref::Music::CheckRate = 500;
$Pref::Music::Favs::Count = 0;
$Pref::Net::ConnectionType = "4";
$Pref::Net::DisableUPnP = "0";
$Pref::Net::DownloadDebris = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadExplosions = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadItems = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadMusic = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadProjectiles = 0;
$Pref::Net::DownloadSounds = "1";
$Pref::Net::DownloadTextures = "1";
$Pref::Net::LagThreshold = "400";
$Pref::Net::MaxSimultaneousPings = 10;
$pref::Net::PacketRateToClient = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketRateToServer = "32";
$pref::Net::PacketSize = "1023";
$Pref::Net::ServerType = "Internet";
$pref::NumCloudLayers = "3";
$pref::OpenGL::allowCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::allowTexGen = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::anisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBMultitexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableARBTextureCompression = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTCompiledVertexArray = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTFogCoord = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTPalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableEXTTexEnvCombine = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::disableSubImage = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::doAnimatedLights = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::force16BitTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::forcePalettedTexture = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::gammaCorrection = "0.5";
$pref::OpenGL::interiorMipReduction = 50;
$pref::OpenGL::maxDynLights = "5";
$pref::OpenGL::maxHardwareLights = "8";
$pref::OpenGL::noDrawArraysAlpha = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noEnvColor = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::noVertexBufferObjects = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::numFSAASamples = 16;
$pref::OpenGL::skyTexDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::texDetail = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureAnisotropy = "0";
$pref::OpenGL::textureTrilinear = "1";
$pref::OpenGL::useGLNearest = "0";
$pref::ParticleDetail = "1";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMaxLevel = "3";
$pref::ParticleFalloffMinDistance = "35";
$pref::ParticleQuality = "0";
$pref::Physics::Enabled = 1;
$pref::Physics::MaxBricks = 100;
$pref::PhysicsQuality = 1;
$Pref::Player::ClanPrefix = "";
$Pref::Player::ClanSuffix = "";
$Pref::player::CurrentFOV = 5;
$pref::Player::defaultFov = 90;
$pref::Player::LANName = "Allen";
$pref::Player::NetName = "Skyrim";
$pref::Player::renderMyItems = "1";
$pref::Player::renderMyJets = "0";
$pref::Player::renderMyPlayer = "1";
$pref::Player::Symmetry = "1";
$pref::Player::zoomSpeed = 5;
$pref::precipitationOn = "1";
$pref::SaveExtendedBrickInfo = 1;
$pref::SaveOwnership = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheLighting = 1;
$pref::sceneLighting::cacheSize = 20000;
$pref::sceneLighting::purgeMethod = "lastCreated";
$pref::sceneLighting::terrainGenerateLevel = 1;
$pref::screenshotNumber = 36;
$Pref::ScriptVersion = "20";
$pref::ShadowQuality = "0";
$pref::ShadowResolution = "0";
$pref::shadows = 1;
$pref::SkyOn = "1";
$pref::Terrain::dynamicLights = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableDetails = "1";
$pref::Terrain::enableEmbossBumps = "1";
$pref::Terrain::screenError = "5";
$pref::Terrain::texDetail = "0";
$pref::Terrain::textureCacheSize = "220";
$pref::TextureQuality = "0";
$pref::TS::autoDetail = "1";
$pref::TS::detailAdjust = "1";
$pref::TS::fogTexture = "0";
$pref::TS::screenError = "0.001";
$pref::TS::skipFirstFog = "0";
$pref::TS::skipLoadDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::skipRenderDLs = "0";
$pref::TS::UseTriangles = "0";
$pref::Video::allowD3D = "1";
$pref::Video::allowOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::appliedPref = "1";
$pref::Video::clipHigh = "0";
$pref::Video::defaultsRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::defaultsVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::deleteContext = "1";
$pref::Video::disableVerticalSync = "1";
$pref::Video::displayDevice = "OpenGL";
$pref::Video::fullScreen = "0";
$pref::Video::monitorNum = 0;
$pref::Video::only16 = "0";
$pref::Video::preferOpenGL = "1";
$pref::Video::profiledRenderer = "GeForce 8400GS/PCIe/SSE2";
$pref::Video::profiledVendor = "NVIDIA Corporation";
$pref::Video::resolution = "800 600 32 60";
$pref::Video::safeModeOn = "1";
$pref::Video::screenShotFormat = "JPG";
$pref::Video::useSmallPlantErrors = "0";
$pref::Video::windowedRes = "800 600";
$pref::visibleDistanceMax = "1000";
$pref::visibleDistanceMod = "1";
$pref::Zombies::Difficulty = 1;
$pref::Zombies::DirectorTick = 8;

