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Messages - Tophat2

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I like this. Pretty cool. If they made it so you could easily insert gems in, like a small area below the stats and I could just click a few in and be done, would be nice.

soraka with perseverance & health regen quints/seals is a joke. who needs pots

I dunno if perseverance is all that great on Soraka. I had done the math a while back when I wanted to run it on Vayne because of her short range and gets bullied a lot but it didn't end up working out to be worth it. Though I am running 18/0/12 on most of my adcs for that sweet, sweet reduced cooldown on heal and flash. seriously though, pots are great(that part is probably a joke pls forgive if it went over my head). Maybe you don't need it because of Soraka's q, but the flash cooldown is something I love taking. Just my two cents tho. really tired at the time of writing so I might go do the math in a bit unless I pass out beforehand

Or take fearless if you're in an extremely rough matchup and are a fervor user for those longer fights. Helps with burst but I didn't really notice it helping me too much.

edit; I did not realize the quints were 2.7 health per 5. it boils down to(assuming you take recovery in resolve as well as runic armor), 20ish health per 5. 4 health per second is pretty good, all things considered. that's actually at level 1, which would get buffed up even further if you end up at dangerously low health. huh. today I learned.

Nah. Meditation alone is enough mana regen as long as you aren't facerolling your keys early. Example is a Janna q or e. Actually, if the lane isn't pressuring too hard, supports get so much mana regen from stuff like Redemption. It's like 17 per 5s, crazy numbers considering most other items like ardent are 13 per 5s. Whereas Redemption still gets so many other things like health regen. So I guess mana regen really isn't required unless you're playing like, brand and for some reason have been in lane for 14 minutes with no back and somehow no kills have gone down.

I like socket systems like in path of exile(or diablo 2 for a better example) but I feel that would put too much power into higher tier items. Or not enough in lower, idk how the socket balancing would go but it's a neat concept. Like, at the same time it would be cool, unless you could save certain loadouts on champions for specific items(like IE always having buffed crit or more AD on Caitlyn), then it'd probably work out. I'm just hoping they don't screw up too badly on what goes on with runes in the future.

But the scaling runes, yeah. Literally no point in taking scaling AD since people get more health later on so it's still hard to kill them, adcs don't even take them because of trying to win very early trades, etc. I kind of feel even if there was like an attack speed scaling quint, it probably wouldn't be worth taking due to the nature of bot lane(where I am currently, anyway, something like silver for my norms mmr). Where people tilt into a black hole of salt before 20 minutes because they missed 5 cs due to zoning from the enemy laners. or something dumb. Eh. I'd love to see improvement there.

Purely just to speculate, I don't think increasing the base values of every champion is how to fix it, just with how runes end up working. End up with "why does this champion go top lane but have very little extra AD?".

But further down you mention basic rune pages, yes. Giving everyone a 'standard' set of T3 runes is something I've been thinking about for a while now. Doesn't completely fix the problem, but if someone gets to run two pages for AD and AP, then branch off later, they can. Though I don't see anyone buying other runes just short of mana regen for certain supports or scaling runes. Others are just beyond trash unless I'm missing something. MS quints are fine for a few oddball champions, prob some others around there that are really situational at the bottom line.

I feel like the XP boosts are actually going to be a bad thing(assuming that there was a direct translation over here to our servers, etc). It speeds up people who want to smurf, I dunno. I remember playing a lot of aram with some friends and then my game knowledge was stuff because that's all I ever played. Now IP boosts, and the amount if IP, even if was only like 15k over here, would be a godsend to newer players, ensure that they have some way to get into draft pick and get to play with other roles. Facebook thing I remember hearing about is dumb. Could social media please be kept out of rewards? Though it is Garena and they do things in very strange ways.

But for a long time the leveling to 30 road has been broken. At the same time everyone wants changes to runes(myself included), I've grown so used to my 13%-ish attack speed for a page. And y'know, AD. Honestly they should just make them free until they can find another way to do the runes. They already did it was T2 runes then reduced the price of T3 but that still doesn't fix the problem. With people starting the game who are going to be at a huge disadvantage, who finally get to finish their T3 rune pages at the cost of not having a couple champions(or a few), it doesn't feel like you've worked towards something, rather worked away from actually getting to experience more champions.

Masteries I feel should be better than 1 point per level. Sure points would stop at 15 or so but then newer players would get to practice with a full mastery page.

I don't want to recommend the super high expensive ones as if you should go for them without question, but maybe you could set it as a goal, or check them out when they hit the free rotation, something like that.

