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Topics - zenloth

Pages: [1]
Creativity / The 2ube Live at LIPA
« on: April 02, 2012, 03:20:21 PM »

A project put on by students at the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts.

Every week we do a 2 hour show of music; band from around LIPA and those currently at LIPA. We've even had a member of Razorlight perform a set! Every month or so we stream the show live to audiences all over the world! :D (Yeah, the audiences aren't that big... but shhhhh)

I'm on the lighting team; setting up and operating some band's lighting, and when we're live I do the vision mixing. I also record the non-live weeks.

I think this counts as creativity... Making up the lighting and shiz

Insert Snazzy Logo

So, after a long time of roaming servers and only occasionally coming across a truly unique server I thought it might be nice to transfer the ideas from one of my all-time favourite maps on Wolfenstein:Enemy Territory, BaseRace.

This map combined my enjoyment of the Wolfenstein gameplay with a somewhat unique take on the CTF gamemode.

The Basics
Effectively, the idea is a trench based capture the flag with a twist.

When flags are returned to your own "base" you can take the flag to specific "capture points" which then, based on your choice of capture point, can upgrade certain aspects of your "base". This could be weapon upgrades for the team, defences etc.

The Details


This is (very roughly) the ground plan of what the map would look like. The large black areas represent the respective bases.

The red/blue ovals represent the "flags" aka "construction materials", these are what must be taken to capture points.

The black box in the middle represents a sort of "bombed out outpost" which although, you can't control it is an amazing sniper point.

The brown areas, very roughly represent trenches.


Each capture point can have a maximum of 4 levels, which would be as follows

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there are no walls around the base
Lvl 1 - Chainmail, this is climbable but you can shoot through it, making enemies easy targets.
Lvl 2 - Barbed wire, also still climbable and you can still shoot through it, however it slowly damages enemies
Lvl 3 - Solid wall - Not climbable and cannot shoot through
Lvl 4 - Advanced Solid Wall - As level 3 but also includes a "shelf" for defensive position, possibly with an MG every so often.

Medic Shack
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Building appears with slowly re-spawning "health packs"
Lvl 2 - The health packs re-spawn quicker
Lvl 3 - Medic weapon or two spawn
Lvl 4 - Possible health increase for whole team?

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic ammo stock or a few simple weapons
Lvl 2 - More upgraded weapons
Lvl 3 - Increased player slot amount
Lvl 4 - Highest tier weapons, possibly some defensive ones as well.

Covert Operations Base
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic sniper is spawned
Lvl 2 - Better sniper spawned
Lvl 3 - Players can now enter opposing-only team doors.
Lvl 4 - Players can use a "covert-op transport pad" which transports them into the heart of the enemy base

Spawn Point
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic cover over the top of spawn to avoid mortar fire
Lvl 2 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 3 - Decrease spawn time
Lvl 4 - Have a new possibility to spawn half way across the map

Defensive Tower
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Basic single level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 2 - Basic double level tower with just a platform to shoot from
Lvl 3 - One MG on each level
Lvl 4 - Rocket launcher attached to tower that can be occasionally used

Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - "Bunker" appears on top of the gate, with cover and positions to fire from.
Lvl 2 - Bunker can join to the "shelves" around the walls and single MG spawns
Lvl 3 - Two MGs and slowly re-spawning health stand IF Medic Shack is at least level 1
Lvl 4 - Occasionally usable rocket launcher, and faster re-spawning health stand if Medic Shack is level 2.

Engineering Shack
Lvl 0 - Nothing, there isn't even a building
Lvl 1 - Decrease dynamite cooldown (dynamite is used to break into certain back-ways into enemy base.
Lvl 2 - Sparse defensive mine placement
Lvl 3 - Many defensive mine placement and an occasional mortar bombard of enemy base.
Lvl 4 - Decreased rocket launcher re-spawn time

Mods Required
This is going to be the list of mods that I believe I will need to include on the server. I will edit this as and when needed.

Wedge Bricks
One Random Brick Pack
Pole Bricks
Extra Ramps
Inverted Corner


Pretty Things
Weather Emmiters

Building Helpers
Fill Can


Minigame Events

Basic Sniper of some kind
Advanced sniper (Military sniper?)
HE Grenade
RPG of some kind
If I can get a decent mortar of some kind it'd be cool.
Medic weapons of some kind

The mounted MG Vehicle

Those with links are currently enabled.

The Team

Zenloth - 4515 - ME!

I could do with help building and possibly eventing (scripting would make things a lot easier but I think I can manage most things with events).
Just give an example of your building style and ability and I'll get back to you =]

Any suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you for your time.

Help / Running TV Program and Blockland causes Display Driver Crash?
« on: January 15, 2011, 12:12:34 PM »
This is an odd error, and I have never seen other people complain about issues like this; however it has been bugging me for a long time and I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue.

Display driver crash, causing Blockland screen to be frozen black and not respond.