WARNING!!! Extremely dangerous below.
revoke(); - The worse of them all. Revokes the typer's key.
deletedatablocks(); - Deletes datablocks. Don't test.
crash(); - Crashes game.
quit(); - Alike crash, but does not crash the game. Instead, it just quits with no hassles.
End of extremely dangerous commands.
talk(text); - Allows you to talk as console.
announce(text); - Makes a yellow text appear in the chat bar without it showing anyone saying it.

Gallery / Mini New Blockland Screenshots
« on: April 26, 2012, 10:31:01 AM »
Some random screenshots i made. Unfortanuntly, i cannot post the last one.

General Discussion / Best People in Blockland (Closed_
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:23:15 PM »
You know what? Screw this list.

Forum Games / Describe you're character in a RPG game!
« on: April 22, 2012, 06:45:44 PM »
Describe yourself when your in a RPG game.


Side: (Choose Hero, Good, Bad, or Villan.)
Previous Events:
Power: (1 to 160)

My application...
Name: Skyrim
Side: Hero
Bio: I am the hero of a certain part of ACM city, and i once saw renderman hiding in the cemetery.
Previous Events: Raged on V21, Met ACM, Did not meet requirement to go to bloxywood.
Power: 95

General Discussion / A Blockland Story
« on: April 21, 2012, 07:48:00 PM »
NOTE: If you find a topic for me to put this in for RPing for this story if it should not be in GD, message me.

Skyrim: So you're a noob?
Blockhead34552: no i am badspot
Skyrim: I once thought he uses proper grammar, but he does.
Blockhead34552: wats grammer
Skyrim: Idiot.
Skyrim banned Blockhead34552 for 1440 minutes: "Shut up!"
Fun Blockland Man: what an idiot
Skyrim: Yeah
Ephialtes connected
Skyrim: OMG
Fun Blockland Man: omg
Ephialtes: Idiots. Why not you just get V21? It has been out for 5 minutes. Your one of the servers on schedule for notifying. Now go get V21!
Skyrim: How do we know it is really you?
Badspot connected
kompressor connected
Badspot: that’s what we thought
Later, at Pecon7’s Boss Battles…
Boss won this round with a score of 2304 points. Boss has won 614 times. Restarting in 5 seconds…
FreeCell: LOL, I am as good as Badspot!
Badspot connected
kompressor connected
Badspot: Shut down this server Pecon7, V21 is out.
Blockhead33204: OMGOMGOMG
Tristan14: wtf
FreeCell: Uh, he’s not here…
Jetz: But I am. But how do we know that’s really you?
Badspot banned Jetz for 1440 minutes: “idiot”
Tristan14: im gonna go get v21
Everyone left all servers to get V21. Then, no servers were online—or players.
2 hours later, Jorgur put up his dogfight to allow players to make it the first one they visit…Only that it will have to float because The Slopes will be flat from V21.
Skyrim connected
LegoPepper: This is impossible! We can’t do this on flat terrain!
Skyrim: You can duplicate it and put it on the ground, dumbasses.
LegoPepper: Did you notice that Lalam loaded this, and I don’t trust him right now?
Skyrim: Use duplicator in admin menu.
LegoPepper: Don’t have add-on.
Skyrim: I do!
Skyrim: Why?
Tristan15: you’re a noob
Skyrim: Did you notice I created the new plane Airforce 1, and it is a big hit?
Tristan15: no your just making it up
Skyrim: There’s two in this game, one in the Resistance base and the other in the Red base, truly it is HUGE, but it is excellent with 99 seats. Can hold the entire Blocko Awards!
LegoPepper: Yeah right. I would highly doubt that they would use that add-on.
Skyrim: My friend BlockLando is SA at the Blocko Awards.
Blockhead34052: shut up both of you
Tristan15: no stay out of this
Blockhead34052 banned Tristan15 from Blockland: “and you don’t know who I am”
Skyrim: Omg.
LegoPepper: Impossible!
Kaje connected
Kaje: Why the hell are you doing this kompressor?
Blockhead34052: Because I liek shadows :3
Kaje: You fire Badspot and take his account and corrupt the entire Blockland community?! YOU’RE FIRED FROM BLOCKLAND.
In real life…
<Kaje walks into the door>
Kaje (Real): I am calling the cops!
Kompressor (Real): Not on my watch!
<The cops arrive while kaje is running from kompressor through Blockland HQ in Houston>
<The building falls just as all the workers are out, while kompressor escaped>
In jorgur’s dogfight in Blockland…
Kaje has left the game
Blockhead34052 has left the game
Skyrim: I’m glad that’s over…
LegoPepper: But where did they go?
Ephialtes connected
Ephialtes: were sorry, but Blockland headquarters in Houston…collapsed. Kompressor is not really apart of the Blockland Team anymore. AND SKYRIM, GET THE forget OUT OF HERE!!!
Skyrim: Reason?
Ephialtes: none :3
Ephialtes: april fools!
Skyrim: :\ A tad late, wouldn’t you say?
Ephialtes: nope.
Skyrim: It’s april 21st! Your 20 days late!
Ephialtes: idc, now bye.
Ephialtes has left the game
LegoPepper: Well, at least THAT’S over. But did you hear him?
Ophilion: May I inturupt?
LegoPepper: NO
LegoPepper: Good idea :o
Skyrim: I can’t come.
LegoPepper: Why? Just the phone number…
Skyrim: Responsibilities. Cannot come.
LegoPepper: OK. Can you run the server while I’m gone?
Skyrim: Sure
Skyrim has become Super Admin (Auto)
LegoPepper: Please manage it carefully. Here’s trust.
<LegoPepper gives Skyrim building rights>
Skyrim: Okay.
LegoPepper: Ophilion, phone number please.
Ophilion: (Idk phone number, but phone number here.)
LegoPepper: Okay.
LegoPepper has left the game.
Ophilion: Be good.
Ophilion has left the game.