Zyra is probably the closest to Venomancer(and is a support). Uses a seed mechanic then other abilities to make them sprout and attack enemies. Only really builds a couple support items(if even) before going full damage, but she's extremely effective early game if the enemy doesn't respect the roots. I want to mention that supports get to build a sightstone which is basically a 3+ ward bank that refreshes every time you back. So between sightstone and her plants(which give vision for a brief moment if you press w somewhere, or when the plants are sprouted), it's pretty nice to have as an anti-facecheck.

I'm gonna throw Nocturne out there, he's probably as close as one could get to Spectre. Isn't the tanky type but has the shadow dagger path with his own q and the playstyle of dive in and murder with his ult from downtown. He's a jungler though so I'd wait on him, but you could still check him out on a guide or two.


it's probably best to dabble in a little bit of a couple things so you always have some other role to play just in case someone takes it from you in blind pick(or you get autofilled in draft later).

I would say Garen(top lane) or Soraka(support), the former being a raid boss later on if built correctly due to raw tank stats and damage reduction and the latter being a good support to learn. Soraka is fairly straightforward other than a couple of key things about her having a global heal ult and not falling into the trap of having 1% hp(because her heals take away from her own health, which she gets back from her q on enemy champs). She's more passive though, kind of lets the adc do most of the work and is there to save them via massive healing.

I feel like it would be best if you went for some of the 450s and 1350s that you want before saving up since the next tier is 3150 and that's a lot. Unless there's a champion you found that you really want at that tier of IP.

Speaking of which, what kind of supports did you main in Dota2? I played for a decently long time and I could probably point you to something similar to what you liked to play.

Builds are kind of iffy. Rule of thumb is to never fall into the trap of building the same set of items every game since they're all different, but supports tend to get a free pass most of the time due to the active items they get being extremely powerful. Other thing I want to mention is that the recommended build isn't law, but I see so many people blindly follow it when there's items that could be more useful for that champ.

For items, I would suggest the practice tool just to mess around with stuff or at least get to read all of it. I use mobafire for my guide reading which has some pretty in-depth stuff about the game, but the item builds are at the top of each guide, since reading the whole thing gets tiring. Though I'm sure others have suggestions for other sites which I forget the names of.

I feel like hecarim needs to farm a bit much for that triforce rush into cinderhulk for midgame, unless you use a different build path. would be interested in knowing it as I haven't tried hec myself in games yet but I own him due to champ shards

could totally agree with the rest of the list on the easier spectrum of champs, viktor's laser takes some getting used to tho.

I finally decided to try this game out because a friend of mine talked me into it

gimme tips becuz i bad

most 450 IP champs are good to start with, though I would avoid Sivir(because her build path is so restricted right now and more team focused) and Singed until later on.

if you can use your minimap you are better than 90%(?) of players. also there's options somewhere to reduce interface sizes, may want to check that at some point down the line if you feel too much of your screen is covered

yorick vs naut is cancer i can confirm as a yorick main
chogath is up there as well, along with swain and any ranged champ

hes basically only good against people who cant escape or silence him if they all in him

thing is, I was second pick blind on our team for top lane. rip him. iceborn after sunfire was great, though I was helping the rest of the team at that point

I experience this as well in gold, started to ban him myself as he doesn't even need to get "fed" to have an impact on mid-late. The yi's I've met can build 2 tanks items and still pop you, making it impossible to burst him down without consistent cc, such a pain.

I know everyone's saying "boohoo yi is so easy to counter just cc him", but I think he's getting out of hand when he can build tanky and have the highest dmg output in the game.

actually when I looked at that page riot put up for 2016 stats, I had died the most to Yi and thought it was because of my inexperience at first. screw yi. at least I can play around a yasuo wind wall of bullstuff as an adc(not really). I haven't actually seen a good one in a while but it does seem impossible to push out any lane for fear of getting instagibbed.

Just had a good game as Naut. I really like his kit, farm wasn't too bad and my jungler(Trundle) got me a couple kills on a Yorick who was basically useless. pretty solid ganks, gave me solo tower gold too after helping me raze it. though I was only in 25%(ish) of the kills at 2/0/3. coulda made a TP play early game but saw it too late. though it did let me TP back to lane and keep the pressure up on said Yorick, fun time

dude what kind of absolutely trash top laners have you been getting that think tp, the macro-play centered summoner spell, falls off when macro-play starts getting way more important

i have never heard of people not taking tp top because they think tp is bad

the type that normally go "im gonna take ignite for the increased kill pressure" then don't play around it *at all*. the "reasoning" I heard(at some point, unsure when) was that there's nothing to TP to when they've lost not only their lane, but both towers since they start roaming and give up entirely. thinking outside of micro play is so hard for people. ugh. send help

to be clear I take TP more often than most other spells aside from flash(or heal). barrier on lux against harder matchups is working out for me midlane, but it's crossed my mind a few times.

as for another thing people don't do even when it costs them a few deaths; how many wards do you all typically get to put down in a game? as support I reach around 8-15 control wards, end up at 25-40 in total. most other roles my control ward game is stuff but I still get 10 wards around the 20 min mark, around 20-something wards at 40ish. Normally I have blue at that time, or I've been clearing out a lot of enemy vision for the most part.

