I was bored and I felt nosy. I thought that making a drama and talking to more people would make me not bored.
Then, out of nowhere, I thought about Boomerangdog, and how we use to be such good friends, then quit being friends for a few reasons...:(
When I saw the 'Boomerangdog is dead.' thread, I was like, I call bs. I'm pretty set on being right about that, and lately, never relenting on the case, I found some things that are incriminating, yet might not be valid. Today I got on steam and was looking at the Blocklanders group to look for old friends, that may still be in the group yet don't play Blockland. Then I thought about Boomerangdog, and knowing he was in the group at one point, I decided to search his name in the members tab. To no avail, he was not there, so I searched with the 'Add a friend' feature, boom, there he was. I clicked on his profile and was somewhat suprised. He was online 18 days ago according to Steam.
I wanted closure, so I came to you guys, you're all usually pretty good at investigating things. I have some pictures that may help you.

why would he leave the group unless he was attempting to vanish from BL?


So could it be DOU or Pass? You guys can probably figure out who he is now if he still plays Blockland, but I think we all know hes not dead.
Boomerangdog you know I hate you but the community isn't the same without you, lots of people unlike me like you. Just come back D: