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Topics - Cajetan

Pages: [1] 2
Drama / mikeyman123 - "I am a Total DoucheNozzle in Temper"
« on: November 17, 2012, 03:52:07 PM »
Hello, folks!
You may read his threads/posts yet. This guy is just a huge friend, which doesn't know what to do with life.
For usually I don't care for those people, however this time it was really annoying.

It started first, when I got following message by him. (Wtf? I didn't even know him and he talks about some stuff I don't know about):

I was like What the forget!? And replied who the hell he is and what the forget he's talking about. Instead of explaining, he COMPLETLY misses the thread and talks again about something completly different:

What the forget? Does he have Alzheimer or something?

Then he talks about, that he's an older BL_ID than me. However, it doesn't matter what ID you have. (I saw enough newcomers, which were way smarter than this guy.)

As you see he's sooo shocked, because Rainbow_Dash build a richard out of bricks. Seriously, who cares? If it is he's server, then why didn't he just ban that guy and the end? (Look at additional stuff about the "I drama so much stuff. I l0v3 drama!")
And AGAIN he made a poll about asking if it's disgusting or lovey and awesome.
Then, someone called him "mikey" and he posted this:

(Overreacting idiot, it looks like we're dealing with a badass over there)

I can understand, Rainbow_Dash is a troll, but still mikeyman123(or how he calls himself: Killer9094) is annoying and talks about a frickin stuff no one cares and don't understand.

Additional Stuff:
- mikeyman123 posted yet all the time in drama. Even his first post ever was posted in drama (However, in 2011 he posted 2 times in Add-ons)
- mikeyman123 don't like richards. (According to the drama topic itself and this reply:
- When mikeyman123 posts drama topics, he gets ignorant and stubborn. Maybe because he feels like the king.
- mikeyman123 doesn't have a richard or a vagina. (We need some proofs for this, take your pants off)

I'm meaning the manual one for the server itself. No gamemodes or anything.

Off Topic / The true answer to life
« on: July 30, 2012, 02:27:49 PM »
Life forgets you everyday.
Pluses in snake and Minus in ass.. But most are minus. Yeah, you got it. Even now you got forced from life to click on this thread, pressing reply and writing something.

Tell me your pluses and minuses of your life here.

Such like waterfall's, bird ambient, etc. ?

I'm also searching for RPG sounds.
For example:
Level up -> Level up sound plays.

Drama / Hotie576 and dude679 - Another idiots on Blockland
« on: February 19, 2012, 09:25:47 AM »
Currently my Hotel RP Server runs. After 23 minutes, 2 idiots came into my server. The one was named:

"dude679" - BL_ID: 33148
"Hotie576" - BL_ID: 30395

Well, Hotie576 says dude is his brother, but is obviously lieing. She also asks me to be her BF. Dude is spamming and more and later i banned both.

Some pictures:

What happened?
Well, first that 2 handicaps joined my server and hotie576 started talking and asked me more than 200 times to be her BF. Then dude679 begun spamming... I said him to stop and hotie says dude679 is her little brother. I actually didn't believed in that and just laughed and was watching the chat. Well later i did had enough of this and banned dude679 as first, and hotie576 leaves and gets banned too.

These 2 people should be banned from your server. It's just for your own safety.

Off Topic / BBC: "Tracking the troll"
« on: February 13, 2012, 05:50:36 PM »
I'm really happy to confront anyone with this beautiful message:
BBC trys to track a troll that posted on memorial pages. He posted tribal comments and now BBC were tracking that troll. His name is: "Nimrod Severn"
For example:
On a memorial page on Facebook for Anuj Bidve he posted:
"rot in piss"

Now they asked him if he has anything to say to his comments. Well, he didn't saw anything false on it and thinks his comments were okay.

The troll in real-life:

BTW, try to check the original troll picture with this one... Looks same or?


