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Messages - Oasis

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General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: August 14, 2017, 12:25:16 AM »
I don't know why I came back today...

radeon cards are now just amd cards.
amd's latest cpu's are ryzen, which have been the first chips to actually give Intel some competition. They're definitely catching up, and the rx gpu series is a great low-to-mid range set of cards.

Unfortunately, GPU prices are up as of late because of cryptocurrency mining. Has hit AMD pretty hard and is now starting to hit NVIDIA pretty hard. Dunno when that'll change.
I'll probably be good with my GTX 1070 for a while, just my CPU needs a refresh at this point, 4690K I believe? Would I be better off investing in Ryzen or sticking with that mid-range Intel stuff?

Off Topic / Re: Charlottesville protests thread
« on: August 13, 2017, 06:04:12 PM »
christopher colombus killed children for a living and he's honored highly for "discovering america"
i don't see what's wrong with a statue of lee, particularly compared to the above
There's nothing inherently wrong with a statue of a Confederate general in the south. The deal is, when a community no longer feels that a statue is honoring a legacy they want to honor, it should be within that communities right to move a historic monument to a place of history rather than on public grounds for everyone to see.

Its in front of an old courthouse they want to turn into a visitor center for Charlottesville, so I can see why they wouldn't want it to be so front in center for people coming in from out of town.

I've been out of it for a few months, are Radeon cards and AMD chips good now?

Off Topic / Re: POLITICS & DONALD Annoying Orange MEGATHREAD
« on: August 13, 2017, 05:59:51 PM »
I do, and I know that virtually everyone on the forums knows that too.

I think a big part of the reason why this double-standard exists is because admitting that we have a national socialist problem confirms what a lot of liberals have been saying, which is that we don't live in a post-racial society. These problems still exist and there are plenty of bigoted people that still live in our country, even though their voices aren't nearly as loud as they used to be.

That contradicts a lot of the conservative thought on race issues, which sure sucks, but seeing is believing. In our uber-polarized, partisan political climate, nobody on the right wants to admit that the left is correct about anything. But there is no post-racial society when thousands of people are marching down the street carrying torches and waving national socialist salutes.
Its cognitive dissonance on both sides, thinking that extremes aren't possible on "their" side of the aisle.

Unhinged people need to be denounced and that's the core of the problem, we have a President that expects to lead a united country while not explicitly denouncing his innermost base when they act up.

Off Topic / Re: Steve5451 is safe
« on: December 27, 2016, 01:56:20 AM »
I hope Steve gets the help he needs to recover.

This thread is dead under year after the game came out. What the heck happened?
eh, I've been playing other games waiting for the Vault Tec stuff to come out. I think we've pretty much rung this game out of all discussion points, on this forum at least.

Games / Re: No Man's Sky thread - 11 days left!
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:07:10 AM »
I'm still interested in what this game actually is going to be. Gonna wait for some in-depth reviews before I even think of purchasing though, don't want a repeat of Spore.


Wallpaper's from some android subreddit. Barely breathing any new life into this phone.

We should be able to have settlers explore the wastes for materials
They do.

Any settlers not assigned grab random stuff. If you want more stuff, assign them to a scavenger table.

Off Topic / Re: Zealot Ate a Sock
« on: June 24, 2016, 11:57:33 AM »
I feel strangely proud of you. I don't know why though. :)

That was... in-depth.

I haven't played around with the conveyors at all, I'll need to look into this now.


it would be interesting to see a fallout world in a place like new york city, where the whole overworld is a ruined city, instead of some big empty desert
New York was nuked, iirc. There ain't no buildings left.

I honestly want to find out if anyone has a better weapon than the one I linked earlier. Even though I hate how OP I am, I want to be more powerful. Maybe the OP can post the most powerful pistols/snipers/automatic rifles/heavy weapons.
Would probably say you'd be looking at 10mm/laser rifle/radium rifle/ashmaker minigun.

Gatling Laser is the most ammo efficient, iirc. Though, a modified laser rifle is deadly as stuff.

I'll see what I can do to add more to the op.

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