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Messages - Mighty Minotaur

Pages: [1]
Add-Ons / Re: Pecon7's add-on archive
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:42:18 AM »
I have a question, When I fire said duck cannon, the projectile disappears in mid air, and I have no idea where it will land. Am I missing something?

Add-Ons / Re: Quake Rocket Launcher
« on: August 22, 2014, 11:39:03 AM »
I love you. 8D

Suggestions & Requests / Re: Metal Slug 3/5/7/XX LV-Armor
« on: August 21, 2014, 10:01:11 PM »
I agree completely 100% totally yes. Sorry about having my topic in the wrong section, Just got my account on here a few days ago and I'm still getting used to this!

General Discussion / Blockland: Metal Slug LV-Armor. I NEED DIS!
« on: August 20, 2014, 05:02:13 PM »
As an obvious fan of the Metal Slug Game, I (Not) Humbly request that someone create the LV-Armor from the Metal Slug series.
It could double jump with blue fire coming from its feet, hover (Also blue fire), and shoot whatever weapon projectile the player is holding in their hand, from its right claw hand thing.
Only other things would be that it could swing its left claw arm for a melee attack, as well as just have a default machine gun if the player isn't holding anything.
Sorry if this is a loose description. I dont exactly know how to post .gifs and photos, as well as I suck at coding. If you make this or its already been made, PLEASE give me a link.

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