And the video:

But now here's my meaning to this:
BBC and that troll are stupid. BBC cares so much about one person and try to track the troll with other words feeding the troll... Isn't that actually what he wanted? He wants popularity etc. and BBC is more than stupid and are making this a reality. God damnit this world is just a hopeless place.

If you look at the video i posted, there you will see the troll getting short interviewed before hes driving with the bus. After the reporter asked him about this he was like: "Oh stuff... how did they find out.." and then he was.. just showing he is stupid.

I hate it always, to place every Music Brick for server-sided music. The best range i got with some edits, but then if you near the music bricks then the sound stuffs off.

Now i was thinking, why does not someone make a Server-Sided add-on that plays the music directly to the client. I would really like it.

Modification Help / Is it possible to overload functions in TorqueScript?
« on: November 13, 2011, 01:00:35 PM »
Like in C++ using the same function's name just another parameter... Is that possible in TorqueScript? If yes that would be great. (Im actually talking about the one Blockland uses.)

Just found it, in GUI Editor. Messed around it and got it worked. Like the name says: "GuiAviBitmapCtrl" It only accepts AVI files nothing else.

Here my successful screenshot:

It could be useful for users that wanna force people to download their Just include the AVI file and if you enter the Add-On Creator's Server then the AVI File will be played(Intro will be played) then the AVI GUI disappears and Game begins.

I've just had the feeling to share it, because it wasn't discussed here before, or?


Tutorial - How to add GuiAviBitmapCtrl and getting it working?
The Mission Editor(If you don't know how to set up, forum search helps.)

Blockland.exe(I think everyone has that.)

HyperCam 2(or another video software that records videos in AVI)

Let's start! After your blockland started, press F10 and the GUI Editor opens. Now go to File and press New Gui... You see that GuiControl Box. Doesn't change anything in settings. Press Ok. So now you have a empty GUI. Now go to New Control and search for: "GuiAviBitmapCtrl" if you found it, put it somewhere on the field. Now record your own video with HyperCam 2(or another video software that records AVI videos). After you did, go and save your video somewhere in the Blockland Folder. I used base/client/ui/myclip.avi for example, but it's your choice where you wanna put it in(But it have to be somewhere in the Blockland Folder!).

Good. After you saved it, go to GUI Editor again and press on GuiAviBitmapCtrl, look at your right, you see a list with settings. Now search for "aviFilename" if you found it, then put your video filepath in there. Now go up and press Apply. It should lag for a second, but that isn't bad either. Just wait a minute, and then your video runs!

If you do not want using that way, and you are familiar with TorqueScript then you can also use this:
Code: [Select]
new GuiControl(NewGui) {
   profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
   horizSizing = "right";
   vertSizing = "bottom";
   position = "0 0";
   extent = "1024 768";
   minExtent = "8 2";
   visible = "1";

   new GuiAviBitmapCtrl() {
      profile = "GuiDefaultProfile";
      horizSizing = "relative";
      vertSizing = "relative";
      position = "6 1";
      extent = "1013 761";
      minExtent = "8 2";
      visible = "1";
      aviFilename = "base/client/ui/yourclip.avi";
      swapRB = "1";
      done = "1";
      letterBox = "0";
      speed = "1";

Modification Help / How do i change the color of buttons?
« on: October 12, 2011, 08:01:42 AM »
Does someone know how to change the color of the GUI buttons? I'm searching a command on how to do it, but i can't find it anywhere. If someone knows it please post it here.


Drama / The update whores topic
« on: October 10, 2011, 08:29:37 AM »
Welcome to official Drama topic about the:


What are the Update Whores?
Never heard of them? Can't be. There are so many topic's by them, i think you couldn't miss one:

I wanted to have some MAJOR update for blockland v20
I want the avatar to be like this....
Yeah... Kinda like that...

#2.I want better default add-ons for demo (I don't have the demo I have full)

#3. Make extra decals

#4.  Make a trailer for blockland v20 before it even comes out
(Suggest more!)

