Writings from the trash
The ramblings of someone who clearly has no idea what hes doing.
To start off these are some random things I've written usually from personal experience.
They're completely raw and unedited so I expect them to be absolute fecal matter.
Comments appreciated-
LaughterOnce a time filled with joy, filled with happyness.
A time when only what I had wanted to do was important.
When you were supposed to enjoy life and live it to its fullest in every reguard.
This time feels short lived but its memory will forever remain.
I wish this time to come again.
To be free of responsibility and self doubt.
To be without a pessimistic mind.
A mind where even the simpliest of man could come to appreciate the small things in life.
The simple man who enjoys his humble home and wants nothing more.
The honest man who gives more than the very sun.
That gleams so brightly in the dimmest of twilights.
That brings hope to weathered men, hardenend women, and desprate children.
The glimpse of that first light, that first sight of another day's hope another day's future.
For the bravest of men are joyfull,but still keep pain in their hearts.
These men know of the corrupt bleakness that clings to all our hearts.
And yet-
They continue on.
They move on to a brighter day to a brighter future.
One filled with an emotion stronger than the word "Happy"
An emotion that fills us with pride, with dreams, with tears.
An emotion that fathers feel on the day they hold their first born.
An emotion that makes us quietly mourn our dearest of friends at their passing.
An emotion that only makes men strive for the impossible.
DeprivationThis is a place filled with a dry aching sadness. A hollow place as empty as space. Where the hopes and compassion of men crawl underneath the swift hooves of death to die.
Every person has this Void, this place of no return.
The line which should never be crossed.
The unbreakable wall that lay in pieces.
The book of golden scripture some call Hope.
This is where it all goes to wither and fade.
With it the heart of this person decays.
It shall not perish,
It shall not fade.
For it is the heart and will forever remain.
A shadow of a brave mans soul,
The shell of the knight once so bold.
The thumping monotone of a dead heart, an empty soul.
But the husk sustains the hollow man.
For it is not made of cloth or silver.
It is made of Laughter.
Why?A strange feeling to have, when theres no way to show it.
When you look in the mirror, and wish there was a diffrent person there.
This kind of feeling where most people would hate to feel alone.
But I enjoy it.
Why is it that the farther I push away from the people I love; the more I begin to feel at home.
Why does the deepest peace come in the dark morning alone infront of this glaring screen.
Why do people have to be so complicated? Why do I feel like nothing?
I work at things I do not care for.
I wish to experience a feeling I have forgotten.
A feeling that is faded and hardly remember'd.
But I must pull through and put time into an endless venture.
For this task is what is expected of me.
This is what I have been commanded to do.
It is not my need, or my want to burden these loving people.
It is what is expected.
This is why I have felt I must cast the world aside.
And retreat to a home with a warmth and kindness I have not felt returned.
A home inside the deprived; where the heart still beats proudly.
A fresh start, a clean slate, a new time, an unexplored place.
This is what I need now.
May the laughter inside me build.
As these forlorn memories fade.
So that what remains,
After this sadness,
After this pain.
Will be my Compassion
My Humanity.
Thin IceA cold and desolate place.
The air filled with a silent and threatening tension.
A place meant to be warm and flowing.
Like a summer stream to carry away ones worrys and pains.
For me this place remains a minefield.
Of cautious words and carefull thoughts.
For the fear of setting one off and being lost in places unknown.
To live in constant fear from a fate worse than any torment.
This ice bites at your soul.
And makes me fear the summer stream.
How I wish for a home.
BrokenAn endless strain against an invisible enemy.
The will to push, to break
These bonds that bind you with a stinging ache.
The suffocating affliction cracking your bones
With a searing pain, it lashes
Through this misery, this burden
This cumbersom gravity.
Pulling you down
Till deprived of vigor
You fight you struggle
You break your sanity
A fleeting attempt to remain human
Through this enormous agony.
It burns at your soul
It scars your being
Your hope withers and screeches for mercy.
For it crawls and writhes
Under this endless thrasing
The struggle takes its toll
You feel empty
You are barren, and broken.
The pieces of a lost spirit
Left in the cold.
A cutting, lacerating wind.
Shredding your purpose to ribbon
A flicker remains
Of a time when hope was sustained
Through the endless pain
The crushed soul remains
For the hope of others
Drags those who endure
To a bright memory
Of strength forgotten
A strength to carry the soul.
Might add more.
TL;DR: If you didn't read it at the start you most likely won't find any interest in it.