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Topics - Belogna

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Suggestions & Requests / Ban Gun
« on: October 05, 2011, 11:31:39 AM »
Ban Hammer is too melee, we need some long range banning.

Forum Games / The House of Badspot
« on: October 04, 2011, 12:01:51 AM »
It came from a recent post I just made.

This is the house of badspot, everyone who owns blockland is in it and everyone on these forums are in it.
No killing other members
Stop partying in my bedroom

What's up you're all gay and I put fire crackers down the toilet.

Off Topic / Paranormal Activity 3
« on: October 01, 2011, 03:53:52 AM »

God damn it this is awesome and I stuff my self.

Off Topic / Potatoes
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:47:44 PM »
Post about potatoes and such.

Creativity / brown town Activity 2 - The Respirator's Mighty Thorax
« on: September 22, 2011, 01:31:25 AM »

brown town ACTIVITY 2

Chapter 1

Lord Tony thoroughly searched Ephialtes vigorously while clenching his richard to keep himself warm. He walked up to a tight pouch and punched it with his richard, it opened and breathed on him, he crawled out of it vomiting at the same time. He saw the outside world of masturbating mice who came all over Lord Tony, suddenly Hydralisk appeared inside a giant robot walker, it was organic so Lord Tony started loving it. Hydralisk's fifth eye turned into a vagina and started oozing acid onto Lord Tony's ass cheeks. Hydralisk ran away frightened as Lord Tony turned into a giant starfish (no pun intended) and started shooting living rocket stuff at him. Hydralisk started smoking cocaine and shot lazer beams at Lord Tony but Hydralisk was unfortunately defeated by Lord Tony living stuff. Lord Tony ate Hydralisk and continued onward. He then came into contact with with Cucumberdude who recovered from Ticonderoga eating his cum drenched ears. Cucumberdude and Lord Tony waged in a fierce battle, Cucumberdude was shot out of Lord Tony's starfish into the moon.

Chapter 2

Ticonderoga was mutating his snake to fit Saint Christopher's and Demonic Christopher's ass hole, he shoved his giant vagina rooster bag into their asses and they turned into Ceist, a true god of carrots. Ceist took Ticonderoga's rooster and rammed his hand vagina into it giving Ticonderoga massive fits of pleasure, crying and puking cum all over Ceist's unmanly pubic hair. Ceist and Ticonderoga travelled together to find Flamecannon and Cucumberdude but were side-tracked by the giant mutation breast. The breast squirted green milk at both of them, with Ceist getting knocked into the wall of pubic hair and Ticonderoga eating the green breast milk. Ticonderoga defended Ceist with his mighty rooster but Ceist came back to assist and together they raped the mutation breast. They ventured onward and discovered a car from 1985 with two dead hippies inside still loving each other in the ass bone. They happily joined in but goo'd up the hippies. They drove to the past then the future to find their friends!

Chapter 3
Flamecannon was enjoying his cum tea while eating potato's and playing Portal 9 with his snake. Flamecannon heard a car from 1985 and smashed it to bits with his breast on his back. He discovered it was Ticonderoga and newly formed Ceist who he had almost climax'd. Flamecannon tried his best to use his magic healing spit to heal Ticonderoga and Ceist's broken richard. It works but Ceist's richard reacted overwhelmingly and destroyed Flamecannon's house. Flamecannon was extremely butthurt and ate Ceist and shat him out into the chip maker. Ceist survived and hugged Flamecannon loveually Ticonderoga showed appreciation by loving ten furries hidden in Flamecannon's closet. Night Fox came to the group and croaked like a rabbit and shot cum all over their shoes. Night Fox then left for New Zealand to beat up IcyGamma. Orion showed up to give them a ride in his richard mobile and take them to the moon to get Cucumberdude. Orion warned the pair of great danger that Lord Tony was going to rape them all and dance in a pony mask around their climax'ing bodies.

Chapter 4

As Orion clapped his hands took the crew to the moon to rescue Cucumberdude, Orion puked all over the new members of the kool kids klub. The kool kids klub shot them all but then repayed them by giving them golden carrots. When the crew reached the moon, Orion destroyed Earth and made God disappear and remade the Earth and Lord Tony was cumming for them, but he was still a threat. Cucumberdude hopped in the transformed 1985 car and ate the dead loving hippies in the back seat and regurgitated them at Lord Tony. Lord Tony yelled at them and warned them of their impending climax's. They were all manly and shot their regrowing richards at Lord Tony and then it turned into a brown town acitivity fight. Lord Tony whipped out his enormous rooster and Cucumberdude, Ticonderoga, Ceist, and Flamecannon whipped out their massive richards and the war began with Hydralisk coming back and destroying the moon with his acidic stuff. The major battle between good and gay began!