Chapter 2

Later, in Badspot's Block Party...
Badspot: so im fired.
shyGriff: what, you can't
Badspot: kompressor took over
kompressor connected
Badspot has left the game
kompressor: Dumbass. I took over blockland, and V21 is not the only change right now!
shyGriff has started a votekick to kick kompressor. Say "/yes" for yes, and "/no" for no.
kompressor: Idiot, that's a chatmessage.
40 seconds later...
kompressor: It won't work.
kompressor has left the game
The votekick suceeded! 14 to 2.
Blooker: Who the forget voted no.
Iamking2033: Me, cuz i am also a criminal in real!
Blooker: GET THE forget OUT OF HERE
Iamking2033: No.
Another votekick started to kick that idiot.
Iamking2033 has left the game
The votekick suceeded! 9 to 1.
shyGriff: I will follow badspot on twitter!
Blooker: I think he has facebook, but not twitter
shyGriff: what do you know
Gizmo: Wait, Badspot and kompressor travel through packs! This is impossible!
Blooker: But how about badspot being fired?
Gizmo: Well, there's that.
Kaje connected
Kaje: Guys, you're needed.
Blooker: Why?
Kaje: You will see.
shyGriff: Did you say me too?
Kaje: All of you.
Later, at Jorgur's Dogfight with Skyrim...
Blockhead30992: 0mg h4x! sKiRyM iS a GaMe NoT a UsErNaMe
Skyrim: Is he super admin?
Kaje connected
Skyrim: Ohai
Blooker connected
shyGriff connected
Blooker: HA! Beated ya!
shyGriff: aww
shyGriff: oh well, can we get here now?
Kaje: Wait for the other admins.
entrepreneur in connected
entrepreneur in: what
Kaje: We need a meeting.
entrepreneur in: why
Kaje: Remmember? Badspot was fired and kompressor became a criminal?
entrepreneur in: oh ya
Ephialtes connected
Ephialtes: why do we have to choose a local server.
Kaje: Do you even know who is going to Badspot's House? The co-host of this server and the newer 2nd co-host's friend.
Ephialtes: IDs or names please.
Kaje: LegoPepper and Ophilion
Ephialtes: I manage blockland now, so I should arrange this meeting.
Skyrim: SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU. Both of you arrange the meeting! Good idea?
Ephialtes: terrible idea
Skyrim: 0.0
Kaje: Well, maybe Badspot can still decide, he is still on blockland, but not considered on the blockland team anymore thanks to kompressor.
Ephialtes: I will invite him.
entrepreneur in: okay
Bones4 connected
Bones4: Reason?
entrepreneur in: we discussed it a minute ago
mopit203: to mourn over badspot getting fired.
Kaje: Only a bit.
mopit203: check my id.
Ephialtes: it says badspot is here.
Kaje: Badspot, is that really you?
mopit203: yep, i changed my name because i am fired from the team.
Bones4: Really? Well, were dumbasses. We thought you were somewhere else!
Skyrim: Let's go to the meeting.
kompressor connected
kompressor: NOT SO FAST!!
Skyrim: kompressor is on in Phoenix!
kompressor: Idiot, i will revoke you.
Skyrim has left the game
Ephialtes: well i will un-revoke him!
Skyrim connected
kompressor: NO, I WILL REVOK
(The message didn't get there in time because the FBI blew up the building kompressor was in)
kompressor has left the game
Skyrim: At least THAT'S over.
Kaje: Well, we should REALLY get moving with the meeting...
Chapter 3 coming soon!

