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Pages: [1]
Off Topic / 6 questions for you
« on: January 20, 2017, 01:34:55 PM »
I have a dumb school project I have to do in Excel and I need some people to answer a survey I made.
I decided to ask you people rather than going around classes giving links for the survey.

__Below is the link__


Suggestions & Requests / FireRelayRandomNum
« on: February 15, 2014, 01:20:32 PM »
I need an addon that would fire a relay in a random event line

For example:
  • OnActivate >  self > FirerelayRandomNum > 1 2 3
  • [1]OnRelay >  self > setitem > Rock
    [2]OnRelay >  self > setitem > Paper
    [3]OnRelay >  self > setitem > Scicross

    Would randomly give you a Rock, a paper or a scicross

    This event would be useful for playing Rock, Paper and Sicross or to find random loot from boxes.  :cookieMonster:
    I NEED this event.

    NOTE : I hate VCE, DONT suggest me to use VCE for these events.

Help / Bots wont attack in LAN
« on: March 15, 2013, 01:21:48 PM »
So, i played LAN with my friend because the bots came out. we spawned bots, we made a minigame, they attacked only when we clicked or touched them, any help?

Gallery / Left 4 block:hospital
« on: January 10, 2011, 02:23:22 PM »
My own left 4 block hospital.More pictures/download:,1

Pages: [1]