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Topics - iAmburnJ

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Shamchat - national socialist painter time-travel funtime
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:03:16 PM »

Awful at explanation so hang in there for a moment, but basically this site lets you take on the role of a randomly generated role (or one you pick yourself) and you are paired with somebody. A famous emample;

One of my own;

I'm not really sure how else to explain it but you can check it out at

So I guess share pictures, stories, or talk about it? Yup.

Help / Conversion isn't showing up for Steam
« on: December 21, 2013, 02:08:46 PM »
So I've added my key to steam and so on, but it didn't download it/add it to my library. I go to the store page to see, it says I don't own it and when I try to add my key again on the website it just tells me that I already set my key to it. Tried booting up my blockland and it didn't show it as connected to steam.

Off Topic / Some murderer on the lose where I live
« on: November 26, 2013, 08:08:15 PM »
So the guy killed an old classmate of mine's stepmom and her three younger brothers of ages 4-7 and such, so we were going to have a lockdown drill in my homeroom class today anyway. Then a real lockdown occured and we had to call parents. At the moment he's still on the run, apparently was spotted in the woods near our commercial area. Kind've a weird feeling to have this happen so close to home.

Once it's up on a local news site I'll post it here. Just some pretty crazy stuff.

Only current discussion about it, but there'll be more soon:

Off Topic / Kid in my town hung himself last night due to bullying
« on: September 30, 2013, 05:58:58 PM »
Pretty bummed, didn't know him too well but he was funny when he rode on my bus. Last night he finally had enough of bullying he got from cheerleaders and football players and hung himself, died this morning. Kind've strange to see this happening in my town, but anything can happen.

Forgot to add, he was on life support I believe and died this morning eitherway. The Self Delete attempt occured last night though.

Off Topic / Anyone listen to Knife Party?
« on: June 14, 2013, 02:51:44 PM »
The only dubstep I can really get into.

Anyone else listen to it?

Off Topic / Brown Recluse Spiders suck yo
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:39:37 AM »
I hate them with all my life. I found one crawling on our bathroom (we have hundreds in our basement) and tried to smash him but he got into a corner and managed to escape into the floorboard. I'm afraid it might get to my bedroom floorboard and bite me while I sleep because I tried to kill him ;x

Off Topic / Storm about to nail the midwest, anybody else?
« on: May 31, 2013, 03:51:18 PM »
Southeast Kansas here. It's hittin' hard, bad thunder, rain. Tornado warnings in Central Missouri, etc.

Off Topic / People in the Midwest storm represent!
« on: May 29, 2013, 08:52:54 PM »
Southeast Kansas here. 70mph wind and massive rain, tornadoes touching down to the west, Nebraska's being hammered. Any of you in the path of the storm? Also big chance our trees could be knocked out tonight, luckily no trees will come down on my bedroom I hope.

Games / Kingdom of Loathing - Turtle Time!
« on: May 26, 2013, 11:45:43 AM »

What is it?

Kingdom of Loathing is a humor inspired pop browser-based MMO game with lots of quests, things to do, and people to play with. It's also free, and been run since 2002, and since then they've had plenty of seasonal quests, new quests, and lots of new things overall. Oh yeah, and PvP!

What can you do?

You can do plenty of things! Do the hilarious dungeons with your clans, fight dungeons, craft foods, talk with people, gamble, and overall just have plenty of fun without a bunch of grinding!

Golly gee, six classes! How do I chose?

Two classes of each section are a certain type of skill. Turtle Tamers and Seal Clubbers are muscle, Pastamancers and Saucerors are Mysticality/Magical, and Disco Bandits and Accordion Thiefs are moxie/sneak.

The mighty pastamancer is a good choice, for he can summon pasta and soon create epic pasta dishes as he advances through the classes, unlocking some sick moves and fun items.

The sauceror can summon sauce-creating ingredients to make the most epic sauces, and has many magical skills at his disposal.

The Turtle Tamer can tame turtles and use their shells to create many mystical and wonderful things.

The Seal Clubber can summon seals to club for plenty of lovely things, as well as smashing people that make him/her mad.

Disco Bandits are sneak/moxie that use plenty of cool skill dance moves to beat down people.

Accordion Thiefs can make some sick roostertails later on, so they're great as well.

Now what?

Get adventuring at!

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