Off Topic / The Rec. Drug Thread - FAQ, Q&A, and general information.
« on: May 31, 2011, 03:12:15 PM »
This thread is for the discussion of recreational drugs and drug-related cultural or philosophical views. This is not the thread to act like a forgettard in: We don't care if you don't do drugs, don't bitch about it here. This is a factoid thread, not a biased one. Users should always be aware of risks involved, it is not your duty to come in here and preach that bullstuff, I will put the related risks of said drugs in the OP for all to see. Again: Don't spout handicapped propaganda garbage. I'd really appreciate it if everyone could approach the thread with some curiosity, if anything.
What Are Recreational Drugs?
Recreational drugs are drugs people use not specifically to counteract an ailment, most times to achieve a "high", a buzz, or to hallucinate. The most common recreational drugs are Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Cannabis.
Why Do People Use Recreational Drugs?
Many people use them entirely unknowingly, but a lot of people's reasons differ. Some people turn to drugs as an escape route from reality, many people use drugs as a social tool or entertainment outlet, some people use them to enhance their lives, connect spiritually, and to open their minds. Not everyone is what's commonly known as a "druggie", people can have a healthy relationship with drugs, but unfortunately quite a lot of people do not. Don't generalize all drug users, because there's a wide variety of us, ranging from teenagers to adults that have families.
What Do You Mean by "A Healthy Relationship"?
The only thing separating us from the stereotype is "responsibility". Having a healthy relationship with your drug use is being responsible, not getting into trouble, not letting it effect your job or monetary responsibilities, or damage your social life.
General FAQ and Misconceptions
Drugs Are Bad!
No, they aren't. Drugs are inanimate, they do not carry any sort of ethical responsibility, they don't do anything without human intervention. Drugs help millions around the world every day, and almost every single person on the planet has used a drug at one time or another. Remember: Use, not abuse.
So Then Rec. Drug Users Are Bad!
No, we're not. This is a dumb argument. Using drugs is not morally corrupt, but letting them take over your life most definitely is.
I Don't Want To Do Drugs, Still.
That's fine, but don't argue your insecurities here. This is a thread of knowledge, not grounds for opinions on why it is ethically detrimental to smoke weed or whatever. If you have a question, ask it, but don't come in here picking fights and calling people "stoners". Do that in a PM or some bullstuff.
Drugs Will Kill You!
Everything will kill you, get over it. You've got 100 years on this earth at BEST, so enjoy it, even if it means getting injured, make sure you regret doing stupid things, that's a life well lived. But anyway, no philosophical arguments here..
<Ignorant Anti-Drug Retorts>
Get out, stop posting here. This is not the loving place to act like an assclown. Do your best to approach this culture with curiosity, not ignorance.
Why Did You Start With Recreational Drugs, Yuki?
In the past year, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, and in recent months, her health was deteriorating, quickly. I heard about Medical Marijuana and did a lot of research on it, begging my dad to at least look into it for my mother. He never did, he stuck with his narrow-minded conservative views, and my mother's health only got worse. She was constantly hallucinating, couldn't talk coherently, and by the last night, she was almost completely receded from reality. She eventually fell asleep and her breathing slowed, and stopped. She passed away. Before this, I was a straight-edge kid. No drugs, no alcohol. But with my research I slowly began realizing that cannabis isn't harmful, even beneficial to human health. One night, I called up my friend and met her at a pizza place to smoke a joint. Disappointed at not getting high, she invited me over a few days later to really blaze. We smoked 3 bowls and a bong and I was gone. I felt euphoric, and the next morning, I still felt incredible. It was a good night, I had a lot of fun, so I started talking to all of my stoner friends, and we'd meet up to smoke a bit, and it was some of the most fun I've ever had, and still is. It really changed my views of the world, I got a job and started thinking more optimistically, I realized what I wanted to do with my life and generally felt more open to new experiences and social adventures.
Yuki's Drug To-Do List:
[ ]Psilocybin/Psilocin (Psychedelic Shrooms)
[ ]Peyote/Mescaline (Spiritual Journey)
[ ]Cocaine (Only once, maybe)
[ ]MDMA (Sketchy. Would only do if had close girlfriend.
[ ]LSD or LSA (Maybe)
I'm Not 18 Yet, I Don't Need To Smoke/Generally Irritating Stuck-Up Retort
I don't condone smoking or doing ANY drugs before the age of 18. You don't need to, it can have effects on your development. Just like with Alcohol, Cannabis is something to be used by responsible adults. Stop acting like a jackass, you're not "better" than anyone that does drugs. I'd say you're even worse for thinking that you're better than another person, period.
