« on: November 09, 2008, 12:10:24 PM »
Ok so I made the rule for my server { if I ever an able to get it back up} this is what they look like.
function ServerCmdRules(%client)
messageClient(%client,"","\c21. Do not create random usless events like kill bricks. This is an Perma-banable");
messageClient(%client,"","\c22. No asking for admin.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c23. No spamming, or my admins will assforget you.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c24. No making minigame or spawns (player, vehicle, or weapon/tool).");
messageClient(%client,"","\c25. No disobeying/ annoying any admin's.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c26. Disobeying these rules will result in a kick, ban, or being killed.");
messageClient(%Client,"","\c27. I the host, has the right to do what I want, with when I want, and with who I want, clothes or no clothes.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c28. Any admin will kick, ban, or kill you for any or no reason, don't piss them off.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c29. One more thing, don't go near Cuda that would be a bad thing.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c30. The following is for admins, non-admin you don't need to read this but you can if you");
messageClient(%client,"","\c31. Don't not perma ban anyone!");
messageClient(%client,"","\c32. Don't clear nice builds, only spam.");
messageClinet(%client,"","\c33. Use of PTTA or other programs like it is aloud on this server.");
messageClinet(%client,"","\c34. Do not change the map, I repeat DO NOT CHANGE THE MAP!");
messageClinet(%client,"","\c35. Do not abuse your power, being admin is a privilege , not a right, I will/can take it away.");
messageClient(%client,"","\c40. Page up to see the rest of the rule, I don't think you want to be banned for not knowing a rule.");
function ServerCmdRulesAll(%client)
messageAll("","\c21. No asking for build trust if said mod is enabled.");
messageAll("","\c22. No asking for admin.");
messageAll("","\c23. No spamminp, or my admins will assforget you.");
messageAll("","\c24. No making minigame or spawns (player, vehicle, or weapon/tool).");
messageAll("","\c25. No disobeying/ annoying any admin's.");
messageAll("","\c26. Disobeying these rules will result in a kick, ban, or being killed.");
messageAll("","\c27. I the host, has the right to do what I want, with when I want, and with who I want, clothes or no clothes.");
messageAll("","\c28. Any admin will kick, ban, or kill you for any or no reason, don't piss them off.");
messageAll("","\c29. One more thing, don't go near Cuda that would be a bad thing.");
messageAll("","\c30. The following is for admins, non-admin you don't need to read this but you can if you");
messageAll("","\c31. Don't not perma ban anyone!");
messageAll("","\c32. Don't clear nice builds, only spam.");
messageAll("","\c33. Use of PTTA or other programs like it is aloud on this server.");
messageAll("","\c34. Do not change the map, I repeat DO NOT CHANGE THE MAP!");
messageAll("","\c35. Do not abuse your power, being admin is a privilege , not a right, I will/can take it away.");
messageAll("","\c40. Page up to see the rest of the rule, I don't think you want to be banned for not knowing a rule.");
messageclient(%client,"","\c0You are not Super admin. Please type \c3/rules \c0for the server rules.");
But when I tried them out ingame, half of the admin rules didn't show, they are the 30-35, can anyone of you tell me what I did wrong? ???