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Topics - zackin5

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Games / Shadow Warrior's free on Steam
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:58:28 PM »
Shadow Warrior
Looks like people are loving Shadow Warrior Classic (1997) so we'll just keep it F2P forever. Enjoy, retweet, and follow for more news! (If the play button doesn't work try restarting Steam)

Apparently people were abusing a Facebook promo that wasn't supposed to go live yet and they were getting Shadow Warrior for free, so 3D Realms did the next best thing and made it free on Steam.

Games / Carmageddon was free on Android/iDevices
« on: May 10, 2013, 02:05:01 PM »
Yes, we are delighted to announce that FRIDAY 10th MAY sees the ANDROID LAUNCH OF CARMAGEDDON! OMG WTF DIY SOS etc..!! YES that's RIGHT, the one that you've all been waiting for (well, apart from the other one you've all been waiting for, er-hem) is here at last. And as promised, the full version of the game will be FREE for the entire DAY! FOR 24 hours only, you can bag yourself the most fun you can have with just your thumbs for NOTHING. NADA. ZILCH. SQUAT. SWEET Fing A. WOO!

Android (Get the promo version)

Grab it while you can lads, it's loving awesome and will provide you with hours of gibalicious fun.


Game Over man, game over

Games / Wolfenstein: The New Order
« on: May 07, 2013, 11:36:22 AM »

The New Order is set in 1960 after the national socialists won World War II. Gamers play as the familiar American war hero B.J. Blazkowicz and are tasked with launching an "impossible counter-offensive" against the national socialist powers that have taken over the world.

Set in Europe, The New Order will have players infiltrating national socialist strongholds and battling legions of enemies, while taking control of "super weapons" that the national socialists have used to dominate earth--"and beyond."


Off Topic / Update 18.0 has rolled out for me
« on: February 19, 2013, 02:15:43 PM »
I'm driver license compatible now, eek

Birthday loot:

Not pictured is a Chordettes album, my sister grabbed that the moment she saw it and has been listening to it.

Off Topic / Adobe's released Photoshop CS2 for free-ish
« on: January 07, 2013, 10:03:40 PM »

It's the complete CS2 collection (In other words not the latest versions if you're confused).

Technically it's only supposed to be for people who already bought CS2, so download at your own discretion.

Games / Duke Nukem 3D is free on until Dec 14. Plus winter sales!
« on: December 12, 2012, 11:09:54 AM »
Grab it while you can lads

How to enhance your Duke experience with WASD + Mouse controls and higher resolutions, plus various bug fixes:

Grab EDuke32 and plop your DUKE3D.GRP file (From your Duke 3D folder) in a folder with it.

You can also download various addon packs here allowing you to:
Enhance the visuals! (The High Resolution Pack. Ugly and takes away from the classic experience, but to each their own)
Replace the 2D item sprites with 3D voxel models! (Keeping the retro experience while still making the game a bit more modern)
Replace the music with modern remixes, or the classic SC-55 soundcard mix! (classic classic classic CLASSIC)
Add new features! such as alt firemodes for weapons, a gravity gun, transparent water, and more!


The petition in question

Won't hurt to try, so start signing!

Anyone who doesn't sign this is a gaming heretic and should be burned at the stake.

Games / Battlefield 1942 free on Origin to celebrate 10 year anniversary
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:48:03 PM »
Check the demo tab if you can't find it.

(And yes we all know that boo hoo Origin sucks.)

FFS goddamn thread ninjas


     What is it?

Kerbal Space Program (KSP) is a Work in Progress indie game about helping an alien species with their space program. Currently the most you can do is build rockets and launch them, but once it's fully completed you will (hopefully) be able to build space stations, land on other planets (And build bases on them), and much more!

     Okay, so it's not finished yet. Why should I care about it then?

Because just building rockets and launching them is fun as hell. Remember the very first rockets and how they had a tendency to explode or crash on launch or in flight? Imagine those but with five stage rockets with side mounted thrusters which also have two stages that explode everywhere and you'll have a pretty good jest of it.

