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Topics - Little Anarchist

Pages: [1]
Add-Ons / Simple UI (UI Replacment)
« on: May 03, 2013, 01:10:06 AM »
Over the last few days I've been slowly creating a new skin for blockland to suit personal preference because in my opinion, the way the default skin looks is just too generic, flashy, ugly and really unfitting the game itself, my goal was to create a simplistic, modern re-skin that fits blockland.. The scroll bar was derived from ShadowZero's Metro skin because I've run out of time to work on this project for the time being. Not everything has been replaced yet but once I get more free time I will be actively updating this skin.


Download: (6 KB)

!!! READ THIS !!!

This isn't your traditional add-on, you do not simply just download a compressed archive and move it to your add-ons folder, you'll have to follow these special steps if you wish to use this skin.

First, Download and extract, there should be a folder called "replacement" that contains everything required to replace the skin,

Next, you'll need to drag all the files in this folder to "yourblocklanddirectory/base/client/ui" and overwrite if prompted.

Finally, set the Read / Write properties of the UI folder in your blockland directory to "Read only" and then, launch blockland and enjoy. Keep in mind, if there is ever a game update that modifies any UI elements you will have to make the UI folder in your blockland directory readable and writeable otherwise the game wont update and you'll probably crash, this will overwrite the replacement so you unfortunately, will have to repeat the above steps if you wish to continue using this skin.

Off Topic / Rest in Peace, Jeff Hanneman...
« on: May 02, 2013, 11:56:54 PM »
Incase you're wondering, he was the guitar player of Slayer.

:( RIP, a true loving metal legend...

Add-Ons / Avatar Colorset Saving/Loading
« on: April 28, 2013, 03:45:51 AM »
Mind my grammar it's 1:30 AM right now and I'm about to go to sleep..

I've always thought that Blockland's Color Set Editor lacked functionality for Saving and Loading color-sets, the way the game currently works only allows you to control a single set of colors and to me it felt very cluttered after adding to many colors, so I decided to make a couple of quick edits to it and implement features to save / load color-sets and also rearranged a couple things... It's nothing special, but it works as intended. Also, I added a button that clears every color in the color-set box so you can have a clean slate to work with.

Just a quick reminder this Add-On is used to enhance the experience with the Color Set GUI used for avatar customization, not creating color-sets that you use to paint your builds.

Feel free to suggest and criticize


Download: (5 KB)

Off Topic / Man puts his mouse in a blender
« on: April 07, 2013, 07:01:22 AM »
I thought this video was pretty cool, some guy decided to blend his mouse haha

It was an old mouse that probably didn't work anymore so I don't see why it would hurt to blend it.

Off Topic / Can Any of You Show Me a Picture of Truce?
« on: April 05, 2013, 01:14:57 AM »
Hi, I have a pretty curious mind and I've always wanted to see what truce looks like, I tried people on steam but they didn't have any pics of him :-<

Off Topic / Anti-Bully 2013(SUPPORT LIST ADDED)
« on: March 25, 2013, 11:22:57 PM »
It has come to my attention that there is more cyber-Harassment going on daily in this community, a few very young users where even driven to Self Delete because of how much cyber-harassment this forum allows, I find this behavior absolutely unacceptable and it's time to take a stand and say NO to bullying.


Now you might be wonder what exactly what is  bullying, well the textbook definition of bullying is:
Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, loveuality, or ability. If bullying is done by a group, it is called mobbing. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a "target".

An example of that definition might look a little something like this:

Say we have three people, John, Mason, Maxx, John and Mason are best friends and they like to tell eachother secrets, well one day Mason told John that he is actually a closet homoloveual, Mason told john NOT to tell anyone in fear of being picked on, John told Maxx and Maxx started to pick on him, calling him mean names like "Cream Jockey", "Fudge Packer", "Clay Digger", "friend" and "Queer", Maxx also told all of his friends, soon enough everyone in the school started picking on Mason, it made mason feel really sad, one day Mason decided he had enough and brought a gun to school, he shot everyone he saw and saved the last bullet for himself.


As you can see bullying can have a pretty negative affect on someone if it's not STOPPED, which is why, you as a community, must come together and help put an end to harassment once and for all, you can start by getting into the habit of reporting mean users, defending those who are getting bullied, and encouraging the use of kind and caring words throughout the community.


These are a few links to wonderful websites created by anti-bully activists like myself, they provided information on how YOU can put a STOP to this hatred and inspirational stories of people who have overcome bullying. - Great site for children who have just been bullied and want to find religion.

  • Skull Candy
  • DrenDran
  • Siberian Husky
  • Alteration
  • BlockoCrafter
  • TheKid
  • IkeTheGeneric
  • Swat3
  • Tetris
  • Shadowed999
  • AromaniaFTW
  • Mister Cheese
  • Executive
  • Chrono
  • Furdle
  • Silreath
  • Wynd Fox
  • lolz??
  • Ceist
  • Zloff
  • Tango
  • Extrude
  • Bisjac
  • dotdotcircle
  • Twenky
  • grunterdb1951
  • Night Fox
  • Auzman446
  • (Fallen)
  • Taboo
  • Zealot


These are jerks that you should watch out for, they will try to bully you wherever they can :( I pray that you who are on this list take a second to realize that you are being silly, and STOP harassing innocent users.

  • Nonnel
  • Kilser
  • patton360
  • Snuffers!
  • MakingBlah
  • Yosher
  • King Tony
  • Redyz
  • Pat


When you post in this thread please do not use any bully hate speech or bully anyone, there are younger users who browse this board and we as a community want to be viewed as mature and polite people.

Code: [Select]
Thank you for taking the time to read this important message, your support is appreciated!

Off Topic / Drug Addiction
« on: March 14, 2013, 05:07:32 PM »
Hi, I figured I'd post about this while I'm still sober, and before you start jumping to conclusions, I'm not posting this for sympathy or attention, I don't give a stuff if you don't believe me either, I'm posting this because I can, if you're just going to be a stupid loving brat and post smut in this topic, get the forget out.

I'm sure a few of you know that I had a pretty nasty addiction to cocaine and alcohol, I originally started using to cope with depression after being loveually and phyisically abused, I was clean for about a year I started using drugs a couple days ago again as an escape after I got the news that my closest friend had passed away after a 4 year battle with cancer, It doesn't help that I'm already extremely depressed about other stuff. I'm pretty sick right now and I've just been laying in bed all day throwing up and recovering from a hangover. I haven't felt this way in a while, it's a pretty stuffty feel.

Drama / Hi, I'm new here ^_^
« on: March 08, 2013, 08:19:26 PM »
Hi, I've been lurking this game and this forum for quite a while now, A friend I play with on ROBLOX had told me about this since we are both really big fans of sandbox games. Today I decided to finally purchase the game and join the community, so far I've had a had a ton of fun playing around in single player, I created my first build as well!, it's a fort(you can find a screenshot here, I know it's a bit nooby! :3).

I've also been diving in to the add-on system I heard this game had, I will tell you right now I love creating custom content for games ^_^ it's my past time(I have some experience in LUA writing scripts for ROBLOX), so I think it will be a fun learning experience, if you guys know about any documentation on TorqueScript could you post about it ^_^ I tried searching but I didn't find much.

So yeah, guess that's it for now, I'm looking forward to playing with you guys in-game, and I was hoping you could recommend me some servers that you enjoy.

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