Today I decided to join Chrisbot6's Super Prop Hunt (note there are no admins online and RTB is down so no contact)
Everything is just fine until Racerboy(BL_ID : 25064) joins in.
I see bigger than usual kill streaks from Racerboy, but I blow it off as him being good at the game.

But then, a few minutes later, I start to notice him killing people before guards are unblinded.
(If you don't know how prop hunt works, hiders are given 30 seconds to turn themselves into a brick and hide somewhere on the map before the hunters are unblinded. The hunters are presented with a black screen on spawn for 30 seconds. After those 30 seconds are over, they are given 5 minutes to find and kill every hider in the map.)
You are able to shoot in prop hunt while blinded, you just can't see anything like names or players.
As time goes on, it's evident that he's using aimbot to kill players during the hiding time.

And then soon, it becomes apparent to everyone that he's hacking. People start to quit because of him, and others plead him to stop.
As stated before, no admins were online and RTB was down.
Anyway, if any admin of a prophunt server or a server that aimbot can be used for benefit to the player sees this, you should probably ban him from your server.