A player starts out really small but the more kills the player gets, the more the players size grows. At a certain size, the player can fakekill bricks on contact.
Similar to this gamemode from Chivalry:
Tried to make something similar to this with VCE and TS ,but failed horribly.
After I switched from Milkshape to Blender I read tutorials from the resource topic. So when I exported the model with Port's DTS Blender plugin on top of the default sword, it came out with bad results.
I am not sure if its plugin since people got it to work fine with no issues, so I am guessing I must have did something wrong here. Ill PM the blender file if anyone is willing to help me out.
I did a factory reset on my computer, and lost all my addons. I want to know about what is needed and what is not. Mostly bricks colorset, and gamemode is what I actually care for. I just need someone who would use the time to tell me all the most essential addons to get. I like to do map making like conan or tbd.