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Topics - Socrates

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Off Topic / Captain's Log V2
« on: December 09, 2012, 06:13:24 PM »
Awhile back I made the first Captain's Log that lasted (captain log days) about 39 days.

Here's an example of what it should look like.

Day 1 - Jimmy is looking at Sandy
(The next person)
Day 2 - Jimmy is pregnant

And so on and so on.

Please make it relevant to the last few replies.

First person to comment is day 1


Off Topic / Day 1... Captain's Log...
« on: November 24, 2012, 01:56:05 AM »
Thread is simple enough. Each post shall be a new day/log

Like so

Day 1... Moral is low... Kim's been looking at Jimmy...

The next post would be...

Day 2... Saw a bird... Kim's pregnant.

Please try to keep some relevance to the above posts so that there is some kind of progression.

Don't turn it from an action comedy into a gay bar.

Person below shall start with day 1


Hello everyone.

Blockville, for the moment, is a community build idea.  In this town, builders from the community will submit their build, which it will be placed in one of four different categories, such as residential, industry, commercial, and inner city offices. The end result would be, in reality, a fully functioning city if someone was to live there.

Blockville, since it is still an idea, has no real layout plan at the moment. Once everything starts to come together, there will be a layout, and I will try my hardest not to make it 32x32 lots. If it is possible, I may try to copy a city's road layout to avoid a blockish format.

Below you will find a list of people who wish to help the build. You're not pledging yourself to the build if you decide to help. Any/all help is accepted unless we see you unfit to help. If you wish to send your build in, you will become a Contributor, and you will be added to the list, but that does not mean you are obligated to work any more.

At our current phase we are merely gathering people and starting a basic plan for the build.

Current Contributors

The people named below have agreed to help in a certain area
If you wish to join a area, please message me with pictures/links of your builds with the amount of bricks it took.
If you are unable to send a pic, let me know and you can show me the build at my server.

Major Contributors
These people have agreed to build more than 3 buildings.

Xolerate [24232]

These people have agreed to help/build at least 1 building

Swat 3 [15740]
Mr. Hurricane [6038]
froglover06 [36728]

Detail Builders
These people have agreed to help detail the builds

Sabbin [9309]

Road Builders
These people have agreed to help/build the road system.

Dillpickle [14745]
Dr_Zegobob [23620]

Note: Everyone that helps out will have their name added to the build
AND you're not forced to work on one project during the build.

Questions? Concerns? Want to help? Or just want to give feedback?

Comment below or send a PM for more information.

Off Topic / Find a Quote by the Above User
« on: November 19, 2012, 10:45:52 PM »
Pretty much the title


You can't use the same quote more than once

You can't change the text in the quote

The quote's link must work.

The quote must contain text.


Off Topic / The Useless Web
« on: November 18, 2012, 12:28:42 AM »

Another Reddit pull but me liked.

Post your results

« on: November 14, 2012, 09:12:50 PM »
Found this stuff on Reddit

You can like... loving type in llamas man...

General Discussion / Socrates' Midtown Bounty Hunter
« on: November 07, 2012, 06:21:07 PM »
Socrates' Midtown Bounty Hunter
A new BH map!

(Photo Credit to Ike)
1. When you spawn you will receive a target, you are to hunt down and kill this target
2. While you are hunting, other players may be hunting you and will attempt to kill you
3. You are aloud to kill your hunter
4. You are not aloud to troll/bait
5. You are not aloud to free-kill
6. Every kill (Except free kills) are worth 1 point
7. Obey Admins

Woah, this looks neat!
Sweet, its back up with a whole new map

Any suggestions, screenshots or comments?
Reply to the thread!

Off Topic / Inspirational Gaming Figures
« on: October 20, 2012, 01:04:32 PM »
I was thinking about inspirational figures in video games a few minutes ago.

We see a lot of characters who are simply bad-asses who can take on hundreds of guys and be ready and willing to take on a hundred more. But I was thinking, who are the characters that have actually affected people in some way.

So that's what this thread is about, inspirational characters in video gaming.

All I ask is that all characters named are part of a video game, not from online anime or something similar.
(A character like Lee in the Walking Dead is an exception because Walking Dead is playable, not JUST reading.)

Off Topic / Drawn Comic/Funny Picture Contest
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:33:12 PM »
A thread about drawing a comic/funny picture in the shortest amount of time.


1. If you are going to start drawing, you must reply to the thread stating you've started.
2. When done drawing, post picture with time it took.
3. No stealing, must be yours.
4. Any Drawing methods are aloud EXCEPT "Free Comicz Drawer Here!!1!"

How to Win:

Quote the post with what you think is the best comic/funny picture, the post quoted the most wins.
Also, please don't be a little suck up bitch and quote every single post.


Off Topic / My Dark Joke of the Day
« on: September 17, 2012, 02:51:47 PM »
Told through 4Chan speak

>Father committed Self Delete a few months back
>Sad times
>Times get better, and 2 months roll by
>Grandma falls out of bed and breaks hip
>Grandma was on Dad's side, and I was not able to see her that easily
>She gets hip replacement
>I'm told that everything is alright
>Found out through FB her body was shutting down
>Ask what was happening over phone
>Get's the feeling that she was not going to make it
>She passes
>Funeral last Friday
>Upset, but thought of it as a blessing because she had Alzheimer
>Did not go to school Friday for funeral
>Has to make up tests and quizzes today
>After school I go to make up ^
>Finished the work and my teacher asks me about my weekend
>I told him it was alright
>He then said "Not Friday though..."
>I reply "Yeah, but I've had worse."
>(He knew about my dad)

Off Topic / The above two posters are in a relationship...
« on: September 16, 2012, 09:41:32 PM »
How long would it last and would anything come out of it (Kids, money, etc...)

Off Topic / Graymane or Battle-Born
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:55:15 PM »
The question has been asked.

What side do you stand with?

Off Topic / Hank Hill Thread
« on: September 02, 2012, 07:52:07 PM »

Post pics about Hank.

General Discussion / Blockball Arena 2012 - Orginal Server
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:23:37 PM »

It's a pretty simple concept.

You're trying to capture the ball by scoring it in your own goal.
You move the ball by clicking it.

Everyone is given a Push-broom to push the other team away from the ball

Once the ball goes into the goal, a plate appears outside your goal, and you have to step on it.

The plate will then disappear and your scoreboard will increase along with your points.

One point per goal.

Each round lasts five minutes, and the team with the highest points wins.

In it's simplicity, one may find a very enjoyable experience with Blockball.



Have any comments, questions, or suggestions?
Please comment to this thread. I'll try to communicate as best as I can.

Off Topic / Soc ish Back
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:08:13 AM »

So yesterday I came back from my trip to Scotland, and this thread is pretty much saying that I have returned.

I put up a topic about me leaving for Scotland awhile back. 

I might be posting pictures of Norge and other things later.


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