And they recently added the Mun in orbit of Kerbal. So you can try and become next Kerbal Armstong! (Or blow up trying)

     Now I'm somewhat interested, But how much will this cost me?

$23 or more in order to get the full version and later updates. The price will also increase over time so it's best to buy it cheap while you can.

     Where can I get the demo?

Over The Hills And Far Away

     There's too little parts for this. Have modders made any more?

Yep! There's plenty of parts and packs, Check out the forums and SpacePort for lods e stuf.

     I installed some parts and now my game won't load!

Installing part packs have a tendency to increase the load times. Also if you have a empty folder (Even if it's got a part's folder inside it) it will prevent the game from loading.

     asdfg I can't do anything with my rockets crashing explosively, help!

The wiki has plenty of good information to help you, The forums are also a good place to visit.
Here's a calculator that tells you where you can go with your rocket's current Delta-V

     Let's see some media.

Sure thing!

(Above uses content from custom part packs)

Games / Carmageddon: Reincarnation Announced!
« on: May 25, 2011, 12:39:48 AM »

What can it beeee


Carmageddon: Reincarnation Announced!

The Carmageddon brand has been reacquired by the team that developed the original PC titles Carmageddon and Carmageddon 2: Carpocalypse Now. Stainless Games today announced that a new title is in early development, called ‘Carmageddon: Reincarnation’.

"Carmageddon has returned to its Indie developer roots, and the time is right to bring the game to a new audience.” said Patrick Buckland, CEO and Stainless co-founder. “Originally an ambitious title that tested the hardware limits of its day, we’re excited that the game will finally get the showcase it deserves on today’s platforms.”

“Carmageddon: Reincarnation will feature the same black humour and comic violence that made the original game such a success.” said Neil Barnden, Executive Director and Stainless co-founder, “All the laughs, the crazy power-ups, and extreme destruction will return. We will make sure the existing fans get what they want and expect from a Carmageddon game, and a new generation discovers the delights of sliding into a Cunning Stunt.”

“I was in the war!” Patrick added.

Now in the early stages of pre-production development, Carmageddon: Reincarnation is slated for release in 2012. Stainless Games is actively seeking a partner with whom to move the project on to full production.

Carmageddon: Reincarnation is being developed for digital download, for which Stainless Games have built an enviable worldwide reputation, with numerous cross-platform releases and multiple No.1 titles on XBLA.


Games / Angry Bird's free on PC now.
« on: May 11, 2011, 06:10:38 PM »
You can install it via the Chrome web store (Chrome only)

Or just play it (All browsers that support HTML5)

Games / Steam now supports videos. (Linked to YouTube account)
« on: May 05, 2011, 09:14:00 PM »
Your videos. Now on Steam.
Share your finest gaming moments with your friends. Upload amazing highlights, insightful reviews, helpful tutorials and other game-inspired greatness created by you.

1. Link your YouTube™ account to your Steam Profile.
2. Select the videos you want to add to your profile.
3. Share with your Steam friends so they can marvel.

Check your steam community page.

Games / Space Engine - Explore procedurally generated galaxies
« on: April 06, 2011, 07:33:41 PM »
This thing is bloody awesome.

Basically you can fly anywhere in the universe and look at planets, stars and other stuff. And it's all generated as you go.
You can even fly down to the surface of the planets to view it.

Screenshots I've taken:

Here's 0.84 (Main install)

And 0.90 (Patch)


You do need both, after downloading both, extract them, then copy the contents of the .90 folder to the .84 folder

Also Windows 7 users FYI: Run it in XP compatibility mode OR YOU WILL CRASH A LOT.

Games / Microsoft's ideas on how to improve PC gaming.
« on: March 20, 2011, 12:59:00 PM »

I didn't know farmville was considered "Gaming"

« on: December 20, 2010, 12:59:36 PM »

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