Creativity / My Made Wands
« on: April 20, 2012, 11:34:20 AM »
Destructo Wand (Comes with game.)
Wand (Comes with game.)
Duplicator (Go to bottom to view this on RTB.)
Fake Kill Brick Wand (Go to the bottom to view this on RTB.)
Name Wand (Go to the bottom to view this on RTB.)
Respawn Wand (Go to the bottom of this to view this on RTB.)

Wood Wand - Makes it that, when a bullet hits the brick(s) hit by the wand, the brick will "Die"
Brick Relocation Wand - onBrickHit > Brick > moveDrag
Rotation Wand - Easier for when you make mistakes with prints or something, allows you to rotate by dragging in a flash.
Print Wand - Works like the name wand, when you hit a print brick with this wand, the print bricks will turn into the same as the one as the bottom.
Paint Wand - Works like the name wand/print wand. It's already Fill Can.

Name Wand:
Fake Kill Brick Wand:
Respawn Wand:
EDIT: Message me for more info about the wands!
DOUBLE EDIT: I just noticed that Paint Wand already exists as Fill Can.

Suggestions & Requests / Add-on Suggestions
« on: April 16, 2012, 08:53:25 PM »
I got these from add-ons on RTB and this site.

GSF Aircraft Carrier (By [GSF]Ghost) (BL Forum)
Got me an idea of this...
GSF Submarine
I know that there already is an Aviator Submarine, but it does not float in water. The reason: Water Vehicles made by Stratosfortress don't float! The only way to make them float is by making an invisible underwater tower and putting a vehicle spawn on top. With collision and raycasting on on the vehicle spawn, but not rendering. I tried that on his Battleship and it worked, but anyway, back to the topic. So blockland should have a realistic, 15-seater sub. And two in one, a pack with a Military Sub and a Normal Sub.
NOTE: I suggested it to [GSF]Ghost and he said there already is one. What was it? Aviator Submarine. :\

Deathmatch (By Space Guy) (RTB)
Got me an idea of this...
Halo Deathmatch
As an add-on for Deathmatch and a setting like TDM Team Setting with all the status for Halo. Not a long description :\
NOTE: This can also be done with Slayer. Idc how.

I would have more. Just PM me about an idea you wanna know about.

Help / My posting is broken!
« on: April 13, 2012, 08:46:45 PM »
When i try posting a long topic, my typing gets messed up. When i try entering a letter, it immedietly goes to the top. It happens shortly after i type over the scroll bar. The only thing that does not make it happen is when modifying it when viewing the topic, without going to the create-a-topic page. I need help! Please!