Drugs Of The World
*Will expound upon:
Psychoactive Stimulants:
Psychoactive stimulants stimulate certain receptors in your brain.
AKA: Soda, Energy Drink, Pop, Cola
Summary: Caffeine is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs, used by billions of people all over the world. Caffeine is a primary ingredient in soda, coffee, and energy drinks.
Effects: Caffeine is a stimulant, it gives the user a lot of energy, getting rid of tiredness.
Usage: Caffeine is ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Caffeine does elicit withdrawal effects in users, it is physically addictive and can cause dehydration.
Availability: Readily available, unrestricted to all age ranges.
AKA: Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, Marijuana, Grass
Summary: Cannabis is an intense psychoactive stimulant that results in a euphoria. It is caused by cannabinoids in the leaf, like THC, being smoked and inhaled by a user. It has been used for centuries, with a major spike in popularity during the 1970's with the youth counterculture and anti-vietnam war protests. It is an extremely common drug inside and outside of the USA.
Effects: Euphoria, mood-lifting, mind-opening, dry mouth, the "munchies", things become exaggerated or hilarious. Other symptoms are attributed to different strains of Marijuana. Cannabis can also cause either lethargy/fatigue OR a rush of energy, depending on the strain.
Usage: Smoked, ingested, or vaporized.
Legality: Illegal in the USA, with state medical regulation.
Health: Cannabis is not physically addictive, and does not cause withdrawal effects. Lung damage is trivialized, THC is a bronchial dilator, and cannabis is non-carcinogenic.
Availability: Black market dealers, or readily purchasable with a card in some states.
Stimulants stimulate your nervous system.
AKA: Cigar, Cigarette, Cig, Tobacco
Summary: Nicotine is the chemical present in the most common drug in the world: Tobacco. Billions of people are addicted to nicotine, and the Tobacco industry is the most profitable commercial industry in the world.
Effects: A nicotine "buzz" for newer users. Drastically lessened for experienced users.
Usage: Smoked or Chewed/ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Nicotine is extremely addictive and causes withdrawal effects. Nicotine is also extremely toxic. Nicotine is most commonly found in cigarettes, which have been proven to cause lung disease, birth defects, and are extremely carcinogenic mostly due to all of the other chemicals also packed into the cigarette. Cigarettes are responsible for over 5 million deaths per year.
Availability: Readily available for purchase by users 18+
Depressants depress and slow your nervous system.
Summary: Alcohol is one of the, if not THE most commonly consumed recreational drug in the USA and in many other countries.
Effects: In small doses, relieves tension and decreases inhibition. In larger doses, it can cause total failure of motor control, dizziness, loss of coordination/balance, nausea, confusion, dehydration, unconsciousness and puking. Getting "drunk" is the common term for becoming intoxicated with alcohol.
Usage: Ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Alcohol is not chemically addictive, and is almost entirely harmless in moderate doses. Long-term and intense exposure to alcohol can cause brain corrosion and liver damage.
Availability: For purchase almost everywhere in the USA for 21+
Psychedelics & Hallucinogens
Cause intense visual and auditory hallucinations and euphoria. Commonly associated with mind-opening and spiritual awakening.
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Summary: Naturally-occurring psychedelic shrooms, containing the chemicals psilocybin or psilocin.
Effects: Intense euphoria, creativity, things become extremely exaggerated and hilarious, loss of time, emotional sensitivity, life-changing experiences, visual/auditory hallucinations, closed/open eye visuals, easily susceptible to fear.
Usage: Ingested.
Legality: Differs - Spores, legal; Mushrooms, can be legal depending on circumstance; Dried mushroom caps absolutely illegal except under certain circumstance. (The government realizes that these mushrooms occur naturally, and certain fungal enthusiasts may pick psychedelic caps by mistake.
Health: Not chemically addictive. Long-term health report inconclusive, risk of death virtually absent. If used in moderation, and extremely uncommonly (less than 3 times a year), adverse health effects are unlikely.
Availability: Uncommon. Can be found naturally, but can also be purchased via black market dealers.
-Peyote (Mescaline)
More to come:
-Cultural Influence
Good Reference:
Here's a drug profile for you kids who mess with durgs in the meantime, I'll update this post.
Common Name:
Chemical Name:
Class Of Drugs:
Why'd You Do It?
Would You Do It Again?