OK... I know this is in the wrong spot but its kinda in between so I picked this one.  Lol. Suggestion's go to the Suggestions &

Requests forum not anywhere else
-- Cajetan

Requseted by BlockGuy123 (thats me!) --

I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, but I think v19 is good but maybe v20 would be better. And I think I know how...

1. Less bugs

2. More action commands/controls

3. Voice chat (with mic) Wtf? Is that even possible? -- Cajetan

What do you think v20 should have?

[...] and a lot more.

Why making 100 post's about a Blockland v20 Suggestion?
I don't know it. The same i was asking too. Update Whores think Badspot would take their idea(yeah it happens sometimes) but if they are asking stuff like: "add voice chat" , "omfgz add mini nuke as default" etc. To Voice Chat User's: "I don't know if Voice Chat is even possible. The Engine maybe doesn't support voice chat" and if you wanna crappy add-ons as default then go away.

Are there any new Update Whore topic's?
Unfortunately, yes: this Topic got started by the user: "cybertails1998" right after Blockland v20 got released. I guess it's an provoke or he is really stupid.

Is there any way to stop these friend's?
No. Because of the provoke of some people we will never be able to stop them. Only Admin's can stop them, but we don't wanna disallow someone to post. It is just god damn annoying to see people that makes 100 of these v20 Topic's. There are also: "When does v20 comes out?" topic's which are triple more stupid than v20 suggestion topic's. Maybe some people know: "Blockhead1020" he is a good example, for begging Blockland v20.
Why does update whores having a wanton imagination?
Easy. They don't know the world of programming, scripting and hard work. I think you read some time's:

"Badspot should make an engine change!" , "i suggest engine change" [...] if you wanna read more, just search "engine change" Alot result's will come up.

Now I'm surprised that people can be that stupid. Making a Engine Change is harder than any other thing here. It would requires alot of work, which just makes unlimited waiting and people getting crazy again and making another "when comes it out..." topic's. Also people like Tonkka are badger Badspot because v20 didn't came out at the date as it said. It's like Blockland Retail first come out. Badspot he would release BL_Retail in February 11, 2007 and it didn't happen. Badspot knew what would happen and he made a special topic for the
"I can't wait for BLR" people.
Also quote of Tonkka about badger Badspot:

Wheres version 20? its been a while compared to the other versions released last year.
It might be because we got used to versions getting released quickly

Anyone have any rumours of when it would come?
Seriously, i have really enough of that stupid topic's about: "What suggesting to be in v20 or v21" If you have a Suggest make a topic in Suggestion's & Request's and wait for Badspot responding you, if he don't, then your Suggestion is either stupid or doesn't make sense.

I think the most here was tl;dr to i make it short for them:

Update Whore's are posting the v20 topic's crap. The most already know.

Will this update whoring ever end?
No, because people has a new hobby about posting v21 topic's now, i think it will only end if Badspot never announcer's a next version of Blockland again. Also if Blockland v21 ever comes out, stay tuned for Blockland v22 Suggestion topic's and a whole more drama topic's about them.

Why didn't they like Blockland v20 after it was released?
Another thing that is very interessting, read this topic yet?:
So, Badspot released his long awaited Blockland v20 with the new BlocklandLauncher.exe Well if you used for a long time some Texture Pack's then you may notice now, that it doesn't work anymore. That's because the Launcher overwrite the changed default files again and change them to their original state again. Badspot made it unchangeable. But he said he will add soon a feature that will allow to change it again. What happens with the community? See yourself:

After they saw the reply of Badspot, they went back to normal again. This Community has a huge changing boost. Say something wrong, and then comment's like: "OMG! forget you! idiot!" "Are you crazy?" etc. or a short word for this: "overreacting" they overreact for one little thing. Example: Would you overreact if your brother drink's from your water bottle? Yeah i would say: "What the hell?" but i never would say: "OMG! WHY DID YOU DRINK OUT OF THIS!! NOOO!!!! THE WORLD IS GOING TO END!! PUT THE WATER BACK IN!".

