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Topics - chubaka452

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Hello, so I'm trying to hop back on blockland, but I have a regular key. When I download the regular .exe, for some reason it uses the steam api, how can I make it to not use steam? Thanks.

General Discussion / Cant log in to Blockland
« on: October 23, 2018, 04:11:07 PM »
I know I should probably post this on the Help Section, but it's pretty dry. I was wondering if I was banned from Blockland because I'm not able to be authenticated, it just says "Authenticating: Validating Key", like I'd like to know what's going on. I haven't logged in to my account in months and I just wanted to check on what's been going on, but I keep getting this message. Do I have to buy a new key? I took a break from using my computer and games for a long while and I'm completely confused. I haven't received an email about anything, should I email support? Thank you.

Off Topic / Any Person who's been In The Navy/Military? Family Members?
« on: November 21, 2017, 02:16:44 AM »
Hey, so I was wondering how many people here have family that's in the Navy/Military? I'm just wondering for some insight. My brother just went to bootcamp today for the Navy and I'm already sad. Even though I see my dad, it's mostly just my mom and I now, so it's kinda lonely. How do you cope with it? Any Stories?


Off Topic / Hey guys, I made a website!
« on: May 08, 2017, 10:42:14 PM »
Hey guys, so like a month ago I was asking you guys help for finding a domain and hosting, I used wix, and over all I'm finished with it. I was wondering what you guys think about it:

It is sort of slow (I'm not sure if it's just wix in general or the unlimited plan I got), so sorry, but it's sort of a place where you can basically find a bunch of relating posts directing teens. My blogs aren't the best haha, but I know I'll improve over time. It's my first project I've ever done and I'm excited about it, but again, what do you guys think about it? PS: I tried doing a mobile version of it and it looks gumpy as heck, so there's only a desktop view for now.

Off Topic / Question: Web Domain?
« on: April 18, 2017, 11:15:41 PM »
Do any of you guys know of a safe website where I can buy a pretty cheap web domain? Wix is offering $13 just to register for a domain, is this reasonable? Thanks!
*I'm most likely looking for a .com domain*

General Discussion / CityRPG Server STATUS: ONLINE
« on: March 23, 2017, 04:14:17 PM »
So like, if you join, please read the game rules. It'll make everything easier, thank you!

Status: ONLINE

Off Topic / Gaming with VMWare?
« on: January 05, 2017, 04:03:50 AM »
I was wondering if gaming on VMWare ( macOS Sierra 10.12 to be exact ) is possible? I've tried to download the three most basic games, imo ( Roblox and Toontown and Blockland ), and non of them seem to be able to download successfully or open.
For roblox, it opens the game, but has a blank screen:

For Toontown I get an error (Some openGL error?):
And Blockland just doesn't start up:

Any ideas? I'm a newbie at this, thanks!

« on: December 30, 2016, 05:44:34 PM »

Here's my twitch :). I'm not that good, but I'm playing this so might as well.

Off Topic / [Streaming] Ape Escape 3!
« on: December 28, 2016, 02:20:27 AM »
Hey guys! I'm streaming Ape Escape 3 for the very first time and I'm kinda getting some framedrops, but little to none. If y'all wanna watch in the background here it is:

I'm not the best, here =).

Off Topic / 000webhost Alternative?
« on: December 18, 2016, 07:39:50 PM »
000webhost is the most horrid thing I've seen in a long time. I can't even make any website if I wanted too, error after error. Any suggestions?

Off Topic / Question about IP and Ports
« on: December 16, 2016, 06:48:34 PM »
Using this as an example:

This is the local host ip right? So I was wondering how does one have different ports (X.X.X.X), for example Do I need to configure something to creaet a new port, what does this do exactly when someone add's a port to an IP?

Off Topic / Laptop Recommendations under $600?
« on: December 12, 2016, 06:17:05 PM »
So I've had this...

For almost 5 years now and I need an upgrade. Mostly because the Holiday season is here and I have the chance to get something better than this poc. But, clearly, I don't know what to get so that's why I'm asking you guys. Obviously I can't get a blazing good laptop under $600 ( or maybe I'm wrong ), but what is a good everyday laptop IE. playing mmos (Blockland to say... WoW if that's drastic for you, Toontown to Blockland lol, and say on a regular/minimum settings) to having a decent about of storage. I've played these games pretty smoothly surprisingly on this old thing, but my laptop is already giving out. Am I asking for a miracle in 2016 haha or have things changed from 5 years regarding to laptop optimizations. I'm not that tech savvy when it comes to this, so any input on any of this?


Off Topic / Streaming Toontown Fellowship!
« on: December 10, 2016, 04:27:33 AM »
Here's the link if you guys wish to join :).

General Discussion / Hosting Pictionary
« on: October 12, 2016, 09:08:51 PM »
Join us! I just decided to host Pictionary because all the other servers are kinda boring.


Suggestions & Requests / Brick Checker for Server Loads
« on: June 04, 2016, 09:49:28 PM »
I was wondering if it would be possible for a mod to check the bricks necessary for a load to completely load everything? Sometimes there are bricks missing when try to load old saves or newer saves. I'd figure that it wouldn't be so easy doing such a thing, but is it possible?

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