So I originally named them Awesome so they'd always be on the front page of RTB... (hehe) But that's dead now so here they are.
Awesome ColorsetA default edit never felt so good!DescriptionAn
awesome colorset that contains *every single Default color plus a bunch more! Liven up your builds with this colorset while still retaining their default mood.
Builds using default colorset will load (almost) completely normal! Only color that has to be fixed is standard blue (will load as purple)
- Standards: A well rounded row with no useless neon colors like other standard rows!
- Bolds: Bold colors for your bricks that need to make a statement ;)
- Softs: Soft pastel colors
- Transparents: Original transparent row
- Spills: A "Specials" row with some useful colors! Transparents especially good for liquids
- Greyscales: All the original grey colors with the gaps filled in with even steps
- Browns: Large scale of browns based on the hue of original brown colors.
*Standard blue and yellow have been slightly changed from original, as original yellow is dingy and original blue is purple-yScreenshotDownloadMediafire:
Awesome Colorset: NewNot the colorset Blockland needs, but the one it deserves.DescriptionA new revision to the awesome colorset! Unlike the original Awesome Colorset, this colorset has a totally new array of colors, only holding onto the favorite defaults!
- Standards: The same well rounded standard row
- Rich: The bold colors from Awesome/Default colorset plus a few new friends ;)
- Muted: Dulled colors that are great for buildings, vehicles, and other stuff
- Soft: New set of soft pastel colors
- Naturals: New set of brown and neutral tones.
- Greyscale: Modest greyscale that leaves room for more colors in the set
- Transparent: A set of transparent colors with practical uses in mind, not just a copy of the standard row like other sets!
Awesome Colorset: FadedThe awesome colorset with an apocalyptic style!DescriptionThe original awesome colorset faded for apocalyptic type builds. Features dingy, grungy, and dirty versions of the original colors.
- Standards: The same standard row you knew and loved, now faded to perfection!
- Bolds: Faded bolds! Not so bold anymore ey?
- Softs: Pastel colors are already kinda faded but we faded them some more anyways!
- Transparents: Dark and murky versions of the original transparents (Left light blue alone for good water)
- Sepias: A spectrum of wonderful, useful toned down sepia-grey colors + some extra browns!
- Greyscales: Greyscale with a small hint of sepia to make them look dirty
- Browns: A spectrum of faded browns
Awesome Colorset: DarkDark and smooth like Morgan Freeman's voiceDescriptionThe perfect colorset to push your build's style over the edge, with an extreme set of dark, bold, and rich colors that will give your build a dark and eerie feeling. This colorset was very experimental and is not intended to be used for your every-day builds.
- Standards: The same standard row for those little touches of light where you still need them
- Dark Bolds: Super dark and super bold colors
- Transparents: Murky transparent colors to suit your dark builds
- Cools: A 5-color spectrum of cool tones with an extra 4 cool colors
- Warms: A 5-color spectrum of warm tones with an extra 4 warm colors!
- Greyscales: Standard greyscale with two transparent greys
- Browns: A variety of different brown towns for various different things
I'm open to suggestions for improvements on current colorsets :) I have a few things I want to change in Faded especially, but I don't know if anyone's attached to the current palette or not. I'm also very open to new colorset suggestions or requests, as I thoroughly enjoy creating colorsets :)