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Topics - blingmobile

Pages: [1]
Creativity / blingmobile draws!
« on: October 07, 2008, 11:08:22 PM »

Does I draw good?

Gallery / bling's Hopeful BLC App
« on: September 28, 2008, 07:22:09 PM »
Let me just start with,

Oh dear GOD how I hate this build.  I am so sick of looking at it, and I hate everything I did with it.

Chew it apart.

Creativity / blingmobile's Music
« on: September 18, 2008, 11:08:52 PM »
I am a folk/comedy/rock thing.  I'm not very good at singing or playing the guitar.

I'll put more up later but right now I am going to look at GSF maps, god damn.

I Love You (a cover)

Drama / I hate blingmobile!
« on: August 30, 2008, 03:47:05 AM »
Always thinks he's so great!  He's banned me at least 20 times from his server for no reason!  I just come on and build my tower of default red, he uses big words, then bans me for "You're an idiot."!

If ANYONE, and I mean ANYONE sees him, you tell him what a jerk he is!  Because he's just one big meany on Blockland!


Off Topic / This Topic has Nothing to do with the Title
« on: August 27, 2008, 02:00:53 AM »
There was once a rabbit named Fred. Fred was your regular sort of rabbit. White, furry, full of spunk and fun. He was the kind of rabbit you would see lounging in his hole, eating up a nice carrot. Fred had his wife, Charlette. His two kids, Benny and Roxanne. And his pet tick, Joeseph.

What a happy little family they were! Going on hikes, shopping at the local Rabbit Mall, hopping around like nobody's business. Why, it was such a sunny day they went out picnicing when Fred had... his first symptom. Suddenly, he felt a burning in his stomach. He simply passed it over as nothing but indigestion at first. But it got worse. Charlette noticed him acting strangly.

"Honey Bunny, are you ok?" Charlette asked.

"Yes dear, I'm fi- hhrrggg," Fred spewed. Suddenly, everyone knew something was horribly wrong. Fred collapsed to the ground in one huge THUMP. Charlette let out a deafening shriek. A shreik that made everything in the green, sunny park seem loose, and unfitting. Charlette yelled at her children to help their father into the family car.

It was grey, a cold still grey as they rushed Fred to the hospital. Benny was looking silently at his father, who was crumpled up in the passenger seat. Benny hoped and hoped his father would be ok. Roxanne only felt emotionless and listened to My Chemical Hare-mance, an odd, yet fitting, soundtrack for what was about to unfold.

They arrived at the hospital in 4 minutes, although it seemed hours. Doctors and nurses had received word about Fred, and were waiting prompty outside the door. Dr. Jamal Lewis was the head doctor who rushed him in on a stretcher. Fred was only half awake, staring at everything. Suddenly, and sadly, his vision grew blurrier- blurrier still. He fell into an eternal dark.

When he finally opened his eyes, he could feel a hand on his. It was Charlette's. Charlette ad makeup running down her face in the shape of what had to have been constant crying, weeping. She glanced at Fred.

"FRED! Fred, you're awake!"

Everyone rushed in, excited to see good ol' Fred. Everyone was sobbing from joy that he had woken up. Later he was told that he had incredibly survived a deadly sickness no one had seen before. Dr. Lewis walked up to him.

"You did a good job, now all you need is to go home and get some rest."

With a sense of hope in the air, Fred decided that he should walk home. He needed to experience what he had been ignoring- Life. Life and all its wonders and happiness. He stepped out of the comfort of the hospital, to see the blinding freshness of the sun. It was a relief, life was now back with him.

He stepped out on to the street, he looked at the cloudless day and smiled. He whispered to himself words of how grateful he was. To see, to hear, to feel. He closed his eyes and took a long, peaceful breath. As he opened his eyes, he saw a truck driving straight towards him. The truck had run him over, and Fred died instantly.

inb4 lolwut

Clan Discussion / {CC} Clan
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:47:17 AM »

{CC} is clan founded by Woodland_Creature in 1845.  He was a bit tipsy at the time, but hey, it got the job done.

19 years later, here we are.  A clan that holds many events including death matches, project builds, free builds, and all around being pretty awesome.

Usually run on a dedicated server, {CC} is always awake, and ready to build anything we can get our grubby imaginations on.  We also have a HQ currently in construction.  Still pretty sweet.



Major Leaders
Woodland_Creature Jr.


It is prophesized that we merged with [BDU].  I don't fully approve, but no one cares.

I will add on to this topic with additions to the clan, people I missed, and anything important.  (Unlikely)

Gallery / Huge Sky Scraper
« on: August 08, 2008, 03:33:47 AM »
Made entirely by me, one brick at a time.

Pages: [1]