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Topics - Crysist

Pages: [1] 2 3
Add-Ons / RC Biplane [V2.6]
« on: July 10, 2014, 11:28:06 PM »
RC Biplane

A remote control biplane with machine guns; rat-a-tat-tat!

Use the controller to spawn the plane at your feet, click to fire its turrets (rockets or quad machine guns), right click to self-destruct!


For these pictures in a set, click here


+ Added halfscaled RCs
- Fixed admin orbing from RC planes
- Fixed SpawnBomber function from RC Sapper being overwritten

+ RCs spawned in minigames with painting disabled are now colored the player's chest color

- Fixed RCs remaining after minigame start/reset

+ RC planes now explode when running over a player:  $pref::Server::RCBiplane::ExplodeOnRunover
- Fixed self-destruct explosion not doing damage

- RC planes now explode after a player leaves the serveroops
- Removed the unsightly commented-out code and spacing

+ Pref changes now take effect without restarting the server
+ HalfScale RC now has around half the health of the regular sized RC
- Self-destruct only spawns a rocket explosion, rather than also spawning the vehicle explosion
- Self-destruct explosion now scales with the vehicle

+ HalfScale RC now has its own controller and can be used with regular sized RCs at the same time
+ Weapons now have increased damage


  • Color corresponds to your spray-can color
  • Miniature version of you as the driver
  • Nametag above the vehicle
  • Different firing modes:  $pref::Server::RCBiplane::Weapon = [0-2];
    None = 0; Guns = 1; Rockets = 2
  • Health bar
  • Half-sized planes with smaller weapons
    Server restart required for changes to take effect

Original RC Script: Bushido
Controller Model: Aloshi
Support_shootOnClick: NiXiLL
Debugging: Trinick

Modification Help / [MS3D] Vehicle not Flatshaded Properly
« on: June 24, 2014, 09:40:53 PM »
Whenever I spawn my vehicle, some of its faces aren't flatshaded right. Faces that face the same direction should be the same color, but some aren't D:

Some other faces like the ones on the wings and on the engine seem to be flatshaded just fine, but not the ones on the body of the plane. All the LODs of the model are 16.

I tried many combinations and changes in steps and it still made no difference. Here's what I recently tried:

1. Select all faces to flatshade (every face except the collision mesh)
2. Check 'Auto Smooth'
3. Vertex > Unweld
4. Tools > Tile Texture Mapper > Cubic
5. Uncheck 'Auto Smooth'
6. Vertex > Weld Together

I've also tried using "Planar" instead of "Cubic" and unchecking auto smooth before using Tile texture mapper. Does anybody know how to fix this?

Modification Help / Modifying ShootOnClick to Work on Remote Vehicles
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:40:30 PM »
I've been making an RC plane that has machine guns, like the one from GTA San Andreas.  So far I've completed the model and despite the vehicle's tire spring needing work it's done.  The problem I'm having is while the vehicle's guns work when spawned from a brick and with the player mounted inside it, it doesn't work when the player is made the controlobject of the vehicle (and not actually mounted in it).

Is there a way I can make the control object of a vehicle be able to call the function onTrigger the same way a player in the driver's seat can?

I used NiXiLL's ShootOnClick script to make it have machine guns on both of its wings

I modified Bushido's RC Sapper code to make it spawn my vehicle instead of the RC car

Modification Help / Tire Settings
« on: July 25, 2011, 03:20:05 PM »
What do the settings for tires and springs do?

Like these
Code: [Select]
datablock WheeledVehicleSpring(YayvehicleSpring)
   // Wheel suspension properties
   length = 0.6; //0.4; // Suspension travel
   force = 6000; //3000; // Spring force
   damping = 800; //600; // Spring damping
   antiSwayForce = 6; //3; // Lateral anti-sway force
Code: [Select]
datablock WheeledVehicleTire(SupervehicleTire)
   // Tires act as springs and generate lateral and longitudinal
   // forces to move the vehicle. These distortion/spring forces
   // are what convert wheel angular velocity into forces that
   // act on the rigid body.
   shapeFile = "./maraudertire.dts";

mass = 10; //10;
    radius = 2; //1;
    staticFriction = 5;
   kineticFriction = 5;
   restitution = 0.5;

   // Spring that generates lateral tire forces
   lateralForce = 18000;
   lateralDamping = 4000;
   lateralRelaxation = 0.01;

   // Spring that generates longitudinal tire forces
   longitudinalForce = 14000;
   longitudinalDamping = 2000;
   longitudinalRelaxation = 0.01;
Could someone explain to me what these do, how changing them would effects tires?

Modification Help / Paintable vehicles with windows
« on: July 22, 2011, 02:31:15 PM »
Any windows I make will tint the color you painted the vehicle, yet if you keep the color blank it will stay the same.

I made an example of this

First is not painted, second is painted red, third is yellow. See how the part that is transparent blue change color.

How would I make the window stay the same color even when I paint the vehicle? In this case make it stay a transparent blue.

