My Name is Areeb1002 (in game name xXMaterialXx)BlockSudios is a new server where you take pictures in studios of many varieties, even you can make your own, you even gain up levels (see chapter 5 below)
There are some How to's here so have some spare time to look at them
1: How to Join
2: How to Upload pictures
3: Editing Pictures
4: Restrictions
5: Whats Leveling up
6: FAQ
CHAPTER 1: How to join:
Its obviously easy to join, fill in this form and proceed
Are you good at taking pics:
Is this your first time taking pics:
Are you a appropriate photographer:
Do you like editing:
Next once your accepted, you will get a pm for my server details
CHAPTER 2: How to upload pics
Now the thing is that if you want to take a picture you need to check in blockland you have a Addon called: Film HUD: it in your Addons folder and restart blockland, the other thing is that you have a HUD Screenshot (in controls) set with a key and FILM HUD too,
then your ready to proceed!
OK, now go to a server where its popular/unpopular and take a nice picture with Film HUD then take a HUD screenshot
Tip if have jets like in freebuilds: for example, you want to take a picture for a humongous nyan cat pixel art jet and do the same thing above (optional get auto jets and your done! To send your pictures to me either PM or email me ( the pictures and description what it is and which server you captured this (IN DETAIL).
CHAPTER 3: Editing Pictures
The main thing you really want is neatness of picture, brightness and colors. You can use Photoshop, paint.NET or other to help you.
CHAPTER 4: Restrictions
Of coarse pictures has to be fun to see, hilarious and nice to other people, but we cannot allow some pictures in the background/forground/editing:
1: Nudity
2: Rude Words
3: Rude Editing
4: Picture adding from the net
Heres a example with none of these and better without some editing

Beautiful, isn't it? Use shaders, text and day/night cycle and it will be perfect o!'
CHAPTER 5: Whats Leveling up
Probaly some of you skipped to this part cause i dont know but whatever.
Leveling up can be tricky but easy, you need to send a limit of pictures with beauty and the more it is the more value of points to level up like the one above could be a value of 1000 points to level up straight to level 3! Theres about 15 levels maximum!
1 - Need 0 points
2 - Need 500 points
3 - Need 1 000 points
4 - Need 2 000 points
5 - Need 4 500 points
6 - Need 7 000 points
7 - Need 10 000 points
8 - Need 45 000 points
9 - Need 80 000 points
10 - Need 100 000 points
11 - Need 200 500 points
12 - Need 500 000 points
13 - Need 750 500 points
14 - Need 805 505 points
15 - Need 1 000 000 points
CHAPTER 6: FAQ i need some questions now to fill this
Name: | BL_ID: | Level |
xXMaterialXx | 26043 | 15 |
Peace, Areeb1002