Off Topic / Re: lol omegle conversations
« on: August 27, 2009, 07:37:55 PM »Quote from: Omegle
Stranger: hey
Stranger: sup
Stranger: whats going on
You: Blockland.us
You: That's what's up.
Stranger: whats blockland
You: An online Sandbox building game.
Stranger: any good?
You: With cool guns, and yes.
You: And you can make your own guns, vehicles, and faces for your little mini-figure.
Stranger: are you here to advertise for the site?
You: No.
You: You said "sup".
Stranger: ah
Stranger: so you're multi tasking
Stranger: playing blockland
You: Pretty much.
Stranger: in another window
Stranger: so if its such a cool game
Stranger: why are you onomegle
You: Someone posted a link on the Blockland Forums for it.
You: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=81541.0
Stranger: i see
Stranger: okay
Stranger: its a MMO gmae right?
You: Not massive, but we have more than 15,000 players.
Stranger: how many users per game?
You: And it costs money.
Stranger: oh i thought it was free
You: It can range from 2 - 52 people a server.
Stranger: a lot of competition out there for pay to play
Stranger: what makes blockland better than other p2p
You: Just a one-time fee of $19.95 USD.
You: Others you have to keep subscribing.
Stranger: now you sound like you are advertising
Stranger: so is this like a first person shooter?
Stranger: or a strategy game
Stranger: real time strategy
You: Sort of both.
Stranger: hmm
You: You build with your friends,
You: Make new friends,
Stranger: like.. natural selection
You: Play deathmatches, and more.
Stranger: you ever heard of Natural Selection?
You: No, I haven't.
Stranger: thats a good FPS/RTS game
You: I should try it sometime.
Stranger: NS2 is coming out soon
Stranger: based on the CS source engine
You: Ah.
Stranger: basically you have a squad of real people
Stranger: 1 person play as commander
Stranger: can drop resources upgrade weapons
You: And others as infantry.
Stranger: he/she will tell you what to build and where to build
Stranger: commanders play a top-down view
Stranger: they have access to intel
Stranger: and the rest are grunts
Stranger: you do your job
You: Inteligence; you always need it in a game.
You: I have to go.
Stranger: haha
Stranger: okay
Stranger: bye