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Topics - NAT3

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Drama / Skill4Life (ID: 4382) - Boss Battles Ban
« on: June 21, 2017, 02:10:08 AM »
To clarify, my in-game name is Aku, ID: 42731. Supposedly 'the final kek' was exploiting the map in the server, resulting in a ban.
Skill4Life bans him and then sees that we shared the same IP at one point. Despite the fact that 'the final kek' and I were playing
on the same server at the same time with DIFFERENT IPs, he decides that, hey forgetit I'll ban them both. For some reason his brain
wasn't capable of figuring out that we are two separate people who once had the same IP awhile ago. Thanks to that I received a
ban as well (due to his ignorance). I'm completely innocent and I simply ask for an unban. (and thanks for ruining port's surf lol)

If you want some pictures of the chat or something just ask... although idk how much that would help

Modification Help / Re-Ghost bricks?
« on: June 18, 2017, 04:29:31 PM »
Is there a way to 'reghost' bricks without leaving a server? I'm working on something that modifies bricks from the client's
point of view, so it would be nice for the bricks to update without having to leave the server entirely.

Help / How can I save my build to my dedicated server?
« on: June 13, 2017, 02:57:57 PM »
Sort of like the DediLoader add-on except I want it to save. My hosting computer is separate from my regular computer so
it gets annoying having to file transfer every time I update my build.

Modification Help / Setting transform while in vehicle
« on: June 12, 2017, 04:22:05 PM »
Apparently the function %pl.setTransform(blah blah blah); won't work unless the player is outside of their vehicle.
How can I make it so that the player teleports WITH their vehicle?

Help / --- Ping Help
« on: June 06, 2017, 04:48:04 PM »
I know this is a common issue that can usually be resolved by searching things up, but everything I try doesn't seem to work...

I have
  • Port forwarded [correctly?]
  • Ticked 'Disable UPnP' in the settings
  • Turned off my firewall altogether
  • & I don't have an anti-malware program
Is it possible that my ISP has somehow disabled my hosting abilities for whatever reason? forget AT&T
(I'm using an AT&T u-Verse modem/router)

Also, I'm hosting through dedicated but I don't think it makes a difference since in-game hosting results in the same situation...

Help / Slayer capture point help
« on: June 05, 2017, 09:43:40 PM »
So I have Slayer and I thought there was a default option to make a team win if all the points were captured... couldn't seem to find it
I'm guessing that it has to be evented. How would I make it so that when 3 points are captured the team wins?
Yes I have VCE, but I'm very unfamiliar with it

Modification Help / Adding another string onto a var
« on: June 05, 2017, 05:48:41 AM »
Say I have
Code: [Select]
for(%x = 0; %x < 16; %x++)
      %msg += %msg[%x];
I'm trying to make it so that %msg will equal to %msg0 %msg1 %msg2 ...etc (using the for loop)

Obviously it does not work. Yes, I'm fully aware that you cannot add strings together :/
The code I've displayed is merely a representation of what I was attempting to do.

Suggestions & Requests / Spawn kill prevention
« on: June 05, 2017, 01:41:30 AM »
Is there some add-on I can use to prevent players from dying when inside a specific area? I need this to prevent spawn
killing, which seems to be quite the issue on my server. do zonebricks have this option?

Modification Help / Smoother aim lock?
« on: May 28, 2017, 05:51:13 PM »
So I've put together a script that basically works as an aimbot, however it only works through a client's camera
and it's server-sided. (so don't get mad) :P
Code: [Select]
function LockAim(%client, %targetName)
   %camera =;

   %target = findClientByName(%targetName).player;
   %targetPos = %target.getPosition();

   //Get the camera to aim at the player
   %pos = %camera.getPosition();
   %delta = vectorSub(%targetPos, %pos);
   %deltaX = getWord(%delta, 0);
   %deltaY = getWord(%delta, 1);
   %deltaZ = getWord(%delta, 2) + 1;
   %deltaXYHyp = vectorLen(%deltaX SPC %deltaY SPC 0);

   %rotZ = mAtan(%deltaX, %deltaY) * -1;
   %rotX = mAtan(%deltaZ, %deltaXYHyp);

   %aa = eulerRadToMatrix(%rotX SPC 0 SPC %rotZ);

   %camera.setTransform(%pos SPC %aa);
The problem is that whenever the camera or the player moves, the screen gets really choppy. As if it stops aiming for a brief
moment then re-captures the target. Technically yes, there is a delay (33 milliseconds) however I tried shortening it and it
didn't seem to help. Is there a way to have the camera stay locked on, in a smoother way? I'm using this for a theater type
mode for recording, etc. so you can understand why it can't be choppy

Modification Help / Making player point at a specific coordinate
« on: May 27, 2017, 09:25:46 PM »
(In a scenario where the server could control the direction someone pointed) how could I
make someone look at a specific coordinate on the map? It's interesting because I thought
it would be easy but it seems more difficult than I imagined.

Modification Help / Saving Info in files
« on: November 24, 2016, 02:27:00 PM »
What is the best way to save information about multiple clients in one file?
For an example let's say a player earns 5 XP and I needed to save that so it wouldn't be lost
for the next time they join the server. And then the same thing happened with like 4 other players.
How would I be able to save that information using .txt files and then go back to it to retrieve
that information for the next time one of those players joins back?

UPDATE: okay I think I'm getting somewhere
Code: [Select]
funcion saveXP(%client)
%FW = new fileObject();
%FW.writeLine(%client.bl_id SPC %client.XP);
I'm just completely lost on how I would retrieve that information to use it again in the server...
what if there's like 20 lines? how would I find that one specific line for the player?

Modification Help / How to identify current datablock
« on: September 11, 2016, 01:07:52 AM »
What is the code to identify someone's current datablock?
I'm working on this add-on where it temporarily switches
their datablock to something, and then it goes black to the default
playertype. Is there a way to see what their playertype is beforehand
so that it will just switch back?

Modification Help / Finding specific word within variable
« on: August 20, 2016, 09:48:10 PM »
Say I have the variable $list .
And this variable is equivalent to this:
$list = "playerone" SPC "playertwo" SPC "playerthree";

What I want to do is find only one of these strings... this is my attempt
Code: [Select]
if($list $= "playerone")

I know for a fact that this code won't work the way it's supposed to, it's just what I came up with...
How do I make it so that it will single out the word "playerone" ? (in order for it to return 'true')

If it helps, the purpose of this code would be to check to see if someone is on the list.
I need it to be able to read each string in the variable to see if their name or ID is there.

Help / Can't Create New Forum Account
« on: May 05, 2013, 11:32:25 PM »
My friend bought a Blockland account, and now he is having trouble with something.
I brought him to coding help so that when he clicks "New Topic" it will allow him to
enter in his key, which then he could post anywhere he wants to. But it says
"This feature is temporarily disabled, try again later." So I waited a day, and the
same thing happened. Does anyone know how long I'll have to wait? And this is
happening to everyone who tries to do what I'm trying to do, right?

Modification Help / Detect if client is the host
« on: April 29, 2013, 11:21:32 AM »
I know there are ways to tell if the client is an admin or super admin
Code: [Select]
but how do you tell if the client is the host? I have heard from many people that you cannot do
Code: [Select]
If that is true, then what do I do to make it detect whether it is the host or not?

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