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Messages - Daedalus

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my friend jet's going without me this year because i'm out of the country, i'll try to get some swag and stuff for you guys and do a giveaway if possible

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 14, 2015, 03:51:22 AM »
Are you mentally loving handicapped?
derogatory insult, ad hominem
mmm yes i knew arguing with you was a waste of time

it's so loving easy to see.
i've presented you with statistics, and the only thing you seem to have in response is fluff along the lines of "no, i just don't think it's true that women are antagonized in america more often then men."

forget tumblr, stopped using it after 5 minutes

Not shooting but relevant

You sound like a tribal imo
yup, one example proves my entire point wrong.
do you remember when the DoJ found that ferguson was, in fact, committing racial discrimination and acting under bias, even when they insisted that they didn't?

People are equal already, shove off with this gender and racial extremism stuff. If you want to be treated like normal act normal. forget.
how can you look at objective information that contradicts your claim and still think everyone is equal?
this is what MLK was talking about when he referred to the "white moderate" - those who value order over justice

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:35:43 AM »

"From 1995-2010, 9% of rape and loveual assault victims were male."

don't see a pattern? i'm sorry.

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 08:33:16 AM »
if you're not willing to admit (or don't see) that atrocities/discrimination are/is committed far more often against women, that's a fundamental difference that won't be resolved over a few posts on the BL forums.

re: the sarcasm thing, i genuinely was not being sarcastic, and wasn't trying to be rude, but my entire argument is structured around the fact that it happens more commonly to women

re: walmart, if you don't see how that's discriminatory, i have nothing further to say because i'm not going to be able to convince you

re: rape/other threats in video games, there's a pattern that has to be acknowledged when it happens far more often to women. in fact, this entire issue comes down to the fact that there is a pattern of women being overall treated like stuff in generalized comparison to men. i would NEVER dismiss your personal experiences with violence, and i'm sorry that's ever happened to you. i will stuff on ANYONE who thinks it's okay to be cruel just for the sake of it. from a global/political perspective, though, i hope you recognize that most men are able to dismiss threats because they profit from the overall attitude of western culture.

i'll leave you with a quote that i like. i hope you've gathered by now that i'm not a particularly spiteful or angry person, and i value objective debate, so the attitude of the quote isn't something that i'd use against you here, but the content is still important.

“My response to the ‘I am not a feminist’ internet phenomenon…
First of all, it’s clear you don’t know what feminism is. But I’m not going to explain it to you. You can google it. To quote an old friend, ‘I’m not the feminist babysitter.’
But here is what I think you should know.
You’re insulting every woman who was forcibly restrained in a jail cell with a feeding tube down her throat for your right to vote, less than 100 years ago.
You’re degrading every woman who has accessed a rape crCIA centre, which wouldn’t exist without the feminist movement.
You’re undermining every woman who fought to make marital rape a crime (it was legal until 1993).
You’re spitting on the legacy of every woman who fought for women to be allowed to own property (1848). For the abolition of slavery and the rise of the labor union. For the right to divorce. For women to be allowed to have access to birth control (Comstock laws). For middle and upper class women to be allowed to work outside the home (poor women have always worked outside the home). To make domestic violence a crime in the US (It is very much legal in many parts of the world). To make workplace loveual harassment a crime.
In short, you know not what you speak of. You reap the rewards of these women’s sacrifices every day of your life. When you grin with your cutsey sign about how you’re not a feminist, you ignorantly spit on the sacred struggle of the past 200 years. You bite the hand that has fed you freedom, safety, and a voice.”

