Forum Games / High School Adventures [War declared!]
« on: December 10, 2015, 11:37:54 PM »
This is a forum adventure. You are a 14 y.o teenager who has just entered High School as a freshman. Your goal is to make it through Freshman year. The characters actions are based on the forumers that post what the character should do.
HEALTH: Your character will start with 10 HP. If your character signs up for a gym class, he will be able to increase his HP and strength (more on that later).
STRENGTH: There can be bullies that target you, so you would want to work on strength because strength governs character stats such as intimidation and fighting damage. Additionally, it will increase your chances of winning a possible fight and the chance that a bully wont pick you. Your character will start with 4 Strength, not that intimidating and may attract bullies.
1-3 STRENGTH: High chance of getting bullied, low chance of winning a fight, little intimidation.
3-6 STRENGTH: Medium chance of getting bullied, Medium chance of winning a fight, slight intimidation.
6-12 STRENGTH: Less than medium but not low chance of getting bullied, Medium-high chance of winning a fight, intimidating.
15-17 STRENGTH: Low chance of getting bullied, high chance of winning a fight, strong intimidation
20 STRENGTH: Nearly non-existant chance of getting bullied, very high chance of winning a fight, frightening intimidation.
Each day I will roll for bully chance. The more your strength, the more you subtract the bully roll, which is good.
HUNGER: Hunger is a very important mechanic, as it can help determine your overall performance in all classes and in school.
0-30 HUNGER: Your character is very satisfied, and his performance stays normal.
30-50 HUNGER: Your character is satisfied, though his stomach has seen better day, so his performance in school is very slightly decreased.
50-70 HUNGER: Your character is getting hungry, so his performance in school is decreased.
80-100 HUNGER: Your character is very hungry, drastically decreasing his performance in school.
CLASSES: Your classes are very important, as they are crucial to achieving your characters goal. When you get to your class, your teacher will give you an assignment, and you guys will suggest what the character does on the assignment. If your character is facing any penalties regarding school performance, it will be more difficult to complete the assignment.
SOCIAL LIFE: Your social life governs many things such as girlfriends (boyfriends if your character turns gay or bi), friends (more on friends later), and your name on the school newspaper. You can increase this stat by standing up against bullies and helping people and teachers.
1-30 SOCIALITY: Social outcast. People rarely notice you and the ugly girls have a high chance of getting obsessed with you, and the hot girls rarely notice/ get interested in you.
30-60 SOCIALITY: Average socialness. People notice you and sometimes are interested in being your friend, the obsessed ugly girls realize that their chances of them getting with someone as cool as you is low, they back off. Hot girl have a medium chance of noticing you.
60-90 SOCIALITY: Very popular. People notice you in the halls and almost always say hi to you (except bullies, they hate you regardless of sociality, and higher sociality makes them even angrier), and the hot girls have a high chance of noticing you.
BACKSTORY: You are a 14 y.o who has just entered school as a freshman. You were never the social type, and had a very small circle of friends. The school you're going to is filled with many different people, some having personalities you have never seen before. However, the school also has very lenient security, and as a result there will be more bullies who pick on the weak ones.
You are inside the main doors, and see people talking in groups and opening their lockers. An announcement comes up telling you to go to the cafeteria to pick up your class list.
What do you do?
HEALTH: Your character will start with 10 HP. If your character signs up for a gym class, he will be able to increase his HP and strength (more on that later).
STRENGTH: There can be bullies that target you, so you would want to work on strength because strength governs character stats such as intimidation and fighting damage. Additionally, it will increase your chances of winning a possible fight and the chance that a bully wont pick you. Your character will start with 4 Strength, not that intimidating and may attract bullies.
1-3 STRENGTH: High chance of getting bullied, low chance of winning a fight, little intimidation.
3-6 STRENGTH: Medium chance of getting bullied, Medium chance of winning a fight, slight intimidation.
6-12 STRENGTH: Less than medium but not low chance of getting bullied, Medium-high chance of winning a fight, intimidating.
15-17 STRENGTH: Low chance of getting bullied, high chance of winning a fight, strong intimidation
20 STRENGTH: Nearly non-existant chance of getting bullied, very high chance of winning a fight, frightening intimidation.
Each day I will roll for bully chance. The more your strength, the more you subtract the bully roll, which is good.
HUNGER: Hunger is a very important mechanic, as it can help determine your overall performance in all classes and in school.
0-30 HUNGER: Your character is very satisfied, and his performance stays normal.
30-50 HUNGER: Your character is satisfied, though his stomach has seen better day, so his performance in school is very slightly decreased.
50-70 HUNGER: Your character is getting hungry, so his performance in school is decreased.
80-100 HUNGER: Your character is very hungry, drastically decreasing his performance in school.
CLASSES: Your classes are very important, as they are crucial to achieving your characters goal. When you get to your class, your teacher will give you an assignment, and you guys will suggest what the character does on the assignment. If your character is facing any penalties regarding school performance, it will be more difficult to complete the assignment.
SOCIAL LIFE: Your social life governs many things such as girlfriends (boyfriends if your character turns gay or bi), friends (more on friends later), and your name on the school newspaper. You can increase this stat by standing up against bullies and helping people and teachers.
1-30 SOCIALITY: Social outcast. People rarely notice you and the ugly girls have a high chance of getting obsessed with you, and the hot girls rarely notice/ get interested in you.
30-60 SOCIALITY: Average socialness. People notice you and sometimes are interested in being your friend, the obsessed ugly girls realize that their chances of them getting with someone as cool as you is low, they back off. Hot girl have a medium chance of noticing you.
60-90 SOCIALITY: Very popular. People notice you in the halls and almost always say hi to you (except bullies, they hate you regardless of sociality, and higher sociality makes them even angrier), and the hot girls have a high chance of noticing you.
BACKSTORY: You are a 14 y.o who has just entered school as a freshman. You were never the social type, and had a very small circle of friends. The school you're going to is filled with many different people, some having personalities you have never seen before. However, the school also has very lenient security, and as a result there will be more bullies who pick on the weak ones.
You are inside the main doors, and see people talking in groups and opening their lockers. An announcement comes up telling you to go to the cafeteria to pick up your class list.
What do you do?