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Topics - ATKitton.

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Birthday Kitton!
« on: July 09, 2013, 07:32:08 AM »
Today is my birthday! I turn 25 :3
The boyfriend and I are planning on Kayaking if it doesn't storm.
If it does relaxing day inside :D

Off Topic / Blocklander's in the Twin City Area~
« on: July 02, 2013, 10:08:35 AM »
For all you that live around the Twin Cities...
I'm taking my kid to see Fireworks this year for the first time and I haven't gone in 5+ years. Where are some good spots to go now? I know of Woodbury but dont want to see everyone from high school.

Suggestions for awesome spots?

Off Topic / Halp Kitton.
« on: March 15, 2013, 08:42:19 PM »
Yesterday I decided to play Dead Space.... Last time i played my Laptop over heated after 10 minutes of playing...
It was on my table so i decided to put my cooling pad underneath it that has a fan built in... I tried running the game again and after 10 minutes my computer shut down again.
I gave up trying to play. So last night i tried it again with the cooling pad thinking that would make a difference. Nope! So i went to nvidia website to update my graphics card just in case that was the reason for crashing. I was downloading the driver and BAM. black screen. For 45 minutes. I thought maybe it was part of the process but then my computer started getting extremely quiet. So i shut off my pc and it brought me to the start windows normally or in safe mode. I started it normally... and it started up to my login but it was still black screen. So a friend of mine told me to go into safe mode and try to reinstall the driver. I did do and turned off the computer. Turned it back on and tried starting it normally again... Still black screen. Went back into safe mode and restored it to a point earlier.
Finally worked. But now im trying to figure out..
I probably sound like an idiot and thats okay. I just want my lappytop fixed and to play games again ; ;
Please halp Kitton :(


Off Topic / Things that make you happy.
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:59:37 PM »
Yep. I'm making one of these topics.
I just found on hot topic online they have Harry Potter sweatshirts in all houses and one with all the house crests on the back.
What makes you happy?

Off Topic / R.I.P. Friend.
« on: January 18, 2013, 01:39:18 AM »
So i never thought i would post anything like this.
Last Thursday when i got home from work I found out a good friend of mine committed Self Delete.
Our story:
We met in 9th grade. Both angsty teens. Both wore black clothes. I sat next to him on the bus on the first day of school and shared my head phones with him. I was listening to cradle of filth. From that day on we were practically inseparable. Everyone who didnt know us thought we were brother and sister. Which practically... we were. His parents were stuffty so he would sneak over to my house at night. I would make a bed out of blankets on my floor for him to sleep on. We would wake up and go to school. We were about the same size (he was taller) but he would borrow some of my band t-shirts. Throughout jr high and high school we always hung out. The starfish shot me with a bebe gun in the boob and left a scar. When i moved out to maryland we lost touch but after i got back we got back to talking again. We would see each other occasionally at the gas station or the subway. About 2 months ago is when i saw him last. We sat down and caught up. Talked and laughed. We hugged each other and i told him id see his punk ass later.

Now, more than ever i realize i wont be seeing his punk ass later. I wont be seeing him again. And it hurts my heart. I know topics like these are made fun of but this is the first friend ive lost.

RIP Allen. I will remember our memories. And i wont forget the hell we caused together.

I just found out the funeral service was this past wednesday. And no one told me about it..... no one.

Off Topic / "This man is about to die!"
« on: December 05, 2012, 08:57:45 AM »
I don't know if anyone made a post about this yet.

Some guy pushed another guy right in front of an oncoming subway and a bystander took pictures of the guy about to get hit.
I love America.

News report:

6:43PM EST December 3. 2012 - A 58-year-old man died Monday after he was pushed off a subway platform in Midtown Manhattan and hit by a train pulling into the station, according to news reports.

Some witnesses reported the victim had argued with the suspect, estimated to be in his 20s, before being pushed, while others said the suspect had been talking to himself and the victim asked what was wrong. The New York Daily News described the suspect, who fled, as being "emotionally disturbed."

Witnesses said the victim tried to climb back onto the platform about 12:30 p.m. ET as the southbound train on the N, Q, R line approached West 49th Street along Seventh Avenue.

"He gets back on his feet," a police source told the Daily News. "He's waving to the train, 'Stop! Stop!' He tries to climb up onto the platform and the train hits him."

Officials said several bystanders were treated for shock.

The New York Times notes that in June a stranger pushed a woman onto subway tracks in the Bronx but she was rescued by friends. In August 2010, a 39-year-old woman was injured by a train after being pushed off a platform.


Off Topic / My bullfrog died :(
« on: December 02, 2012, 09:50:37 PM »
Today was my nieces birthday party. And my grandpa had asked to see Gru, my bullfrog. So i took him down to see her and i looked all around her terrarium for her. I picked up one of her hideouts and saw her burrowed in the soil, half dried out. It broke my heart :(
I've only had Gru since April but most people thought she would never transform from tadpole to frog in which she did. I found out just a few short weeks ago that Gru was female.
My heart is all </3 and stuff.
I know this is typical "my animal died" post. But i could use some love and comfort :(
R.I.P. Gru. You were a lovely bullfrog :(