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 07:23:17 AM »
on a final note i share your resentment for the state of education globally, finland's doing pretty well comparatively but we're forgeted overall

Games / Re: Super Smash Bros. For Wii U & 3DS: MEWTWO CODES GOIN OUT
« on: June 13, 2015, 07:16:22 AM »
loving YES i want to main ryu so badly

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 07:13:39 AM »
Police Brutality seems, at least from my view, to be more of an issue of police not adhering to standards rather than just race/love.
it's definitely about race, there's a reason you don't see black officers shooting black unarmed teenagers
Men are assaulted just the same as women. It doesn't matter if it's more common for either love; the fact that it happens is the issue.
ooh nope nope nope nope nope this is so bad dude i'm sorry. it's INCREDIBLY important that it happens so much more commonly to women.
I wouldn't say the wage gap is specifically American, and I'd assume that all over the world people are paid less than others based on all kinds of meaningless qualities outside of love and race. Again, I'd argue this is to do with a lack of specific standardised pay rates.
i don't know if this is how it goes in australia, but big american corporations (with VERY few exceptions) are some of the most trashy collections of human beings in the world. for instance, disabled/handicapped workers for walmart (i believe it was walmart; correct me if i'm wrong) are sometimes paid less than 5% of minimum wage because of legal loopholes. many employers simply pay women less and then make up stuffty excuses for it

requoting everything is exhausting, so i hope you don't mind if i bulletpoint - it should match up with your points enough to be understandable

- men do have it remarkably easier on the whole. this is another perspective issue i'd ask you to consider; your personal experience does not apply to the world as a whole. "men have it easier" applies much more than marginally, enough for it to be valid.

- women receive rape threats and horrendously misogynistic comments in most online gaming communities (i'm referring mostly to in-game chats and stuff), along with being incessantly special interestized. like you said, i don't mind games with stuffty portrayals of women to exist, but it's so hilariously saturated that nothing else shines through. also, the main problem with games that portray women misogynistically is that they often completely lack self-awareness, as if presenting an actually misogynistic view rather than satire.

- if you don't see the way that most men in this country view women, then that's your issue. ignorance is bliss? i don't mean to be rude, but it's rampant, dude. that rhymed, i'm so sorry

- like i said, the deeply ingrained attitudes are outside of your personal world, and outside of mine as well. my point is that you need to stop presenting your personal experience as what is actually commonly true around the world. any statistician will tell you that a sample size of 1 out of 7 billion is astronomically bad practice.

- doesn't matter if it's an example; your example is logically fallacious, and it doesn't stand in the debate. it's funny you should bring up the cave, because my entire point is that perspective and having a greater understanding of the world is important

- i actually completely agree with you here! i'll criticize feminist sensationalism any day, don't worry

- my point isn't that content creators are deliberately trying to be malicious, it's that they ARE being malicious. perhaps inadvertently. it's not really an issue of how you construe it, when car ads feature a scantily clad woman standing next to it just to make the ad "loveier." before you make the point that men are also loveualized in media, that's true, but it again comes back to the fact that women are used FAR more often than men, and are often used in far more loveualized pieces in comparison.

- good, i'm jealous you had the opportunity to take a class in media studies! i'm going from a completely broke high school to Stanford next year, so you can imagine how i'm excited to take advantage of resources. the point is, you should see what i'm saying here based upon your exposure to how stuffty advertising can be

- you made an invalid point through a fallacy, though. i agree that it doesn't matter what form it arrived in, but the message itself is flawed.

- feminism doesn't promote only being able to have one opinion - why do you think i called an entire group of feminists idiots earlier? it's a multi-faceted ideology; confusing and frustrating at times, i'll agree/admit, but definitely not what you think it is.

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 06:04:09 AM »
I disagree with her and her opinions. I cannot see how American/Western culture is "devaluing" women or people of colour. I think that's the stupidest comment made in this entire thread.
then you probably lack perspective on police brutality, violence against women, the wage gap, the list goes on. thankfully, it used to be a hell of a lot easier to be a white male in contrast to the rest of the human population, but there's still a lot of work to do.

Personally don't like feminism because egalitarianism seems far better. It's based on the concept that everybody is equal, which goes with my theory that everybody (including me and you) is a forgetin' idiot. Feminism on the otherhand seems like it's only trying to apply itself to women's rights (aka special snowflake syndrome).
of course feminism is only trying to apply itself to women's rights, men have it absurdly easy. it's amazing to me that a community of gamers doesn't recognize this, when the gaming community is an absolute stuffHOLE for women. egalitarian is an eventual goal, but the deeply ingrained attitude against women in this country prevents it from being practical in the immediate future.

look, let me level with you. i know you're an intelligent person, and unfortunately, that's why we're having this debate. to understand why feminism is important, one has to imagine the world through the eyes of an idiot. like it or not, that's about 75% of this country. the concepts that women are subordinates and that men are the stronger ones, women exist for the pleasure of men (e.g., those loving facebook posts where there's a picture of long painted nails and the text reads "Women, this is not attractive to guys."), women should live at home and tend to children, etc, are still deeply and powerfully ingrained in most men in america. i'm not even touching on racial issues, but it's incredibly similar.

