APAs (or Animated Pixel Arts) are 3-framed pixel arts, that use the RTB light to animate.
The hue of the brick colours are what decide the frame or frames the brick will be visible.
How it works:
- The 1st frame is always red, the 2nd one is always green, the 3rd is always blue.
- Red bricks are seen on the 1st frame, but is black on the other frames.
- Yellow bricks are seen on the 1st and 2nd frame as the colour of the actual frame.
- Green bricks are seen on the 2nd frame only.
- Cyan bricks are seen on the 2nd and 3rd frame.
- Blue bricks, of course, are seen on the 3rd frame.
- Magenta - 3rd and 1st frames.
- Obviously, white is always seen.
- Each brick is assigned to a colour, which form the APA.
- This works better with pure colours. If you currently have the default colourset, download colorset.txt and place it on base/config/server/
To see an APA, click the link:
http://blocklandapa.ytmnd.comIf you want to have fun on APAs, come to my server, as I might be hosting my APAs gallery.
And sorry this topic is so exhausting to you.