Off Topic / Kitton worked in an ER for 10 hours today!
« on: October 26, 2012, 08:36:31 PM »
I had to do a clinical for my EMT class and one of the requirement is working in an Emergency Room for 10 hours assessing patients, filling out run sheets, and assisting the nurses/techs. Today I got to see:
3 EKG's (electrocardiograms)
1 MRI for a stroke (TIA) patient (Her right carotid artery didn't even show up on the MRI.....)
A blood transfusion started (That made me slightly sick but i didnt puke or faint!)
A guy came in from having a seizure. He bit both sides of his tongue and had blood flowing down both sides of his face.
3 Psych patients. One thought he had parasites all over himself. He was highly suicidal. Told me and the tech when he was going to be discharged he was going to go home and end it all with a bottle of pills so he didn't make a mess for someone else to clean up... Another one was bipolar and had schizophrenia. He was yelling at people who werent even in the room... Another they had stared at me with a death stare. I decided to leave that room...
Then some older women who fell and hit their heads. I was able to watch one of them get their head stapled. She had a laceration probably about 2 inches long about an inch deep that needed stapling.
Another guy (my first patient) he came in with a rapid heart beat. His BPM was 147 at first. After administering a medicine it didnt go down so they did a second and it went back down to the 90's.
*Forgot about the 3 cat scans. (1 for kidney stones for a guy. yeah. i saw the actual kidney stone on the monitor. 1 for the guy who had the seizure and another for head trauma)

So there's my exciting day :D   I wanted to share it with my fellow blocklanders.
Whats your worst injury? Discuss/

Off Topic / So I'm sitting in a hallway at my college.
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:58:02 AM »
A co-worker of mine goes to the same school as me now and we usually sit at a table in the hallway and talk till our classes start. Well after she left, I laid my head down on my laptop with music playing. Not even 5 minutes later a group of 3-4 black guys approach my table and say:
"Dude shes asleep on her laptop. Lets take her backpack"
At that moment i raise my head and say
"You might want to make sure shes sleeping before you take her things."
Instead of trying to cover it up they just rush down the hallway and get mixed in with a random class walking by.

Seriously?! I can't even rest without fear of shady ghetto people trying to steal my stuff -.-

Anyone else have similar awesome stories?


Drama / Legacy is Hydralisk.
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:08:26 AM »
I had a feeling it was since "Legacy" came so soon after Hydra's last alt. Also how he "acted" like a black guy was not how black guys act nor talk. He talked like he was trying extremely hard to be black. That was one give away. And the way he would talk to certain people on the forums (like myself) he acted too much like his real self.

Why would anyone post pictures of Hydralisk, Especially a "black guy"

LOL hydralisk posted this on his wall with his girlfriend

he's wearing a pred mask

Also he talks to me this way anytime i say something and he can call me a slut. (Is that really the only insult you got? I've heard better..)
at least he's not a slut :(

why do you post so many pictures of hydralisk

She has a good point. And then since he is the mastermind that he is he comes up with this answer:
hes my best friend on blockland and facebook? wtf lol

Any of you who know Hydralisk knows thats exactly what he does. He acts like he has "friends" Hes obsessed with people who wont give him the time and day to talk to so he watches their every post. He's even tried to go through 5-8 people to talk to me when he posted a sorry topic to me then created a stuff storm out of nowhere. And to this day! I refuse to talk to him but he still tries. So creepy! But there you go. The forum is one less black guy and one big moron.

Off Topic / Kittons Birthday Today :D
« on: July 09, 2012, 07:41:40 AM »
24 years old today and going to Valley Fair tomorrow! :D

Off Topic / Naked man found eating someones face off.
« on: May 27, 2012, 03:37:19 PM »

Here we go. The beginning of the zombie apocalypse.
They show half of the naked dead dude on the security camera. You don't see anything until 2 minutes in.
 Everyone always joked about Zombies coming for us....

Off Topic / Make your own caption :D
« on: April 14, 2012, 10:31:22 AM »
I got Bisjac a penguin plushy and its got these eyes..... Where it knows all your secrets.
So i decided to take a picture of it and have you guys make your own captions for him :D

Gallery / lovey Beast Painting.
« on: March 30, 2012, 12:53:45 AM »
Bisjac asked me to paint his stained glass window.
And this is the outcome =P

Changed it a bit.

Off Topic / Bisjac's Smelting Adventure. VIDEO ADDED
« on: March 20, 2012, 07:14:43 PM »
Bisjac and I were hanging out today and he had been smelting silver the night before. He made little buttons of silver, about 10 of them all worth $100 each of silver. So today I watched him melt down his silver and took a few pictures to show our adventure (I helped stir the silver and scoop out the junk =P)

Melted silver in the crucible

Bisjac using the torch. You can see the flames on the right side of it =P

Spooning the silver, getting all the junk out.

Pouring it to make its mold.


Silver buttons :D

Melting the last bit of silver

The melted silver before the the junk got taken out.

We will be taking more pictures and better ones once Bisjac breaks out the nitric acid. Until then. Enjoy this tiny preview :D

Part two with Nitric Acid and A Silver Button.

Nitric Acid

This is what happens when you spill acid on wood. Always have baking soda on hand! lol

Acid poured on the silver button


The acid breaking apart the button

Me getting much too close to the smoke >.<

Today Bisjac put nitric acid in with the silver button. After its broken apart, he poured water on it and once its mixed together he put bar of copper in for the pure silver to grow on. If im wrong he can correct me =P It was a fun adventure :D

Video of Acid melting Silver

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