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Topics - MrMcCakey

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Games / Activision is coming out with a new Walking Dead game
« on: March 06, 2013, 02:46:22 AM »
It's called The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Basically what it is is it takes place more in the universe that the popular TV show takes place in, whereas the other game by Telltale took place in the comic. Like the other game, though, it's set in a prequel of the show, so don't expect getting to play as Rick Grimes.

What do you guys think?

uh yea fixed my mistakes lmao

Off Topic / My dog is gone.
« on: February 23, 2013, 10:22:03 PM »
Very similar to the death of my cat, she has cancer and just stopped doing anything. I first met her when my dad's girlfriend asked him to take care of her for a while. Her name is Ladybug, usually my family calls her Bug though. I've gone through this scenario of a pet dying a lot, so it's nothing new, however it still manages to forget with my emotions. I'm going to miss her.

I have a few pictures of her on my iPod I took just now, but it might take a while before they're up for reasons I don't feel like explaining.

I hope at least a few of you guys can connect with me and know how I'm feeling right now.

I just got my news from dad, who just got back from the animal clinic.

She's gone. I'm glad she's relieved of such pain now.

Off Topic / Record your voice V4ithink
« on: February 07, 2013, 01:03:57 AM »
if you have a mic go here and record a sample of your voice

mahk nutt

Games / TerraFirmaCraft Megathread
« on: February 02, 2013, 06:33:00 PM »
nobody gave a stuff about the other one so uh BOOP

Survival mode as it should've been.

TerraFirmaCraft, created by Bioxx, is a complete rework of Minecraft survival. The world generation is very different from vanilla Minecraft, featuring a wide variety of biomes, stone layers, vegetation, and ores. This mod is designed to make Minecraft survival more challenging and complex, while still being fun to play.

A TFC2 is in development, which will be a complete overhaul of TFC1's original features. Not much detail can be given at the moment, as it is still in the planning stages. Bioxx claims that it is not the same mod.

Useful Links
Please also keep in mind that you can access each of the following links simply from the main site.

- Main Site -
News and other sources about the mod can be found here.

- Download -
A direct download to the mod. If you want to know how to install it, look it up.

- Official Wiki -
Easy access to anything you want to know about TerraFirmaCraft.

One of the most popular video series around this mod is Spumwack's "Terra Firma" series. The first few videos are pretty outdated but not much has changed in between when he uploaded the first episode and what is in the mod currently, so don't worry. I will list the first five episodes, and if you finish watching those you can continue on on your own.

- Part One -
After a nasty fall, Spumwack begins anew in Terra Firma.

- Part Two -
Spumwack begins getting settled in his new shack and realizes just how slowly one makes progress in the world of Terra Firma.

- Part Three -
Spumwack begins the day by collecting metal nuggets off the ground and then runs into an old friend...

- Part Four -
"Don't leave the house at all"
"I'm leaving the house right now"

- Part Five -
Hopefully you can pull yourself away from Swoozy's story about cheating in middle school to watch Spumwack and Beednox attain a feather, slaughter some squidlings, and begin making baby steps out of the stone age.
That's pretty messed up about his friend, though.

lol idk

Off Topic / how good are the blockland forums at math?
« on: January 31, 2013, 06:23:01 PM »

vote in the poll whether or not you're good at mathematics


Off Topic / Fun Facts Thread
« on: January 26, 2013, 12:50:46 AM »
Post some interesting or cool things that you know about! The topic of your fact(s) doesn't matter, just post away!

  • Saturn's rings are a kilometer thick
  • Mozart wrote a song about farting
  • A fart weighs approximately .0371 grams
  • The first joke ever known to humanity was about a man farting in a woman's lap
  • Tony Hawk made more profits out of his branding rather than being a professional skater
  • A decapitated roosterroach doesn't die of common sense, but out of starvation

Off Topic / Google Fight
« on: January 10, 2013, 12:00:27 AM »

Fill the two boxes with different words (doesn't matter what it actually is) and whatever wins is how many times it has been searched on Google as opposed to the other.

For example, filling one box with "apples" and the other with "oranges" will tell you that "apples" has won because it's been searched more times on Google than oranges has.

Be creative and have fun.

Off Topic / lil wayne & CD ordering prank call
« on: December 26, 2012, 03:28:41 AM »

this is as funny as if not better than ownagepranks


General Discussion / Make up Blockland Christmas carols!
« on: December 08, 2012, 12:35:16 AM »
Post a Christmas carol and alter the lyrics to make it all Blockland-y

I'm not creative enough to think of anything so I don't have an example, but I could think of this, and you can continue it if you want:

"On the first day of Christmas, my admin gave to me..."
(You can alter it if you need to)

But enough of my text rambling, go!

Off Topic / mawty or rlcbm?
« on: November 03, 2012, 04:28:18 PM »

do you prefer rlcbm's cute and hilarious grammar errors or mawty and his garfeld homies that are dominating blockland philosophy?

vote who your favorite is and post why!

Off Topic / what would you do in a zombie apocalypse
« on: October 27, 2012, 01:58:48 AM »

be specific: what would you bring, who would you bring, what would you fight with, would you defend a place or just constantly travel, things like that.

go, young one!

for me, I'd probably get a rifle, a pistol that's stronger than the rifle, an ice pick or something to hit the zombies with, bring a bunch of food and beverages, something warm to wear, and head out and find a suitable shelter than I can turn into a home.


Off Topic / make a poem based on what the above user tells you
« on: October 21, 2012, 02:12:14 AM »

you can write your poem in any way you want (rhymes, limerick, haiku, etc)


friend 1: write a poem about mlp
friend 2: mlp's gay lololololol (insert rhyme here) write a poem about your favorite forum user

and so on

write a poem about what's in your hand

Help / How do you make a dedicated server after the S&S update?
« on: October 16, 2012, 01:18:48 AM »
I checked out a tutorial on it but I was confused because it said to put "-map bedroom" in the .bat file. Do I put "-gamemode [gamemode]" or something?

If anyone could answer this, you have my thanks.

Off Topic / do you want to speak in a different accent?
« on: October 06, 2012, 11:00:11 PM »
am I the only one who's tired of the way they speak?

some of you might be thinking "how do you notice your own accent if you've been hearing it your whole life?"; I know what certain letters and sounds and blah blah blah are supposed to sound like. i.e. I notice that people with american accents say t sounds often made into d sounds to more fluently speak it. I seriously don't know why this bothers me.

so uh
if so, what accent?
for me, australian because it sounds mad lovey.

yay in the right board this time

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