This thread is for the discussion of recreational drugs and drug-related cultural or philosophical views. This is not the thread to act like a forgettard in: We don't care if you don't do drugs, don't bitch about it here. This is a factoid thread, not a biased one. Users should always be aware of risks involved, it is not your duty to come in here and preach that bullstuff, I will put the related risks of said drugs in the OP for all to see. Again: Don't spout handicapped propaganda garbage. I'd really appreciate it if everyone could approach the thread with some curiosity, if anything.
What Are Recreational Drugs?
Recreational drugs are drugs people use not specifically to counteract an ailment, most times to achieve a "high", a buzz, or to hallucinate. The most common recreational drugs are Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Cannabis.
Why Do People Use Recreational Drugs?
Many people use them entirely unknowingly, but a lot of people's reasons differ. Some people turn to drugs as an escape route from reality, many people use drugs as a social tool or entertainment outlet, some people use them to enhance their lives, connect spiritually, and to open their minds. Not everyone is what's commonly known as a "druggie", people can have a healthy relationship with drugs, but unfortunately quite a lot of people do not. Don't generalize all drug users, because there's a wide variety of us, ranging from teenagers to adults that have families.
What Do You Mean by "A Healthy Relationship"?
The only thing separating us from the stereotype is "responsibility". Having a healthy relationship with your drug use is being responsible, not getting into trouble, not letting it effect your job or monetary responsibilities, or damage your social life.
General FAQ and Misconceptions
Drugs Are Bad!
No, they aren't. Drugs are inanimate, they do not carry any sort of ethical responsibility, they don't do anything without human intervention. Drugs help millions around the world every day, and almost every single person on the planet has used a drug at one time or another. Remember: Use, not abuse.
So Then Rec. Drug Users Are Bad!
No, we're not. This is a dumb argument. Using drugs is not morally corrupt, but letting them take over your life most definitely is.
I Don't Want To Do Drugs, Still.
That's fine, but don't argue your insecurities here. This is a thread of knowledge, not grounds for opinions on why it is ethically detrimental to smoke weed or whatever. If you have a question, ask it, but don't come in here picking fights and calling people "stoners". Do that in a PM or some bullstuff.
Drugs Will Kill You!
Everything will kill you, get over it. You've got 100 years on this earth at BEST, so enjoy it, even if it means getting injured, make sure you regret doing stupid things, that's a life well lived. But anyway, no philosophical arguments here..
<Ignorant Anti-Drug Retorts>
Get out, stop posting here. This is not the loving place to act like an assclown. Do your best to approach this culture with curiosity, not ignorance.
Why Did You Start With Recreational Drugs, Yuki?
In the past year, my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer, and in recent months, her health was deteriorating, quickly. I heard about Medical Marijuana and did a lot of research on it, begging my dad to at least look into it for my mother. He never did, he stuck with his narrow-minded conservative views, and my mother's health only got worse. She was constantly hallucinating, couldn't talk coherently, and by the last night, she was almost completely receded from reality. She eventually fell asleep and her breathing slowed, and stopped. She passed away. Before this, I was a straight-edge kid. No drugs, no alcohol. But with my research I slowly began realizing that cannabis isn't harmful, even beneficial to human health. One night, I called up my friend and met her at a pizza place to smoke a joint. Disappointed at not getting high, she invited me over a few days later to really blaze. We smoked 3 bowls and a bong and I was gone. I felt euphoric, and the next morning, I still felt incredible. It was a good night, I had a lot of fun, so I started talking to all of my stoner friends, and we'd meet up to smoke a bit, and it was some of the most fun I've ever had, and still is. It really changed my views of the world, I got a job and started thinking more optimistically, I realized what I wanted to do with my life and generally felt more open to new experiences and social adventures.
Yuki's Drug To-Do List:
- Cannabis (My personal favorite)
- Nicotine (Sucks)
- Caffeine (Second Favorite)
- Alcohol (Also sucks, just dizziness and nausea)
[ ]Psilocybin/Psilocin (Psychedelic Shrooms)
[ ]Peyote/Mescaline (Spiritual Journey)
[ ]Cocaine (Only once, maybe)
[ ]MDMA (Sketchy. Would only do if had close girlfriend.
[ ]LSD or LSA (Maybe)
I'm Not 18 Yet, I Don't Need To Smoke/Generally Irritating Stuck-Up Retort
I don't condone smoking or doing ANY drugs before the age of 18. You don't need to, it can have effects on your development. Just like with Alcohol, Cannabis is something to be used by responsible adults. Stop acting like a jackass, you're not "better" than anyone that does drugs. I'd say you're even worse for thinking that you're better than another person, period.