To the update suggestion topic maker's:

I don't say that i hate all your Suggestion's. But some Suggestion's are just stupid and then the most people doesn't even notice how hard it is to get a Suggestion like "engine changing" to work. I also don't want to disallow anyone being making a topic about Blockland v20 or v21. But is it really necessary to post, right after v20 got released, a topic about what should be added into Blockland v21? Turn on your brain!

BTW, i will not reply here because this Topic is becoming alot replied, and the most people will be the Topic Maker's of above.

Off Topic / Super Mario 64 Modding Topic
« on: October 09, 2011, 03:20:36 PM »
Everyone remember's that game, Super Mario 64 for the Nintendo 64. Since you can emulate it's ROM people begun modding that ROM and changed a lot of it and made their own Mod of it.

Here are pictures:

This all has been made with a Tool made by Starxxon(VL-Tone) the Tool is called:

Toad's Tool 64

If you need a Super Mario 64 ROM then go search yourself. I'm not allowed to provide any links to ROM's. Also, if you make your own Mod's don't forgot to make a .ppf patch file.
Setup your SM64 ROM:

If you found a website, downloading the ROM go to the website(look above) and search for Mario 64 ROM Extender. Download it and execute it and select your SM64 ROM. Now your ROM will be extended and can be used later with Toads Tool 64.

How to create a .ppf Patch:

PPF File's are the most importantest thing. If you edited the SM64 ROM you have to create a .ppf patch that people have to apply to their own ROM. Also ppf files are legal :)

There are also tool's to replace a whole level. Toad's Tool 64 is just a Level-Editor! It let's you edit all enemey's, object's etc. If you wanna replace the level(the ground, castle etc.) then you need a more advanced tool, which will be explained later.

BTW, for people that program in ASM:

This is not my blog, it's a blog by an popular SM64 Player.

How to apply a PPF Patch?

If you wanna apply a PPF patch, don't forgot that you need a extended(look above on how to extend ROM's) clean ROM:

1. Open PPF-O-Matic.
2. Go to ISO File. Click the floppy-disk symbol.
3. Click all files, and select your SM64 ROM.
4. go to PPF, click again the floppy-disk symbol
5. Select the PPF file.
6. Now press Apply. A message should appear that say's it was successful.

What Emulator's should i use?
Top 2:
1. Project 64 - Best Emulator in my opinion and of million other's.
2. Nemu64 - a good emulator. But is actually made for debugging and searching the memory.


If you wanna download the SM64 ROM legally, then you need to have the SM64 Catridge in real-life. Else your downloading ROM's at your own risk!

Help / Missing file: base/dedicatedMessageBox.cs?
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:47:54 AM »
Actually it didn't damage Blockland at all, but what is this? I don't want that my Server crashes because of this. Could you explain this Badspot? I also re-installed my blockland. Still same as before. I've also checked my add-ons that maybe remove that file.

Well, i learned now some TorqueScript, but i don't know where to begin.

Is there a list for all default global and local variables? I don't know it, but i saw script's with variables like: %brickowner which i don't know of. So is there a list and if yes, could someone post this?

If this topic is stupid, or misspoint's the forum i will instantly close it.

Help / I can't type text into dedicated Server console...
« on: October 08, 2011, 11:06:21 AM »
Well, i just started my server and because it says mostly: "Sending Initial request..." I had to type again webcom_postserver(); to run my Server, but this time i had trouble's.

I just started my dedicated Server(pressed the dedicated.bat file) and i tried to type a command but nothing happens... the _ doesn't move and doesn't type any Alphabetic i had type. That's just uber sucking... but i tried it with Blockland.exe(yes, it also opens a console) it works O_o? The Console of Blockland.exe works, but the dedicated.bat doesn't.

Now i need help here.

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