Chapter 5
The Finale

Lord Tony shot cum at Ceist first knowing he was a reformed jew. Cucumberdude blocked one of the cum shots but the other hit Ceist and stuck to his fat face. Ticonderoga when to stick his spiked snake through Lord Tony but was kicked in the vagina balls. Flamecannon threw his multiple feet at Lord Tony's nuts, they all hit him in the intestines. Ceist recovered and shot acidic spit at Lord Tony's rooster and missed! Lord Tony took out nun-richards and hit all of them in the face rupturing Cucumberdudes face, causing him to die. The crew was enraged and transformed into Super-richard, a massive snake the size of the universe. The crew then proceeded to shoot atom bombs at Lord Tony and one hit him, but it wasn't enough, so they all sacrificed themselves and destroyed Lord Tony and almost all the dimensions of the known thing.

However. . . in Badspot's kindness he gave Cucumberdude, Ceist, Flamecannon, and Ticonderoga their lives back and kicked Lord Tony in the ass and waved his finger. The epic battle has ended.

THE loving END OF brown town ACTIVITY

Thank you for reading, please rate x/10 and remember those who fought Lord Tony's controlling snake.

Off Topic / Youtube glitch
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:35:46 AM »
My subscriptions aren't landing on the youtube home page, I can only view them through the subscription box which is quite annoying because I don't want to check every single subscription for a video.


Forum Games / The Omnipotent - Discover the worlds power source!
« on: September 18, 2011, 02:52:09 AM »
The Omnipotent Device

A group of scientists on an expedition in in a old dwelling in Greece discovered a spherical room. all round the room were spikes and skeletons. Pictures and words engraved on the walls, foretelling that the device in the center of the room possessed a great power of indescribable use. The scientists gathered men and built a bridge across to the artifact, they studied it in its place until most decided it was best left there, however one of the scientists disagreed and wishes to continue examining it in a secured room. As his request was denied due to the majority of votes, he stole the artifact and killed one of the scientists and three guards. He was never seen again from that moment, but the rest of the scientists swore to chase after him.

The scientists now aged, worn out, and wishing to rest, took in students to finish the journey for them, capturing the sixth scientist and reporting him to the authorities. The scientists taught their apprentices everything they knew.

There are four characters, the apprentices, by the end I will add the evil scientist in which I will pick another chracter. You may pick describe your characters image for him, age, weight, hair colour, height, etc. I will PM one of the four lucky winners.
Here's how to state your type of character



Hair & Eye Colour:



I am the director, I have no character, I will only interfere as each one of you make your decision, but you must work as a team so keep an eye on each others posts. Remember to think ahead. By the end of this little game your decision will affect the world.







No nonsense
No love
No dramatic happenings (i.e. throwing a gps tracking device on his boat)
Have fun

I will check back on this later. (This is my first story within Community Projects, so please use constructive criticism)

Off Topic / The Periodic Table of Elements (Possible Page stretch)
« on: September 16, 2011, 11:56:21 PM »

Discuss the wonderful elements that make up the universe. (As far as we know because Chrono is a back door)

Off Topic / am bored, what do
« on: September 12, 2011, 02:32:43 AM »
i might fap, other than that, what do?

Off Topic / Official Slender Man Topic
« on: September 10, 2011, 07:25:29 PM »
Slender Man is a tall slender person with many limbs. He wears a suit, a black tie, and has no face. He can be well disguised on foggy nights or in the woods.

His limbs can grow outwards to hypnotize his victim, allowing him to also grab his victim. He can distort cameras can sounds, and his head is rarely seen. It is uncommon but more likely in children to see Slender Man stalk them and kidnap them. The first supposed recording Slender Man is in Black Forest, Germany.

There are a few channels on Youtube with official sightings of Slender Man and his abilities.
The most famous one is MarbleHornets. EverymanHYBRID is the most interesting. MLAndersen0 is the most compulsive.

Images of Slender Man.

Slender Man's origin is SomethingAwfulForums and from then it went viral. Most people believe it to be fake, others believe it to be real. My personal opinion is fake but this is scary as hell.


Off Topic / Happy birth day Jacob/Lee.
« on: September 10, 2011, 02:24:02 PM »
You're now -114 years old!

Off Topic / Entry #49
« on: September 09, 2011, 12:33:10 AM »

« on: August 29, 2011, 01:04:08 AM »
ht tp://

User was banned for this post

Games / CS: GO Intro Trailer
« on: August 27, 2011, 11:28:32 PM »

Awesome but it has a sort of nasty backround taste of Call of duty.


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