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Messages - Daedalus

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5 6 7 ... 1014
Games / Re: is legit?
« on: July 27, 2015, 10:44:43 PM »
g2a is lovely dude, never had a single problem

zach callison and i share a birthday, that's pretty cool
same year too? i honestly didn't believe he was 17 when i met him, he looks really really young
i think he was 16 then but still

can zach fuse with grace
oh dude i hope so that'd be sick
hung out w zach before at a party, swell kid

Drama / Re: Noobiest blockland users
« on: July 22, 2015, 11:58:01 PM »
yo let's leave the word "noob" back in 2010 where it belongs

we were all chilling w grace (the one who plays connie on SU) and we were like "woah, dude... holy stuff... T-Pain would be excited to meet YOU"
and we had a collective wooooooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhh moment

if ramona flowers doesn't win this thing i'm gonna have some strong words for u fools

Off Topic / Re: Do you have a mental disorder?
« on: July 06, 2015, 02:56:08 PM »
ADD as forget

Wow, the government must be really stupid if they are banning one of their own flags. This flag represented the 13 colonies before this was even a country. This flag is history.
F-tier bait

OT: i think it should be in the same position as the national socialist flag - only existent in museums

Games / Re: Telltale Games Presents: Minecraft Story Mode
« on: July 06, 2015, 12:24:18 AM »

man i'd love to go to a real nice college but they're so expensive holy stuff. vanderbilt keeps sending me stuff and they've got all the disciplines i want but they're over 63k a year and engineering majors pay extra
ye stanford is about the same price, no extra cost for engineering tho (that's really weird, never heard of a school doing that)

As someone who'll be applying to Stanford, what kind of stuff did you offer? My guess is you had a really nice computer science CV huh?
i self-studied for the APCS test, but that's about it in terms of computer science
really they just want well-rounded people - in other words, not just good students but good THINKERS if you get what i'm saying
like i'm studying AI which means i'm doing CS + linguistics + philosophy and stuff, they're all over interdisciplinary stuff like that
some of the essays you have to write are pretty informal which is rad

I'm not looking to go to any Ivy League colleges like MIT or Stanford, but just a decent college.
just so ya know, neither MIT nor stanford is an ivy league haha
the ivy leagues are 8 schools all on the east coast, they were established as a group in like the 1800s and the list will never change

OT: i agree with these people, go to the normal high school. on your comment about college, trust me, you can go to a stuffty high school and get in somewhere awesome. i went to a school that could barely pay for my science labs where my ap psych teacher came in drunk to class occasionally and got fired for loveual harassment and i got into stanford - it's just all about what YOU put into it.

Off Topic / Re: CHILL AF AS forget REVAMPED
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:08:08 AM »
i have a gf now which is chill
we made a bunch of margaritas and watched bad movies a couple days ago, was very chill

just started true detective, chill af as forget show

im startin college this fall at stanford and im nervous as stuff but my friends there are chill af as forget so thats chill

my ass itches, which is not chill at all

update: got it

Games / Re: Super Smash Bros. Megathread
« on: June 30, 2015, 11:39:11 AM »
works for me

Drama / Re: Who here dislikes trans people?
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:47:01 AM »
two, i think? it's not 100% clear, i think they call themselves genderfluid or whatever
i mean
a sample size of 2 isn't exactly gonna give you perspective on the trans community
have you ever considered that you're just underexposed

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