When ever I try to execute an add-on I made (for megashot and giving more stats about screen resolution) always gives this in the console when it checks:
Code: [Select]
Client checking Add-On: Client_Winshot
Loading Add-On: Client_Winshot (CRC:-1582617125)
Add-Ons/Client_Winshot/client.cs (13): string always evaluates to 0.
Add-Ons/Client_Winshot/client.cs (13): string always evaluates to 0.
Executing Add-Ons/Client_Winshot/client.cs.
Add-Ons/Client_Winshot/client.cs (13): string always evaluates to 0.
Heres the code
Code: [Select]
function setmegashot(%num)
 if(%num<=8 && %num>=0.2)
    $megashotScaleFactor = %num;
    %hres = getword($pref::Video::resolution,0);
    %vres = getword($pref::Video::resolution,1);
    %hr = mCeil(%hres - 0.5);
    %vr = mCeil(%vres - 0.5);
    echo("Megashot "@%num@" | "@%hr@" x "@%vr);
    %ratio = %hr/%vr;
    //%rat = getratio(%ratio);
    echo("Aspect Ratio "@%rat);
    echo("Invalid Value");
function getratio(%ratio)
  %raat = %ratio*%i;
  %rate = mCeil(%raat - 0.5);
  %diff = %raat - %rate;
  if(%diff <= 0.1)
   return %rate@":"@%i;
function getres()
    %hr = getword(1,$pref::Video::resolution);
    %vr = getword(2,$pref::Video::resolution);
    echo(%hr@" x "@%vr);
    %rat = %hr/%vr;
    echo("Aspect Ratio "@%rat);
    return %hr@" "@%vr;
I commented out the part where it calls getratio(//%rat = getratio(%ratio);) because I though that was what was causing the problem. If anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong and also tell me how to make getratio work, I would really appreciate it.

What I'm trying to make getratio do is you give it a ratio over one (like 1.777... which is 16:9) for example and attempt to find 16:9. I don't know if there's a function to turn 1.33333:1 into 4:3, so I tried making one.

Off Topic / Help, mega virus D:
« on: March 31, 2011, 06:20:07 PM »
I was surfing round the internet and suddenly, it closes and some program called "XP Total security 2011" comes up and says a bunch of things are viruses. Its obviously fake cause i've never downloaded it. It disallowed me to surf the internet, but a site told be how to bypass that, but I really want to know how to remove it, most sites are straightforward with it :/
Can someone help please?

Drama / jango.the.hutt
« on: August 08, 2010, 02:03:56 PM »

Off Topic / Birthday :D
« on: July 21, 2010, 08:57:36 AM »
Today is my birthday and I'm 13 now :D

Giant cake cause forum super big:

General Discussion / V17 Bug? - Can't Walk up Bricks?
« on: July 09, 2010, 08:36:30 PM »
No v17 is not out yet, yet I had a problem at Badspot's server and it hasn't happened to me at any other server so I suppose its a problem with v17. If I'm standing right by the Info button's 16x16 baseplate and a try to just walk onto it, I jitter around and can't get on it unless I jump or jet over it. This also happens with other plates and bricks. Anybody experiencing this on Badspot's server?

General Discussion / What happened to the trans Aero Theme?
« on: June 21, 2010, 10:51:35 AM »
I found some pics using Svenne's GUI theme, yet it has trans.
Quote from: Hugums
Quote from: Truce
Anyone know where to get this?

Modification Help / Need help with player throwing Script
« on: June 12, 2010, 06:56:28 PM »
Code: [Select]
package Throw
    function armor::onTrigger(%this, %obj, %triggerNum, %val)
        %target = containerRayCast(%client.player.getEyePoint(), vectorAdd(vectorScale(vectorNormalize(%client.player.getEyeVector()), 2), %client.player.getEyePoint()), $typeMasks::playerObjectType, %obj); //< what did you do here?
        %client = %obj.client;
            dudecheck(%dude, %obj);
            %dude = %target;
            %target.playThread(%slot, "death1");
            %this.player.mountobject(1, %dude);

function dudecheck(%dude, %obj)
    %dude.client.centerprint('',"\c3" @ @ "\c2 threw you!",3);
When I execute this code, I spawn a bot and try to 'pick him up', yet when I click him, nothing happens and anytime I just click the console says this:
Code: [Select]
Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyePoint'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger

Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyeVector'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger

Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyePoint'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger

Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyePoint'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger

Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyeVector'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger

Add-Ons/Script_Throw/server.cs (6): Unable to find object: '' attempting to call function 'getEyePoint'
BackTrace: ->[throw]armor::onTrigger
Yes, all 6 of those... Error thingies. There are no problems with that script (nothing comes up when I scroll up in the console to the add-on). Somebody help please.

Also Amade helped me when I had console errors with it. I took from the clickpush script and edited it a lot so it mounts players in a person's hands and when they click next they'd throw them.

Suggestions & Requests / Roller Skates
« on: May 10, 2010, 01:05:33 PM »
Were these ever made? Cause it might be interesting to have some sort of item that could work like the skis yet would it be possible to make it not slide sideways?

Off Topic / BSODing on Startup
« on: April 13, 2010, 04:49:00 PM »
I turned on my computer a couple minutes ago and I got a Blue Screen of Death, I tried all of the possible ways to restart. (safe mode, last known good configuration) It doesn't fix. I'm on an XP with service pack 3. Does anyone know a fix for this?

« on: March 08, 2010, 04:19:05 PM »
This guy needs to chill, he fluds this new guy's introduction thread with "He's Plaz!"

But he's plaz! No one from Roblox knows that the community sucks, before actually coming here, before!
I still think he is plaz!
I'm serious, he is plaz!
And when Badspot proves me right. I will do stuff!
Then loopyla1 says
I think the Asian is just trying to point the Plaz finger at someone else...
forget you! You cracker.
I'm American, but I am no cracker. You're just jealous because you're plaz.
You're a cracker! Now go eat some crackers you cracker!

And he's plaz I loving swear! Watch badspot come in and be all badass!
No, Because I'm right. He is plaz.
No, I'm musicmixer. -_-
No you're plaz :D
Well I'm not going to quote the entire thread, but really, Mastercookie, stop saying he's Plaz.

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