Drugs Of The World
*Will expound upon:
Psychoactive Stimulants:
Psychoactive stimulants stimulate certain receptors in your brain.
AKA: Soda, Energy Drink, Pop, Cola
Summary: Caffeine is one of the most commonly used recreational drugs, used by billions of people all over the world. Caffeine is a primary ingredient in soda, coffee, and energy drinks.
Effects: Caffeine is a stimulant, it gives the user a lot of energy, getting rid of tiredness.
Usage: Caffeine is ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Caffeine does elicit withdrawal effects in users, it is physically addictive and can cause dehydration.
Availability: Readily available, unrestricted to all age ranges.
AKA: Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, Marijuana, Grass
Summary: Cannabis is an intense psychoactive stimulant that results in a euphoria. It is caused by cannabinoids in the leaf, like THC, being smoked and inhaled by a user. It has been used for centuries, with a major spike in popularity during the 1970's with the youth counterculture and anti-vietnam war protests. It is an extremely common drug inside and outside of the USA.
Effects: Euphoria, mood-lifting, mind-opening, dry mouth, the "munchies", things become exaggerated or hilarious. Other symptoms are attributed to different strains of Marijuana. Cannabis can also cause either lethargy/fatigue OR a rush of energy, depending on the strain.
Usage: Smoked, ingested, or vaporized.
Legality: Illegal in the USA, with state medical regulation.
Health: Cannabis is not physically addictive, and does not cause withdrawal effects. Lung damage is trivialized, THC is a bronchial dilator, and cannabis is non-carcinogenic.
Availability: Black market dealers, or readily purchasable with a card in some states.
Stimulants stimulate your nervous system.
AKA: Cigar, Cigarette, Cig, Tobacco
Summary: Nicotine is the chemical present in the most common drug in the world: Tobacco. Billions of people are addicted to nicotine, and the Tobacco industry is the most profitable commercial industry in the world.
Effects: A nicotine "buzz" for newer users. Drastically lessened for experienced users.
Usage: Smoked or Chewed/ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Nicotine is extremely addictive and causes withdrawal effects. Nicotine is also extremely toxic. Nicotine is most commonly found in cigarettes, which have been proven to cause lung disease, birth defects, and are extremely carcinogenic mostly due to all of the other chemicals also packed into the cigarette. Cigarettes are responsible for over 5 million deaths per year.
Availability: Readily available for purchase by users 18+
Depressants depress and slow your nervous system.
Summary: Alcohol is one of the, if not THE most commonly consumed recreational drug in the USA and in many other countries.
Effects: In small doses, relieves tension and decreases inhibition. In larger doses, it can cause total failure of motor control, dizziness, loss of coordination/balance, nausea, confusion, dehydration, unconsciousness and puking. Getting "drunk" is the common term for becoming intoxicated with alcohol.
Usage: Ingested.
Legality: Legal
Health: Alcohol is not chemically addictive, and is almost entirely harmless in moderate doses. Long-term and intense exposure to alcohol can cause brain corrosion and liver damage.
Availability: For purchase almost everywhere in the USA for 21+
Psychedelics & Hallucinogens
Cause intense visual and auditory hallucinations and euphoria. Commonly associated with mind-opening and spiritual awakening.
Psilocybin Mushrooms
Summary: Naturally-occurring psychedelic shrooms, containing the chemicals psilocybin or psilocin.
Effects: Intense euphoria, creativity, things become extremely exaggerated and hilarious, loss of time, emotional sensitivity, life-changing experiences, visual/auditory hallucinations, closed/open eye visuals, easily susceptible to fear.
Usage: Ingested.
Legality: Differs - Spores, legal; Mushrooms, can be legal depending on circumstance; Dried mushroom caps absolutely illegal except under certain circumstance. (The government realizes that these mushrooms occur naturally, and certain fungal enthusiasts may pick psychedelic caps by mistake.
Health: Not chemically addictive. Long-term health report inconclusive, risk of death virtually absent. If used in moderation, and extremely uncommonly (less than 3 times a year), adverse health effects are unlikely.
Availability: Uncommon. Can be found naturally, but can also be purchased via black market dealers.
-Peyote (Mescaline)
More to come:
-Cultural Influence
Good Reference:
Here's a drug profile for you kids who mess with durgs in the meantime, I'll update this post.
Common Name:
Chemical Name:
Class Of Drugs:
Why'd You Do It?
Would You Do It Again?