Have a TV program (I have used ProgDVB, Windows Media Centre etc.) running and tuned
Have Blockland running

Side notes
This is not a particularly new problem, I have been playing since v8 and for as long as I have been trying to run TV and Blockland at the same time it has happened; it used to cause BSODs.
My TV tuner card has had some issues, and now every time I plug an aerial in, it BSODs, for this reason I am now using a USB tuner and will be removing the TV card from my desktop at some point - this may be the problem, however I somewhat doubt it.
Have tried fresh install of Blockland if that is any help, however I would assume that Add-ons don't really effect the way BL would interact with my Display Card.
I notice horizontal flickering before the display driver crashes.
My display drivers are up-to-date and I have had many versions of drivers in the times that I have had this issue.

System Specs
Plenty of storage space (2TB)
Windows Vista Home x64
Nvidia 9800GT (1024mb dedi g-card)
Intel Quad 2.4ghz processor
I can get the info about the TV card/tuner if that will help.

Thanks for your time =]

Gallery / Zenloth's Unfinished/WIP build dump. [Becoming IMG Heavy]
« on: June 26, 2010, 07:28:41 PM »
Hey guys; first gallery topic :o
I've been around for a while... and never really finished any of my builds, so I decided to put a topic together of all my unfinished builds. I will update this as I find my better saves and post pics here.

Sci Fi Thing

Not quite sure what this was going to be... Never got around to finishing it, I was originally going to use it as an ARES app.

CityBuid: Subway

A simple subway system using varlinks to transport between areas of towns. Quite a nice pretty build.

Old Space Station

Those of you who frequented my old server "Zenloth's freebuild in space" would have seen this as the centrepiece of the server for quite a time. Discontinued production on this around a year ago.

Old Police Station

One of my first "good" builds, although now I look at it and think it is horrible, it is quite possibly the build which I have achieved nearest to completion with (only interior not done!)

More to come

I have another 3 or 4 more recent builds which I will probably dump here...

Please post oppinions, suggestions etc... If you wish to rate x/10 you may (I don't see why you would though). Please note that any labled "old:" I consider quite below my current building ability/over 1 year old. Any I have labled "city buid:" are often built to be function and compact to fit a certain size lot. Any labeled "collab:" are collaboration builds with helpers.


Code: [Select]
27th June - Added Sci-Fi Thing, Old Space Station and Old Police Station, City build: Subway

General Discussion / v15 - It's here
« on: May 26, 2010, 01:17:39 PM »
Just thought I would post this.
Would like changelog soon ;)
Changelog here.

  • Fixed particles disappearing for host whenever someone leaves the game
  • Fixed raycasting on castle walls
  • Fixed invalid packet errors if server is attempting to use a resource which it does not have
  • Fixed "remote control" issue if you are riding a horse when it switches datablocks
  • Fixed wrench events "send" button being blocked if you entered the dialog for the first time from the vehicle or sound brick dialog
  • Added option to disable UPnP
  • Added partial work around fix for the "infinite lag" problem
  • View distance slider now sets maximum distance rather than a multiplier
  • Added option to automatically adjust view distance based on framerate (default = on)
  • getUTF8String function added
  • Default brick respawn time increased to 30 seconds
  • Minor work around for common "ConflictInMappingEntry" uPnP error
  • Raytraced server preview images
  • Protocol registration so you can join via blockland:// links
  • New master/auth server
  • Can reposition raytraced preview center via /setPreviewCenter
  • Massive speed improvement ~400% in some cases
  • "datablock not found" console spam reduced when loading bricks that you don't have
  • Third person camera now goes through non-colliding bricks
  • Added minimum value for "too far" distance (for idiot proofing, some people were setting it to 0 then complaining they couldn't build)
  • "too loud" check disabled
  • You can now build inside water bricks
  • Error backtrace now shows packages
  • You are now automatically kicked from the server if your trust invites are rejected 3 times in one minute
  • "This does not appear to be a lan game" message clarified
  • Fixed player controlled horses shooting their riders
  • Reduced spam to master server if a player joins/leaves a server rapidly
  • armor::damage can now take a client as the %sourceobject
  • RTB is now loaded before other add-ons
  • Maximum ghosts increased to 256k
  • When you are "ghosting" you no longer receive player, vehicle or projectile updates (this should help ghosting times when connecting to busy DMs)
  • Fixed crash caused by game instance connecting to itself
  • Fixed problem where a brick failing to plant due to trust would still occupy undo stack
  • Macintosh: changed default super shift bind from 'LALT' (not working) to 'ROPT'
  • Fixed 64k/30 seconds memory leak
  • Matchmaker no longer pinged in single player mode
  • Tweaked brick side bevel texture alignment
  • Added some new bricks by TheGeek & Ephialtes
Bolded, in my oppinion, important ones.

Help / Blockland Stopped Responding
« on: July 14, 2009, 05:59:21 PM »
Every time I connect to one of Tanner19s servers, I will connect for a while then get "Blockland Stopped Responding". I dont seem to get this in any other server.

I have attached my server.log to see if any of you guys can work out what I have done wrong (I am sure it is my fault).

If you need any more info, just ask.

Help / Dead, Dedicated ONLY
« on: September 16, 2008, 05:13:52 PM »
I have had this problem for quite a while now, and have been looking round for a fix, but to no avail.

The Problem
My dedicated server appears dead.
The console of the server just keeps going "Posting to master server", I don't know whether it is meant to or if there should be more, but it is probably worth mentioning.

What has been tried
My ports are forwarded correctly, I can prove this due to the fact that I can host a normal server with no problems, people can join etc.

Thanks in advance.

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