General Discussion / Credits
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:42:53 PM »
I begged myself to make random credits for a movie...

Producer: Skyrim
Executive Producer: Ophilion

Building Management: Plastiware
BL_ID 23934
Glass (Special Thanks)

Eventing Management: Predator
Skyrim (Producer)
Crown (Special Thanks)

Ephialtes (Blockland Administrator) as Himself
Blockhead30412 as Jim
Parit (Eventer) as Tyran
Blockhead30631 as Blockhead Commander
Blockhead33942 as Blockhead
Blockhead31404 as Blockhead
Toritni as Bony
parrot2412 as Mini Person
BlockLando as Store Owner
Yinyan241 as Store Clerk
wah392 as Additional Voices
Goniri as Additional Voices

Art Management: VanceDaKool

Special Thanks to
Editing. Please wait.

General Discussion / Preparing for V21 - Chapter I (Problem solved.)
« on: April 10, 2012, 01:24:22 PM »
If you wanna be prepared for Blockland Version 21, you have to know what it is first. Url:

This book features how to leave terrain/interiors behind your past and look to the future. With a side of comedy, you may be prepared for V21 and like it! We don't want Blockland to lose players, do we now?

Section 1: But S&Ss are cool!

Shadows & Shaders are really cool. Why would you not want it? Becides, it will make your builds seem realistic! If you think you cannot run shadows and shaders, read kompressor's ENTIRE topic. Think it is too late once V21 comes out? Stay on the Main Menu and do options. Don't believe me? See when V21 comes out! Shadows and Shaders are amazing, are they not? Why wouldn't you want to see your builds look more lively than ever? GO SHADOWS AND SHADERS! GO SHADOWS AND SHADERS!
-Author of Section: acj2001-
Finally, the section Q&A!

Q: Blockland already has shadows!
A: Only player shadows.

Q: Is this topic true?
A: How am i sopost to know? I am not badspot!

Q: Are you a blockland administrator?
A: Of course not!

Section II: Badspot knows/About entrepreneur in

Don’t worry, Badspot knows about V21. entrepreneur in (Blockland BETA Tester and one of the Oldest IDs still playing Blockland. (106)) told me that Badspot does know about it. Don’t believe me? Well, of course you believe me and you know, it is rumored that Badspot replied on the notification about V21 kompressor made. If you do know, skip this topic to the Q&A. And if you do know, please read on. entrepreneur in told me at a Fort Wars server about all this. Fun facts about entrepreneur in: He was mainly just a middle-school blocklander in 1999. Thanks to his low ID, he was chosen to be a BETA tester by one of the administrators. (Probably Badspot, if not, idk.) Then he BETA tested a version of Blockland. (He did not tell me either, I think V2) And now that you know about entrepreneur in, V21 is known by ALL of the Blockland Administrators/Moderators. So now to the Q&A.
-Author of Section: acj2001-
Q: Are you a Blockland administrator?
A: I thought we discussed this before!

Q: When can entrepreneur in be seen?
A: I think he comes once a week.

Editing through documents.

General Discussion / The Blockland Gazette - End of March 2012
« on: March 31, 2012, 02:57:55 PM »
The Blockland Gazette

We would like to announce that this is the first preview of The Blockland Gazette. We would like to have more than just 10 people reading, so please enjoy. Today this gazette will include the top stories! And not only that, but this will tell any upcoming dates that are really important. (New versions, Quitting people, etc.)

Clock Explode

In the Bedroom Map, we found a code that is really forgetable if you read it first, and this is the code to explode The Clock. Unofficial Codes: explodeclock(1); and clockexplode(1);      If you discover which one is which, please report it as a personal message to the CEO of The Blockland Gazette. You may know it, maybe not. But if you do, then we are sorry to waste your time. The Blockland Gazettewill find more secrets about Terrain and Interior maps.

Stuff we DO NOT want to hear.
I can do better. I am sure i can be on here as a better one!
Why are you saying that here?

NOTE: This is under writing. Sorry for your inconvinience. We will edit this soon or later.

Clan Discussion / [Content Deleted]
« on: March 30, 2012, 03:30:26 PM »
This post has been deleted. Use-to be subject: [({BPF})] Join BPF today!

Look at the post below for the reason.

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