It depends. You have to send someone with waveclear because if the wave crashes on the tower and you just sit mid as 5, you lose that tower for free. If your top or mid has teleport, preferably send them to clear the wave so that if the enemy team tries to engage, they can teleport in to the fight. If not, send the person that can clear wave the fastest so they aren't gone as long.

It's preferable to not let the side lanes slow push into you in the first place, but if they start building up huge waves, it's up to your discretion to make the best call in that situation, but doing nothing about it is the worst call.

this is true but I play a lot of soraka, janna, karma and sona and I don't have enough damage to wittle the super creeps down, sona might be a bit different but I don't build lichbane on her much anymore, stopped doing that when I got better at using my actives. to address another thing most top laners I get don't bother taking tp because it "falls off", I shoulda mentioned that but still. :(

basically we'll have some somewhat-fed diver like a Vi or a Yi that keeps wanting to charge in 3v1, you know those people. though that's more early-midgame, not so much late but it continues until late, where some think kda will win a game. so I just stick to them like glue, get my wards up and if they go in, I usually have a redemption, locket, other tools to keep them alive so fights actually go in our favor, then make a call off of that. it's sloppy but constant fights are typically where I can keep those types alive. assuming, y'know, they weren't feeding but it's worth a shot if my adc can play safe for a bit

ok I went on a whole speel about that and the tl;dr was I'm typically around silver in my norms, most people don't know how to close out a game or stall a game, powerspikes, etc. follows the rules of usually whoever engages first wins, assuming they've got backup since both teams are at a standstill every single game. Or that's what it feels like honestly.

I can usually get the map into a pretty favorable position for my team when I'm playing support if I've got a friend or two, not the best shotcaller but doing something is better than nothing. tends to work out most of the time. this is why I pretty much only play tanks top with TP, not great at using ignite on others. unfortunately not many people ward(or ward at all) for me to flank to. I forget, is it possible to TP onto a blue ward?

edit: yeah normally as the adc(assuming I have a no-tp top or mid, or waveclear mid for that matter because assassins amiright), I go clear the wave real quick while my team engages, or was playing too far forward and the enemy team got bored. happens from time to time

guys pls help me out with this issue ive been having:
imagine this scenario with me playing either support or jungle

its mid to late game, both teams are on mid and there is risk of a fight
our side lanes are pushed by large minion waves that threaten the tower being destroyed or split pushed
do i stay with the team or clear the towers?

if you're a support, even a damage support like sona, stick with the team. the amount of time required to clear those waves is way too long. on a support like zyra or brand, i still wouldn't risk it unless you're sure you could ping your team back to not fight until you return and you've got a couple items to clear them.

same applies if you're a jungler, unless you can waveclear extremely well as a graves or with a nunu ult, etc, probably don't bother. kind of need to force something at that point though. it's basically; aoe damage and enough of it? can your team buy time for you to get back as well? that's probably when it's safe to do so. though people leaving the fight as well to match or to ambush you in the jungle is painful.

conononoan beat me to it

ayy for anyone who wants a tl;dr of most stuff to come in midseason and hasn't opened the league client today;

I never heard about rift herald. huh.

forget you yasuo, gangplank, and draven-that-always-seems-to-get-fed
they didn't decide to go through with it(at least on the pbe so far, that was a previous version of it), would've ruined my day as an adc if a tank somehow got ahead. though they did make it -20% reduced damage from crits which I'm more okay with. screw yasuo anyways, windwall gets me flamed from my teammates who don't want to fall back or push forward in a huge fight. sucks :c

zeal upgrades are looking better now with hurricane losing the 15 onhit damage, but it's 40% damage for the two bolts up from 15%. cannon and shiv are going to be a lovely mix, can't wait to try it out. Would be fun to compare which ends up doing more on Jinx and others. I think whatever they're doing to shiv atm might ruin any hope of waveclear that Vayne has so people are gonna need to work around that. most went PD anyways but still

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