Another thing; I'd rather have a thousand tribal, loveist writers with the freedom to express their opinions and an audience who can choose to play or not, over having 2 writers who are strictly making games with the express purpose of being equal to everybody, meeting diversity targets and are not allowed to express their own opinions and biases through their own produced content.
that's a false dichotomy - also, racism and loveism in media are loving poisonous. just one tiny example is the subtle psychological effects of misogynistic advertising, in which malleable, stupid americans are exposed to anti-woman ideals and are willing to believe them. remember what i said about considering this from a stupid person's perspective? you don't agree with my point because you can't possibly imagine being affected by the media around you, but most people are, and that's a fact. and seriously, that's a logically fallacious setup; false dichotomies don't provide anything in rational debate.

"muh first amendment" isn't a good way to justify damaging messages being conveyed to those who aren't malleable enough to recognize them

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 05:01:50 AM »
"people are critically brown townyzing popular media for harmful messages? damn it"
edgy netkids abound

Oh hey it's Daedalus, the great oppressor who thinks voiceless parts of California remain part of the state.
ehh you're gonna have to elaborate on that, of course they do

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 13, 2015, 04:58:18 AM »
no, he's making a pretty important distinction that has to be understood before continuing: feminism isn't a group, it's an idea. what it "does" isn't really important, because all it is is what it stands for and what that means in the context of the modern world. its effects are consequential.
all you're doing is playing semantics
you know exactly what I mean; you're just being intentionally difficult
i'm not "playing" semantics, semantics are important. i have no idea what you're asking, it's like me asking "what has liberalism done recently" which is an equally broken and vague question. there are PEOPLE who support feminist ideologies (of which there are many subsets - consider the idiots who think eating foreign food is cultural appropriation, etc) and they fight for many, many different things. economic gains? legal gains? influence on public image? you don't have to be defensive, just ask a directed question. i love a good debate, but it's a two-way street when it comes to presenting content thoroughly.
speaking of arrogance lol
i'm responding appropriately to someone who can't possibly consider that maybe the question they asked is the problem, and not other people.
i deflected nothing, i deliberately structured a response against the way he's asking what he's trying to ask (which, by the way, i still have no idea of) to which he responded with something that placed 100% fault on me

if you're honestly fighting the principles of feminism at this point, you're either misled or an angry, angry person. anita sarkeesian is a loving idiot for the most part - please don't misconstrue my support for feminism as support for her aggressive campaign to nitpick content in vidja games. however, the principles that lie behind what she's saying are valid, and millions of white male gamers need to step back for a second and really consider the fact that american culture devalues women/POC constantly.

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 12, 2015, 05:58:23 AM »
answer the question instead of deflecting
i'm saying your question is structured loving poorly, stop being arrogant
feminism itself doesn't "do" things
come up with a better question, stop being standoffish, and maybe you'll get an answer

Games / Re: #gamergate megathread
« on: June 12, 2015, 04:32:19 AM »
Okay. What's going on then? What's feminism done lately?
lmao, feminism is a set of principles, not a person who goes around and punches misogynists or whatever you're imagining

on this year:

- lufthansa, one of the world's largest airlines, was founded

- a panic in london was caused by a radio broadcast of a comedy play about a workers' revolution

- PCP was first synthesized

- al capone was at the climax of his power

Games / Re: E3 2015 Megathread: Predictions, Fear & Hype
« on: May 20, 2015, 09:16:04 PM »
first year i haven't been able to go since like 2011 :/
oh well, i'll be watching most of the livestream. hyped for nintendo

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