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Messages - Tezuni

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 85
Drama / Re: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle
« on: April 26, 2010, 07:01:01 PM »
This has definetley been stolen. I have seen this being fail bin'd over a year ago.
Get the forget out friend, this has never been made for blockland before, and I made it from scratch.
forget you.
There's over 6 of them on there.  And of course they all look like mine, because they're all the SAME gun.  Anyone can find a model of a Barrett M82 online and claim it's stolen because it looks like mine.  Try again.

Off Topic / Furries
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:25:36 PM »
Found this, and I completely agree:

"'s a subculture of loveual deviants and homoloveuals and general outcasts who get their loveual gratification dressing up like a cartoon style animal:

it might look cute and maybe like something you would take your kids to disney land to see but the reality of it is that these people dress that way to live out their loveual fantasies.

its scarrier than wiggers... these freaks don't just want to be another race, they don't want to even appear HUMAN!!!

You would probably notice that its only white people who engage in this kind of sickness, is this deviancy a product of bombardment with white guilt? these people aren't allowed to feel proud of themselves so they escape into some kind of sick fantasy world?

It's scary to think of the psychology behind such..sickness..."

Add-Ons / Re: Improved Force Kill (With RTB Prefs)
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:07:36 PM »
God Damn Tezuni now your releasing all your addon's lol. Just getting started :d
Just finish it off and post Mr. Wiggles. You know we all want him =P If I released that, I think I'd get a ban :o

Warning - while you were typing 2 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Add-Ons / Re: Improved Force Kill (With RTB Prefs)
« on: April 26, 2010, 12:04:23 PM »
Does it come with kill command? If so, how do you use it?
It is a kill command, and you use it by typing:  /kill PlayerNameHere

Have fun :d

Add-Ons / Improved Force Kill (With RTB Prefs)
« on: April 26, 2010, 11:59:21 AM »
+ Improved /Kill Command
   - Checks if the player name exists
   - Checks if the player is already dead
+ RTB prefs to specify who may use it
   - Admins, Super Admins, or Host Only.
   - Host only by default


Modification Help / Re: MilkShape Collision Mesh
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:54:53 AM »
The reason behind the crashes after I spawn the boat still eludes me :|  


Modification Help / Re: Can someone please script this for me?
« on: April 26, 2010, 09:52:10 AM »
Hello Kyler.

Code: [Select]
package TezC4


          function Armor::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val)




                        if((%player.getMountedImage(0).getName() $= "C4Image" || %player.getMountedImage(0).getName() $= "C4DetonatorImage") && %slot $= 4 && %val)





                                        case "C4Image":


                                        case "C4DetonatorImage":







                                Parent::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val);





                        Parent::onTrigger(%this, %player, %slot, %val);




Drama / Re: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle
« on: April 26, 2010, 04:39:09 AM »
I mess up faces all the time.  If you saw my mace topic, I was having trouble selecting each face and reversing it to face the right way.  That does NOT mean i stole it.  As for high poly, I use it on my server just fine, so you'll have to deal with it.

Drama / Re: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle
« on: April 26, 2010, 04:09:57 AM »
Yeah sure, its not only 700 polys on the bullets alone, you clearly have no idea of what you're actually doing. There's low poly and high poly then there's none acceptable bullstuff stolen models that were never designed for games. Stop being stupid and stop stealing models from the web and actually do something yourself.
Prove that I stole this Packer.  Hmm...that's right.  You can't.  Because I made it and spent many hours perfecting it.  Don't accuse people of stealing stuff because you think they did.

Add-Ons / Re: The Symatar
« on: April 26, 2010, 04:08:18 AM »
bullet velocity=150
Max muzzle velocity is 140, otherwise it will give console errors.

Modification Help / Re: MilkShape Collision Mesh
« on: April 26, 2010, 04:02:45 AM »
* Packer bitch slaps Tezuni
That's not how polygons work. Also I doubt you've made this, highly considering its in MS3D.
Packer, leave this thread.  Now.  Watch what you say before you start accusing me of stealing models.  I worked hard on this, and if you don't want to help me solve the problem, then leave.  Now.

Drama / Re: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:56:35 AM »
After further investigation, the model is stolen, completely broken in some areas and over 13,000 polys (13,399 to be exact), biggest handicap move ever.
It's not stolen, and it may be high poly but who gives a stuff, I like to put detailed work into my models.

Drama / Re: Barret M82 Sniper Rifle
« on: April 26, 2010, 03:30:48 AM »
still, not bad, but how do you hold up such a big gun in one puny hand? :D
like now...
Lol sounds so wrong...
has nobody noticed that i type in white?
like now...
o u ninja

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