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Topics - gabrieljamh

Pages: [1]
recently, Ive noticed none of my friends are able to join my servers, Ive checked the log and seems I couldnt authenticate(?)
<log> Server Auth: FAILED: Invalid Steam Ticket <log>
well, I just wanna be able to have my friends playing again

thanks, Junji


Blockland in Portuguese Returned

Hey everyone, I think some of you already saw my last project (that was the same, but the last needed RTB, now this is fixed in this one). For now it's still in dev again.

English: Hi everyone, i'm here to post about my translation project, i'm translating Blockland to Portuguese, i will post the link here, but, you need to have RTB for now (Sorry, i will fix it later...), it's not complete too, but, it's geat! ^_^

Português: Oi para todos, eu estou aqui para postar sobre meu projeto de tradução do Blockland para o Português, eu vou postar o link aqui, mas, você precisa ter RTB por enquanto (Desculpe, vou corrigir isso depois...), não esta completo, mas, esta bom! ^_^

Link para download/ Link to download:


NOTE/OBS.: Do not worry, in the next version, you don't need RTB anymore! / Não se preocupe, na próxima versão, você não vai precisar mais do RTB!

NOTE 2 / OBS. 2: If you want, i can tranlate some add-ons and fix conflicts with other add-ons ^_^ / Se você quiser, eu posso traduzir alguns add-ons e ajeitar conflitos com outros add-ons ^_^

Creativity / [TUTORIAL]bomberman in blockland
« on: July 14, 2011, 09:58:13 PM »
Tutorial to create bomberman in blockland bomberman package faces here:
2.copy and paste it into the add-ons folder Blockland and choose the colors shown below
<click to see full size

Help / Blockland & RTB?
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:58:13 AM »
I was seeing some videos and see the written version "Blockland & RTB"
Where do I find this version with RTB?

Help / [HELP]Port Fowarding
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:08:09 PM »
help-me, I can not do this, I tried reading the tutorial

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